Nathalie Den Dekker: Modno buđenje

Čoker vlasništvo stiliste

Sa zvezdom naše Aprilske digitalne naslovnice, Nathalie Den Dekker, razgovarali smo o benefitima koje joj je donela titula Miss Holandije, o bogatoj advokatskoj karijeri, budućim planovima i o novinama koje je tek očekuju.

Karijeru ste započeli kao Miss Holandije. Da li je to bio početak vaše karijere i koliko vam je to pomoglo?

Pre svega moram da zahvalim svojoj majci i starijoj sestri na manekenskoj karijeri. Moja mama se bavila modelingom kao mlada i moj san je bio da krenem njenim stopama. Uz ohrabrenje moje porodice a posebno moje straije sestre koja mi se pridružila na mom prvom kastingu počela sam u tinejdžerskim danima sa takmičenjima. Stvari su se razvijale brže nakon što sam dobila svoj prvi veliki ugovor u Maleziji, Aziji  a zatim nastavila kada sam postala Mis Holandije 2012. Nakon takmičenja za Miss Universe u Las Vegasu pobedila sam na takmičenju CHI Model Search i radila širom sveta nakon toga.

Svilena bluza TATMU
Kupaći kostim BEACH RIOT

Na koji način se vasa karijera razvijela nakon pobede? Takođe ste i advokatica.

Završila sam pravni fakultet sa visokom ocenom 4.0. Nikada nisam očekivala da ću raditi kao model sa punim radnim vremenom. To se jednostavno dogodilo i nastavilo se dešavati. Međutim koliko god da sam volela da se bavim modelingom i da putujem po svetu, sva ta putovanja bez mojih voljenih ljudi učinili da se osećam usamljeno. Nedostajala i je moja zemlja i tako sam odlučila da se vratim. Takođe, bila sam spremna za više stabilnosti u životu. Uskladiti advokaturu i modeling bilo je zaista teško. Naravno došlo je do supčavanja sa mnogim predrasudama. Osećala sam da moram da radim duplo više kako bih dokazala da mogu da budem i lepa žena i dobar advokat. Međutim, ne plašim se izazova i više sam nego srećna što mogu pokazati svetu da postoji mnogo više od onoga što se može videti. Čuvena izreka glasi “ne sudi o knjizi po koricama”.

Takođe imate I voditeljskog kao I iskustva u glumi. Recite nam nešto o tome.

Otišla sam na njujoršku filmsku akademiju kako bih završila neke kurseve, a već tada sam bila ambassador nekih poznatih svetskih brendova. U Holandiji sam bila na audiciji u različitim producentskim kućama, i to je rezultiralo na saradnjom na dve vikend emisije, a takođe sam vodila i neke događaje uživo.


Šta je vaša najveća snaga?

Trudim se da radim samo stvari koje volim. Smatram da je to veoma važo. Neki ljudi su me pitali kako je moguće da kombinujem toliko različitih stvari u isto vreme. Gledajući unazad, ni sama ne znam kako sam to postigla. Pretpostvaljam da ako voliš to što radiš možeš sve.

Koja je tvoja dnevna beaty rutina? Kako održavate savšen izgled lica i tela? Recite nam neke korisne savete.

Zaista nemam beauty rutinu. Ne koristim neke posebne proizvode, vrlo često ne koristim ništa. Volim da budem što prirodnija u svom svakodnevnom životu. Uglavnom čistim lice samo vodom. Međutim, ako sam imala snimanje ili neku drugu priliku u kojoj sam morala da se našminkam, obavezno očistim lice čim dođem kući bez obzira na vreme. To je vreme kada koristim sredstvo za skidanje šminke kao i sredstvo za čišćenje. Takođe, u tim trenutcima koristim i serum Ili neko ulje za lice i rehidrataciju kože.

Čoker vlasništvo stiliste

Nedavno ste postali majka. Kako je to uticalo na vas?

Ro]enje deteta vas navede da se zapitate šta su za vas prave vrednosti. Tako je magična stvar iskusiti jednu potpuno novu vrstu ljubavi, života i gledati kako ljudsko biće raste i otkriva svet. Povratak na posao došao je sa dosta “mamine krivice”. Definitivno mi je trebalo neko vreme da pronađem novu ravnotežu u svom životu između upravljanja karijerom i majčinstva.

Šta najvoše voliš kada putuješ kao model?

