Odelo: Red Valentino @yooto_online
Nakit: Giovanni Ferraris @chronograph @chronograph__Armenia
Šta Vam je omiljena stvar kod Vašeg posla?
Ja zaista obožavam svoj posao prvo zato što ne izgleda kao da radim. Moj omiljeni deo je taj što uživam u čitavom procesu snimanja kampanja i generalno rada ispred kamere, ali i i iza nje kao art direktor.
Kako biste opisali vaš rad? Šta je vaš zaštitni znak?
Teško je dati precizan odgovor kada vaš posao podrazumeva nekoliko delova modne fotografije; modeling i art direkciju. Rekla bih da je to jaka veza između mene, kamere i fotografa. I ta veza se može opisati kao flert između muškarca i žene, ili ples između dvoje ljudi koji obožavaju jedno drugo, ili kao razgovor u sitne sate između bliskih ljudi. Veoma je intimna stvar to što se dešava kada se stvara modna fotografija. Ali kada dajem svoju direktivu, kada sam u procesu obrade fotografija, kada vidim svaku sitnicu rada za koji sam ja zadužena, to mi daje kontrolu i u isto vreme slobodu da sebe izrazim do kraja, na način na koji se samo manekenstvom ne mogu izraziti.
Odelo: Red Valentino @yooto_online
Nakit: Giovanni Ferraris @chronograph @chronograph__Armenia
Koji Vam je omiljeni trenutak u vašoj bogatoj karijeri?
Kada sam shvatila da modeling nije glavna tačka u mojoj karijeri već i obrada fotografije, shvatila sam da mogu da osetim boje, senke, svetlo i teksture. I naravno činjenica da sam na naslovnici Harper’s Bazaara.
Šta prvo uradite pre nego što otpočnete svoj radni dan?
Obično popijem sok od sveže ceđene pomorandže, zatim uradim jogu kod kuće, meditiram, a ponekad ode mi na trčanje rano ujutru. Nakon toga uradim svoju rutinu za negu kože i definitvo doručkujem nešto lagano tako da imam energije za čitav snimajući dan.
Šta ste poslednje gledali, slušali ili čitali što Vas je inspirisalo?
Poslednji film koji sam pogledala i koji me je zaista inspirisao, je film o Coco Chanel. Koji me je prosvetlio kao mladu ženu, koja zna šta tačno hoće od svoje karijere i svog života generalno. Takođe moram da kažem da me inspirišu i žene kao bića koja su uspela da se uzdignu u muškom svetu i da ga pokore.
Odelo: Red Valentino @yooto_online
Košulja: Emporio Armani @yooto_online
Recite nam nešto o vašoj manekenskoj karijeri i koji projekti su vam posebno dragi?
Moja manekenska karijera je veoma interesantna. Imala sam priliku da radim sa različitim dizajnerima, da sa nekima od njih čak postanem i prijatelj i da razumem šta je moda zapravo svaki put kada radim sa vrhunskim profesionalcima, luksuznim brendovima ili kada prisustvujem nekom modnom događaju.
Za mene, pošto sam model kako za nakit, tako i za odeću, imam prilike da vidim dva aspekta ove umetničke industrije kao model i kao art direktor. Ali mogu Vam zasigurno reći da se vidim negde u inostranstvu jer želim da budem više involvirana u čitavu ovu industriju.
Šta je ono što ljudi nikada ne bi rekli za Vas?
Ono što niko ne pretpostavlja o meni je to da studiram međunarodne odnose i da se bavim već 4 godine modom, od čega 2 profesionalno i to sve sa samo 21!
Šta vidite u budućnosti modne industrije?
Za mene je kvalitet uvek na prvom mestu, a posebno u modi. Nažalost zbog pojave “brze” mode ovo je sve manje slučaj. Dizajn nije dovoljan, jednostavno sve mora biti kvalitetno izrađeno uz pomoć vrhunskih profesionalaca.
Da li imate neke ciljeve do kraja godine koje želite da ostvarite?
Prvo, ova godina mi je donela mnogo toga, posebno ljude koji su me mnogo inspirisali da nastavim sa svojim radom zbog njihovog pogleda na svet i entuzijastičnost koju imaju prema mom radu, naravno to su ljudi koji su postali moji veoma bliski prijatelji. Saradnja sa velikim brendovima iz moje zemlje, i naravno ovo snimanje za Harper’s Bazaar. Do kraja godine čekam samo sledeći veliki cilj sa velikim osmehom na licu.
