Ariadna Gutiérrez: The Power of Passion

Kolumbijska manekenka i influenserka, u intervjuu za Harper's BAZAAR otkriva kako joj jahanje pomaže da održi ravnotežu u životu, ko je najfascinantnija ličnost koju je upoznala i sa kojom istorijskom ličnošću bi otišla na večeru.

Jewelry: Custom Made Dress: Rick Owens

U ubrzanom rasporedu između snimanja kampanja, slikanja za kataloge i nošenja revija, manekenka i influenserka Ariadna Gutiérrez, koja s ponosom nosi titulu Prva pratilja Mis Univerzuma (2015), uvek pronalazi vreme za porodicu, koja je čini prizemljenom i uravnoteženom. Osim toga, ona se profesionalno bavi jahanjem konja, a u intervjuu za srpsko izdanje magazina Harper’s BAZAAR otkriva kako joj je jahanje pomoglo u najtežim trenucima u životu, čime želi da se bavi u budućnosti i sa kojom istorijskom ličnošću bi volela da izađe na večeru.

Upravo su završene Nedelje mode u Evropi. Viđali smo vas u Milanu, Londonu, Parizu. Da li ste možda nosili neke revije?

Prošla modna sezona bila je zaista neverovatna – bilo je to prvi put da sam bila u mogućnosti da odradim Nedelju mode u Londonu, nakon Nedelje mode u Milanu i završila u najneverovatnijem gradu na svetu, Parizu. Za mene je pravo ostvarenje sna to što sam mogla da provedem nekoliko nedelja u Evropi radeći ono što najviše volim i radeći ono što radim od svoje 16. godine, a to je bavljenje modom.

Minđuše: Christina Caruso, Naočare: Givenchy, Haljina: Balenciaga Čizme: Givenchy

Earrings: Christina Caruso, Sunglasses: Givenchy, Dress: Balenciaga, Boots: Givenchy

Možete li nam otkriti neke projekte na kojima trenutno radite?

Sledim svoj san u modi od svoje 16 godine, a pratim i svoju drugu strast – konje i takmičenja u jahanju. Zaista mi je uzbudljivo u ovom trenutku života, gde kombinujem svoje dve najveće strasti, modu i konje. Ono što me najviše raduje su odnosi sa porodicom, jer mi je važno da pravim ravnotežu između putovanja, posla, svojih strasti i svoje porodice.

Kako izgleda jedan vaš dan kad radite, a kako kada ne radite?

Kada radim normalno, moj dan izgleda tako što se probudim, pa idem na aerodrome, ako moram da putujem negde van Floride, gde živim, ili ako moram da napuštam Sjedinjene Američke Države. Kada stignem na određenu destinaciju, prvo istražujem grad u kojem sam ili, ako moram, odmah idem na posao. Kada ne radim, svakako se budim rano ujutru i odlazim da vidim svoje konje, onda treniram nekoliko sati sa njima, a onda završavam određene obaveze za taj dan. Neki dani znaju da budu kul i opuštajući, a neki, uglavnom oni koji su ispunjeni poslom i obavezama, ponekad budu ludi i brzi i zato, kad god imam slobodnog vremena, koristim priliku da ga provodim sa porodicom i prijateljima, da samo budem kod kuće sa voljenim ljudima.  

Minđuše: Versace, Ogrlica: Versace, Haljina: Versace, Torba: Versace, Cipele: Versace 

Earrings: Versace, Necklace: Versace, Dress: Versace, Bag: Versace, Shoes: Versace

Jahanje je vaša velika strast. Recite nam nešto više o tome.

Jahanje je, pored mode, moja najveća strast. Konji su mi pomogli kada sam prolazila kroz jedan od možda najtežih perioda u mom životu. Oni su mi pomogli da porastem duhovno, ali i da ostanem zdrava i u formi. Za svoje mentalno zdravlje i ravnotežu koju sam pronašla u životu mogu da zahvalim njima, oni su moji anđeli vodiči, moja zaštita tokom posledniih godina haosa, kroz koji nisam prolazila samo ja, nego i svi u svetu.

U čemu još uživate?