Odrasla san na farmi pečuraka u malom gradu na jugu Holandije. Modeling mi je dao priliku da putujem svetom i upoznajem nove ljude iz svih različitih zemalja i kultura.  To mi je proširilo horizont i promenilo me kao osobu.

Šta su vaši budući ciljevi kada je karijera u pitanju?

Moj muž je sportista, a prošle godine se preselio u SAD zbog svog posla. Imala sam dosta zauzetih godina koje sam provela radeći kao model, advokat istovremeno brinući se o našoj ćerki. Naravno želim da moja porodica bude na okupu tako da ovaj potez vidim kao novu priliku da se možda odmorim od karijere advokata, ponovo radim više manekenskih poslova i da više uživam sa svojom porodicom. Trenutno istražujem novi grad, ako zna možda ćete me uskoro gledati i na velikim ekranima.

Pantalone TORY BURCH
Sandale A.W.A.K.E

English here:

You started your career as Miss Nederland. Was that the beginning of your career? How much it helped you? 

First of all, I have my mother and my elderly sister to thank for my modeling career. My mom was modeling when she was young, and it was a dream to follow in her footsteps. With the encouragement of my family and especially my elderly sister who joined me for my very first casting, I began in my teenage years with pageants. Things shifted into higher gear when I got my first big modelling contract in Malaysia, Asia and then continued when I became Miss Netherlands in 2012. After competing in Miss Universe in Las Vegas I won the CHI Model Search and worked around the globe the year after. 

In which way your career has developed after that? You work as a lawyer as well?

I graduated with a GPA of 4.0 from law school. I never expected to be working as a full-time model. It kind of just happened and kept on happening. However, as much as I loved modeling and travelling the world, all the travelling without my friends and family there also made me feel very lonely sometimes. I started to miss my own country and decided to move back. I was also ready for more stability and security in my life. Balancing my work as a lawyer with modeling was harder than I expected. Of course, I faced a lot of prejudices especially from collages in the business. I felt like I had to work twice as hard to prove that I could be a beautiful woman and be a good lawyer both at the same time. However, I am not afraid of a challenge and more than happy to show to the world that there is so much more to someone than meets the eye. Or as the saying goes: “don’t judge a book by its cover”. 

You also have presenting and acting experience. Tell us something about that.

I went to the New York film academy to do some courses there and already started presenting a lot whilst being a brand ambassador as a model for different brands. They wanted me to host behind the scenes or the launch event of new products. Back in the Netherlands I auditioned for some different productions and I ended up presenting some different (weekend) daytime shows and some live events as well.


What is your greatest strength as a professional?

I only try to do the things that I love most in life. I think that’s very important. Some people used to ask me how I combined so many different things at the same time. Looking back, I don’t even know myself how I did it! I guess, if you love what you are doing, you can do anything.

What is your beauty routine? How do you maintain a perfect look of your face and your body? Give us some tips.

I don’t really have a beauty routine. I don’t use certain products and most of the times I don’t even use any products! I love to be as natural as I can in my daily life. Mostly I just clean my face with water. However, if I have had a shoot or another occasion where I had to wear make-up, I do make sure that I clean my face as soon as I get home, no matter the time. This is the time where I use make up remover as well as a cleanser afterwards. And a serum or some facial oil to rehydrate the skin.

You recently became a mother. How did that affect you?

Having a baby forces you to reevaluate what’s valuable to you as a person. It’s such a magical thing to experience a whole new kind of love, life and watch a human being grow and discover the world. Returning to work came with a lot of ‘mom guilt’. It definitely took me a while to find a new balance in my life between managing my career and motherhood. 

Sandale A.W.A.K.E

What do you like best about traveling as a model?

I grew up on a mushroom farm in a small town in the south of the Netherlands. Modelling gave me the opportunity to travel the world and meet new people from all different countries and cultures. It expanded my horizon and changed me as a person. 

What are your future career goals?

My husband has a career in sports, and he moved to the US last year for his job. I have had quite some challenging and busy years working as a lawyer, model and taking care of our daughter all at the same time. Of course, I want my family to be together so I see this move as a new opportunity to maybe take a break from my career as a lawyer, do more modelling jobs again and to enjoy more with my family – explore a new hometown together and who knows maybe you will see me on the big screen one day.


Model: Nathalie Den Dekker @thenathaliedendekker
Photographer: Dasha Parker @dashaparkerphoto
Stylist: Marina Sheiko @marisheiko
MUAH: Rachel Kor @rachel__kor
Agency: Wave Mags @wavemags
Retouching: Samretouch @retouch.sandeandmoore