Košulja: Versace Jeans Couture @yooto_online
Suknja: Emporio Armani @yooto_online
Nakit: Rebecca Gioielli @chronograph @chronograph__Armenia
English here:
Dina Daian: Through the prism of femininity
Multitalented Dina Daian is a star of the new October digital cover. In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar she told us what she loves about her job, what one of her work days looks like and what is the future of the fashion industry.
What do you love about what you do?
I really adore my job that’s why it’s doesn’t seem that I work. And my favorite part of my job is that I enjoy the entire process of doing fashion campaigns and working in front of the camera as a model, and behind the camera as an art director.
How would you describe your work? What’s your trademark?
It’s hard to give a solid answer when your work combines few aspects of fashion photography; the modeling and art direction. I’d would say that it’s a strong bond between me, the camera and the photographer. And this connection may be described as a flirt between a man and a woman, or a dance between 2 people that are each other’s admirers, or like a late night talk between two close people. It’s a very intimate thing and that’s happening every time during a creation of fashion photography.
But when I’m directing, when I am in a process of a retouch, when I see every little detail of work that I was personally in charge of making, it’s giving me the control and at the same time the freedom to express myself fully, in a way that I can’t express only in modeling.
Odelo: Red Valentino @yooto_online
Košulja: Emporio Armani @yooto_online
I’m sure you have so many, but what have been your most favorite moments in your career?
When I understood that not only modeling is the main point of my career but also discovering retouching by understanding that I can feel the colors, shade, light and texture.
And of course being on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar magazine.
What is one thing you have to do before you start a workday and why?
I usually drink a freshly squeezed orange juice to keep the tone in my body, do yoga at home, after I meditate, sometimes I go for a run very early in the morning, but I can’t say that it is an everyday thing for me. Do my skincare routine and definitely eat breakfast, a light food, so I can have energy for entire shooting day.
What have you watched/heard/read lately that has inspired you?
The last thing I have seen that really inspired me, was a movie about Coco Chanel. It made me realize as a young woman, what exactly I want from my career and from life in general. And I am so inspired of her persona as woman, who became one of the firsts that could establish in the men’s world and conquer it.
Sako i pantalone Emporio Armani @yooto_online
Nakit: Rebecca Gioielli @chronograph @chronograph__Armenia
Tell us more about your work as a model and any other projects that are close to your heart?
My career as a model is quite interesting, it gives me an opportunity to work with fashion designers, make friends with them, to understand what is fashion for me every time when I work with professionals, work with luxury brands, attend to fashion events etc.
For me, I am a jewelry and clothes model, I can see me in this two aspects of the art industry as a model and as an art director. But I can say surly that I see myself beyond the country now I live because I want to grow more in this industry.
What’s one thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
People are always surprised to find out that I am studying international relations and working in art industry for 4 years and last 2 of it professionally and I am only 21 years old.
What do you hope for the future of the fashion industry?
for me of course in everything but especially in fashion, the quality is on a number one place for me, but nowadays because of fast fashion, fashion lost its original quality. The design is not enough and it also has to be made in high quality garments, with high qualified specialists.
What are some of your goals for this year?
First of all, this year brought me people that are real magnets in their sphere and they really inspired me to continue to do my work much more enthusiastically than I usually do, and of course they became my very close friends. Collaboration with major brands in my country, having their trust as a professional. Understanding and accepting my growth just in one year of doing hard work, and of course organizing shoot for Harper’s Bazaar in the middle of the year and still waiting for next goal to end the year with a huge smile and happiness on my face.
Košulja: Versace Jeans Couture @yooto_online
Suknja: Emporio Armani @yooto_online
Nakit: Rebecca Gioielli @chronograph @chronograph__Armenia
Team credits:
Model and Art Director: Dina Daian @dinadaian
Photographer: Lusine Grigoryan @griglusphoto
Stylist: Zhora Karapetyan @gio.karapetyan , Ashi Muradyan @whoisashiii, Gia Mateo @_giamateo
Photographer assistant: Marat Karapetyan @karapetyan_photoworks
MUA: Gayana @gayanaxo_makeup
Hairstylist: Ani Avdalyan @aniavdalyanofficial
Dress partner: Yooto Store @yooto_online
Jewelery partner: Chronograph Boutique @chronograph__armenia
Location partner: Armenian Helicopetrs @armenian_helicopters