Pored svojih prelepih konja, zaista uživam u tome da provodim vreme sa svojom porodicom, oni su najvažniji deo mog života. Uživam sa svojim sestrama, sa svojom mamom, bratom, sa porodicom uopšte. Oni mi pomažu da budem uravnotežena i stvarno sam srećna zbog toga što dolazim iz velike porodica – u Južnoj Americi članovi svih porodica su bliski i moja u tome nije izuzetak, ali mi je zaista drago što smo dobri jedni sa drugima, što se volimo, što smo tu jedni za druge i što se pomažemo međusobno.  

Šta je najbolja stvar u vašem poslu, a šta najmanje volite da radite?

Najbolja stvar u mom poslu i nešto što zaista volim su putovanja. Privilegija je imati priliku da posetite sva ta divna mesta na planeti, upoznavati divne ljude, naučiti nešto novo o drugim kulturama. Ono što mi se najmanje sviđa su pakovanja i raspakivanja, ali to nije strašna stvar, jer mi veliku sreću pričinjava to da putujem. 

Šta želite da radite u budućnosti, da li vas zanima gluma, rad na televiziji možda?

Postoji toliko stvari kojima se radujem u budućnosti. Gluma je nešto čemu se divim, ali mislim da ću ostati u modi do kraja života. Zanima me poslovna strana moje industrije, volela bih da stvorim brend koji predstavlja mene, ali i brend koji predstavlja sve moje prijatelje i ljude koji prate moj rad i koje znam mnogo godina.

Postoji li moto koji vas vodi kroz život?

Tokom odrastanja sam imala mnogo uzora i mnogo stvari koje su me vodile kroz život. Ono što je do danas ostalo sa mnom jeste intuicija – svi pravimo greške, ali je važno slušati svoj unutrašnji glas i ohrabrivati sebe. To neko unutrašnje vođstvo i moja intuicija, moji su najveći zaštitnici u životu – ako slušam njih, onda niko drugi ne može da upravlja sa mnom.


Earrings: YSL Bralette: YSL Blazer: YSL Shoes: YSL

Osoba kojoj se najviše divite?

Divim se velikom broju ljudi i to nisu nužno slavne ličnosti. Najviše se divim onima koji naporno rade za svoje snove, koji ni iz čega stvore nešto. Divim se ljudima koji su uavnoteženi, onima koji su uspeli da naprave balans između ljubavnog života, posla i zabave. Ovi poslednji me posebno inspirišu i pomažu u tome da i sama gradim svoj život, da na kraju postanem žena svojih snova.

Najfascinantnija osoba koju ste upoznali radeći u modi?

Ima toliko neverovatnih ličnosti koje sam upoznala u modnoj industriji, ali čovek koji mi se dopada sve ove godine, zbog svog uma i neverovatne energije, jeste Jean Paul Gaultier. On je jedinstven, pravi je genije i velika mi je čast to što sam nosila njegovu reviju sa samo 18 godina. Zbog svega što je uspeo da napravi u mod ii zbog svega što jeste kao čovek, za mene je on najimpresivnija figura. Divim mu se.

Šta smatrate svojim najvećim uspehom?

Moj najveći uspeh u životu do sada, jer znam da me očekuje mnogo neverovatnih trenutaka u budućnosti, jeste to što sam na osnovu svojih snova i najvećih ljubavi uspela da steknem veliki broj pratilaca i poštovalaca moje ličnosti. Nikada neću prestati da pratim svoje snove. Istinski sam vernik i ako su me Bog i Univerzum doveli na ovu poziciju, siguro je da postoji neki razlog za to, možda je to i nešto veće, što tek treba da otkrijem. Mnogo je toga što želim da uradim u životu, ali uvek ću pomagati drugima i truditi se da ih inspirišem.  

Kako danas gledate na grešku koju je napravio voditelj Stiv Harvi na izboru za Mis Univerzuma, kada vas je slučajno proglasio pobednicom, a potom se, minut kasnije, ispravio i rekao da je pobednica zapravo Mis Filipina, Pia Alonzo Vurtzbach?

Verujem da iza svega što nam se dogodi u životu postoji neki savršeni razlog za to, da nas Bog nije slučajno uputio da prolazimo tim putem i idemo datom stazom. To što se meni dogodilo na izboru za Miss Univerzuma, bila je najluđa stvar koja može da se dogodi jednoj devojci čiji je san da osvoji tu titulu, a opet, mislim da sam najsrećnija devojka na svetu, baš zbog toga što se desilo.

