Sarah Loinaz: La vie en blanc

Vi ste poznati model i majka. Koje promene u svojoj emocionalnoj percepciji ste primetili u svom novom stanju?

Otkako sam postala majka, osećam se potpunije. Mogu reći da je to promenilo moj život na bolje. Moja ćerka me inspiriše da budem bolja na svaki mogući način, a to uključuje i profesionalnu stranu. Moda je oduvek bila i ostala moja strast, i osećam da je to nešto što ću takođe deliti sa Damiom, mojom ćerkom. Uspevala sam da pronađem ravnotežu i da ne zapostavim nijedan aspekt svog života. Danas žene jesu sve što smo želele da budemo. Trenutno se osećam veoma zahvalno, srce mi je puno ljubavi, a ove godine dolazi mnogo novih, različitih i interesantnih projekata koje jedva čekam da podelim.

Kako je trudnoća uticala na vaš pristup modi? Koje trendove s nestrpljenjem očekujete u ovom trenutku?

Imala sam predivnu trudnoću, mogla sam biti aktivna tokom celog procesa i zahvaljujući tome mogla sam raditi na različitim projektima do poslednjeg trenutka. Prvo sam se malo plašila promena koje bih mogla da doživim i kako bi to moglo da utiče na moju karijeru u modi, ali kako su meseci prolazili, naučila sam da se prilagodim promenama, da uživam u procesu i mislim da sam se generalno dobro nosila s tim. Sa takvim pozitivnim stavom napravila sam razliku.

Što se tiče trendova, ove godine ponovo se ističe era fatalne žene i to mi se dopada jer to nije samo stil, već i stav moćne žene i to mi se dopada. Inspirisan sam ženama koje mogu da inspirišu ili da stvore uticaj na društvo svojim samouverenim stavom i velikom vizijom. Zato sam uzbuđena da vidim kako će se ovaj novi trend razvijati i uticati ove godine.

Kakve savete za stil biste dali budućim majkama? Kako se oblačiti da se istakne lepota trudnice?

Svaka žena ima svoj stil, istina je da se tokom meseci trudnoće telo menja, pa vam savetujem da nosite pamučnu odeću, pantalone visokog struka i elastične za dobru udobnost, zimi je trendi trenerka s dobrom jaknom je idealna kombinacija, uspeh svega je da se kompenzuju volumeni, da se stvori dobra ravnoteža pri oblačenju dok ste trudni. Pored ovih komada odeće, takođe sam pronašla udobnost u haljinama, a kada je reč o prisustvu na modnim ili društvenim događajima, nisam izostavila ni štikle. Iznad svega je ličnost i sigurnost žene koja prolazi kroz tranziciju promena, što uopšte nije lako.

Koje aspekte majčinstva biste voleli da osvestite u svojim budućim modnim projektima?

Kao mlada majka, volela bih da nastavim nasleđe žena koje su pokazale i nastavljaju da pokazuju svakodnevno da možemo da pokrijemo sve aspekte naših života, ne ostavljajući ništa po strani, zato ako sam primetila neke promene na poslu, bile su samo pozitivne. Ove godine imam različite projekte, a razlika između toga što pre nisam bila majka i sada kada jesam, je što ću svoju bebu voditi sa sobom. Damia je već moja najbolja prijateljica i ne mogu da zamislim boljeg sagovornika s kojim bih delila svoju strast i sva ta iskustva.

Kakvi izazovi i radosti vas očekuju dok upravljate i svojom karijerom i pripremate se za novi život?

Imam sreće što imam tim koji je sada kao porodica. To će mi olakšati posao tokom ove prve godine kada smo već zatvorili događaje i projekte i kada smo računali na moju bebu Damiu. Osećam se veoma srećno što mogu da kombinujem svoju strast sa majčinstvom, jer sam oduvek sam se propagirala želju da budem veoma prisutna majka u životu svoje ćerke i svesna sam da je to privilegija i sreća, i naravno, moj muž, ne bih mogla da izaberem boljeg oca za našu bebu, on me podržava bezuslovno i pomaže mi u svemu. Moj je srce puno ljubavi.

English here:

You are a famous model and expectant mother. What changes in your emotional perception have you noticed in your new state?

Since I became a mother I feel more complete. I can say that it has changed my life for the better. My daughter inspires me to be better in every way and that also includes the more professional side. Fashion has been and is my passion and I feel that it is something that I will also share with Damia, my daughter. I have been able to find balance and not leave any aspect of my life aside. Today women are everything we set out to be. Right now I feel very grateful, my heart is full of love and this year there are many new, different and interesting projects coming that I can’t wait to share.

How does pregnancy affect your approach to fashion? What trends are you excited about at the moment? What trends are you excited about at the moment?

I had a dream pregnancy, I was able to be active throughout the entire process and thanks to that I have been able to work on different projects until the last moment. At first I was a little afraid of the changes I could experience and how that could affect my career in fashion, but as the months passed I learned to adapt to the changes, to enjoy the process and I think that in general I coped with it. With such a positive attitude he has made a difference.

As for trends, this year the femme fatale era stands out again and I love that because it is not just a style but an attitude of an empowered woman and I love that. I am inspired by women who are able to inspire or create an impact on society through a confident attitude and big vision. That’s why I’m excited to see how this new trend develops and impacts this year.

What style tips would you give to expectant mothers? How to dress to highlight the beauty of the expectant mother?

Each woman has her own style, it is true that during the months of pregnancy the body changes, so I advise you to wear cotton clothes, high-waisted and elastic pants for good comfort, in winter a nice tracksuit with a good cool coat it is ideal, the success of everything is to compensate for volumes, to create a good balance when dressing while pregnant. In addition to these garments, I have also found comfort in dresses, and when it comes to attending fashion or social events I have not left out heels either. Above all that is the personality and security of the woman who is experiencing a transition of changes and that is not easy at all.

What aspects of motherhood would you like to reflect in your future fashion projects?

As a young mother, I would like to continue the legacy of the women who have demonstrated and continue to demonstrate day by day that we can cover all aspects of our lives without leaving anything aside, that is why if I have noticed any changes at work, it has been only positive. This year I have different projects and the difference between before I was a mother and now is that I will take my baby with me. Damia is already my best friend and I can’t imagine anyone better than her with whom to share my passion and all these experiences.

What challenges and joys do you face while managing both your career and preparing for a new life?

I am lucky to be able to have a team that is now like family. That will make my work a lot easier during this first year that we have already closed the events and projects and in which we have counted on my baby Damia. I feel very lucky to be able to combine my passion with my motherhood since I have always defended that I want to be a very present mother in my daughter’s life and I am aware that it is a privilege and luck And  of course my husband, I couldn’t have chosen a better father for our baby, he supports me unconditionally and helps me with everything. My heart is full of love.


Photographer: Adasat Barroso
Model: Sarah Loinaz
Stylist: Aaron ágil Llacer
Assistant stylist: Laura Villalba
Mua: Dior Beauty
Management: Say media