Gloves: David Koma

Činilo se da je ceo svet bio na tvojoj strani tada i da vam je ta slučajna greška zapravo donela veliku podršku i ljubav obožavalaca širom sveta?

Ne postoje reči kojima bih mogla da izrazim ljubavi i zahvalnost koju osećam prema ljudima koji me godinama podržavaju i koji su to radili u posebno teškim vremenima za mene. To su pravi navijači, zajednica, porodica, iako neke od njih nikad nisam ni upoznala. Volim ih i svaki dan se zahvaljujem na tome što ih imam u životu, na njihovoj dobroj energiji, ljubavi i podršci.  Ti moji prijatelji za mene predstavljaju najvažniji deo moje karijere.

Omiljeno mesto na planeti Zemlji?

Još uvek nisam otkrila celu planetu, ali moje omiljeno mesto je definitivno ono gde sam blizu svoje porodice i svojih konja. Ako moram da izaberem jedan grad na svetu, neka to bude Pariz.

Sa kojom istorijskom ličnosti biste voleli da večerate?

Ima ih mnogo, ali pošto volim umetnost, a podržavam žene, neka to bude Frida Kahlo.

English here:

Earrings: Versace, Necklace: Versace, Dress: Versace Shoes: Versace

In an accelerated schedule between filming campaigns, taking pictures for catalogs and wearing fashion shows, model and influencer Ariadna Gutiérrez, who proudly holds the title of First Runner-up of Miss Universe (2015), always finds time for her family, which keeps her grounded and balanced. In addition, she rides horses professionally, and in an interview with the Serbian edition of Harper’s BAZAAR magazine, she reveals how riding helped her in the most difficult moments of her life, what she wants to do in the future and which historical figure she would like to go out to dinner with.

Fashion Weeks just ended.  Have you, perhaps, worn any shows?

This past season during fashion week was really incredible, it was the The first time for me that I was able to do London Fashion week, following by Milano fashion week and finishing in the most amazing city in the world – Paris, during Fashion week as well. It was a real dream for me to be able to spend some weeks in Europe doing what I love the most and doing what I been doing since I am 16 years old which is being in fashion.

Can you reveals to us some projects that you are currently working on?

I am pursuing my dream in fashion since I’m 16 years old and also my other passion which is horses and competing with them. It’s really exciting for me to be at this point of my life where I can combine my two biggest passions which are fashion and horses and of course I’m also very close person to my family so it’s important for me to have a balance between traveling, my work, my passion with horses but also having balance life with my family.

What does your day look like when you are working and what is it like when you are not working?

When I’m working normally my day looks like waking up, I’m going to the airport, traveling if I have to be outside Florida where I’m based or if I’m traveling outside the US. Then I explore the city were I’m at or if not, I go straight to work and if I don’t have to work I normally wake up super early in the morning to be able to go and see my horses and train for a couple of hours with them and then run all the errands that I have to do where I live. It’s really chill some days, really relaxing, but then there are some other days that he’s really crazy and there’s not much time for anything else, so, when I have the free time to be at home with my family with my loved ones and friends, then I try to take advantage as much as possible of those of times. 

Jewelry: Custom Made, Dress: Rick Owens

What is the best thing about your job, and what is your least favorite thing to do?

The best thing about my job is something that I really love and it’s traveling to have the opportunity to visit new places, to know new people and to learn new cultures. That is definitely the most amazing thing about my job. I will say the thing that I dislike the most it will be packing and unpacking for all the trips but that’s not really a big deal so I’m happy to do it every time I travel. 

What do you want to do in the future, are you interested in acting, working on television maybe?

There’s so many things in the future that I can look forward to happen. Staying in fashion will be me for the rest of my life. Acting is also something that I really admire and have an interest in besides my career. I also want to pursue the business side of the industry and would love to have and create something that represents me and that also represents all my friends and the people that follow me and that have been following me for so many years. 

We saw on your Instagram profile that riding is a big passion of yours. Tell us more about that.

Riding horses has been a big passion of mine, if not the biggest together with fashion. I found myself being with horses when I was going through maybe one of the darkest and most difficult time of my life. Horses have had a huge impact in my life not only spiritually but also it’s my way of staying grounded, healthy and fit. They play a huge part of my mental health and balance in life, for me they are my angels, my guides and my protection throughout this years of craziness and many changes in the world. 

Jewelry: Custom Made; Dress: Rick Owens

What else do you enjoy?

In my free time, besides my beautiful horses, I really enjoy to spend time with my family. They are the most important part of my life. Enjoying my sisters, my mom, my brother and just family in general really helps me with staying balanced and happy. I come from a big family – in south American families are very close to each other and my family is not the exception – we help each other, we love each other and we’re always there for each other. 

Is there a motto that guides you through life?

I have had many models in my life but the ones that resonate and stay with me the most specially in this actual times are about my intuition. If I don’t listen to my intuition often times I make mistakes so something I always encourage myself to do is to listen to my own self so my guidance and to my intuition which is my biggest protection and everyone else has it as well if I don’t listen to my intuition then I cannot be guided.

Person you admire the most?

I admire so many people in my life and it’s nothing related to a celebrity or famous person. I admire people the most when I see them working hard for their dreams, when I see them coming from nothing and building so much success and balance in their lives these days. What I admire the most is people that are able to have balance between love life, work and fun and that’s what really inspires me these days to keep working on myself, to keep building my life by future – in my career, but most important to keep building the woman of my dreams. 

Earrings/ Versace Multiple Necklaces / Givenchy Cape / Aleksandre Akhalkatsishvili

Most fascinating person you’ve met working in fashion?

There is so many incredible personalities I’ve met throughout my career and my years in the fashion industry, but one person they really stay with me for so many years in my mind and his energy was Jean Paul Gaultier. He is one of a kind and he’s a true genius. I was able to walk for him when I was only 18 years old and he was a dream of mine – seen him in his nature were he express himself in the way he has build this empire, it really impress me and that’s why I admire him so much.

What do you consider your greatest success?

My greatest success in life so far, because I know there are many other incredible moments for me coming in the future, but so far I think my greatest success has been building a following based on myself, based on what I love the most and based on my dreams I will never stop following. For anyone or for no reason I am a true believer that if the universe and God put me in this position to have an amazing and big platform it’s for a bigger reason that I am able to see it now but I know there’s so many things that I have not discovered yet, that can help many other people and that can keep inspiring the upcoming generations.

Earrings / Versace Necklace / Versace Dress / Versace Bag / Versace Shoes / Versace

Today, how do you look at the mistake made by host Steve Harvey at the Miss Universe pageant, when he accidentally announced you as the winner, and then corrected himself, a minute later, and said that the winner was actually Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach?

I believe that everyone and everything that comes into our lives he’s placed on our paths for a perfect reason coming from God in the universe. For me, what happen in my miss universe year, was the most insane thing that can ever happen to a girl who’s dream is to be there. But I also know that I am the luckiest girl in the world because of what happened to me.

It seemed like the whole world was on your side back then and that actually brought you a lot of support and love from fans around the world?

I cannot express myself enough about how much love and gratitude I feel for the people that has been in my life supporting me for years, especially during the hard times, those are the real fans, those are the people that I can see their family even if I’ve never met them. I love them already and I’m grateful every day to have them in my life even if they just send me goodbye it’s good energy, love and support for me. My friends are the most important part of my career.

Earrings / Versace Top / Versace Pants / Versace Shoes / Versace

Favorite place on Earth?

I feel like I haven’t discovered the world yet but so far my favorite place on earth is anywhere close to my family and my horses. If I have to choose one seed in the world he will be Paris but again I haven’t discovered the world fully yet.

Which historical figure would you like to have dinner with and why?

I feel like there’s so many historical figures I would love to have dinner with but I am a big fan of art and, of course, I am a big fan of women so I think I will choose Frida Kahlo for this.

Behind the scenes video: 

Team Credits: 

Model: Ariadna Gutierrez @gutierrezary

Photographer: Jorge Duva @jorgeduva

Stylist: Adriana Popovic @adrianapopovic

Hair & Makeup: Javier Martinez @blumindinc

Digital Tech: Santiago Nieto @santiagonietoph

Photographer Assistant: German Aristizabal @germanfotolima

Production/pr: @Say__Media 

