Meggi Ndrio: Na talasima

Modna priča kao savršen uvod u morsko raspoloženje.

Meggi Ndrio u svet modelinga ušla je sa samo 17 godina, kao lice šoua Next Top Model Grčka, što joj je otvorilo mnoga vrata u modnom svetu. Danas, sa bezbroj revija i snimanja iza sebe, ali i diplomom pravnog fakulteta, prihvata samo one poslove koji su u skladu sa njenim ličnim uverenjima i stavovima, želeći da širi ljubav, slobodu i poštovanje. 

Zašto ste želeli da postanete model i kako ste počeli da se bavite modom?

Od detinjstva sam svoju karijeru zamišljala u modelingu, želela sam da postanem priznati međunarodni model. Sećam se da sam se kao mala devojčica izražavala kroz odeću i da su mi omiljene aktivnosti bile da se presvlačim i pojavljujem u različitoj odeći pred svojom porodicom, sa koliko sam samo ljubavi i strasti to radila! Nakon što sam napunila 17 godina, shvatila sam da je to pravo vreme da počnem da jurim svoje snove. Početak moje karijere desio se nakon što me je jedna grčka agencija pozvala na prvi kasting. Nikada neću zaboraviti taj trenutak! Nakon što sam provela 8 godina radeći u modelingu i napravila mnogo fotografisanja i kampanja, odlučila sam da konačno završim Pravni fakultet i steknem akademsku pozadinu koja bi mi dala zaokruženiji i kultivisaniji pravac u životu. No, to nikada nije bio ograničavajući faktor za promenu mojih ciljeva i snova, nakon fakulteta, nastavila sam sa obećavajućom i uspešnom karijerom u modelingu. 

Najizazovnije fotografisanje?

Izazovi sa kojima se suočavam kad je fotografisanje u pitanju pobeđujem unutrašnjom snagom i verom. Modeling je veoma zahtevan posao, a fotografisanje je deo sa dosta nezgodnih trenutaka i neodoljivih situacija. Kad sam počinjala, neprihvatanje je bilo dodatni izazov, ali kako starim, shvatanje da tuđe mišljenje ne može da poljulja moju emocionalnu validaciju daje mi na profeionalnosti i čini originalnijom i jačom. 

Blazer: Iconic Vintage Gianfranco Ferre Metallic Lame Blazer 1990s Boutique mod, Kolonaki, Athens, Shoes: nak shoes @nakshoes  

Na koji manekenski rad ste najponosniji? Zašto?

Ponosna sam na većinu izbora koje sam napravila u životu i na sve manekenske poslove koje sam radila. Iskustvo koje nikada neće izbledeti dogodilo se 2018-2019, nakon što sam diplomirala na Pravnom fakultetu, a to je učestvovanje na takmičenju Next Top Model u Grčkoj. Potreba da izazovem sebe i naučim osnove posla od najiskusnijih ljudi u industriji bio je glavni razlog mog učešća u tom šouu. GNTM me je naučio kako da poštujem i prihvatam poznate ličnosti i da se uključim u zajednicu koja definišu različitosti i ima visoke standarde. Jako sam ponosna na to koliko sam daleko stigla i na korake koje sam napravila, koji dokaz da samo naporan rad može dovesti do zagarantovanog uspeha. 

Koji su vaši ciljevi u karijeri u narednih pet godina?

Sledećih 5 godina manifestujem međunarodnu karijeru koja može da odgovori najvišim modnim brendovima. Iako sam već bila na modnim pistama – u Parizu i Milanu u okviru Nedelja mode, težim ka tome da stalno razvijam svoju karijeru, u pokušaju da dam neku novu perspektivu modnoj industriji. Tumačenje mode kao sredstva komunikacije i društvenih promena može dovesti do eliminacije rasizma, a moj cilj je da budem deo sveta sa konkretnim vrednostima – slobodom, ljubavlju i poštovanjem.

Kako se nosite sa kritikama?

Kritika može da izazove stres, kao i davanje mišljenja o drugima. Istina je da nikada ne možete saznati stvarne životne borbe nekih ljudi, često bez razloga nepropisno osuđivanih. Visok publicitet najčešće nije koristan, jer stvara izloženost i strogu cenzuru, ali morate samo ostati jaki u svemu tome i verovati svom timu.

Kao model, kako organizujete svoj dnevni raspored? Da li često putujete?

Teško je uhvatiti korak sa svime, a istovremeno zadržati bukere zadovoljnim i obezbediti pozitivne povratne informacije agencije. Reći ne je ono što vas definiše, kako u ličnom, tako i u profesionalnom životu. Morate da donosite teške odluke i filtrirate opcije, kako biste kreirali profil posla koji može biti različit i privući prave klijente. Proces donošenja odluka zasniva se na pretpostavkama mojih vrednosti, preferencija i uverenja. Praćenje kalendara i stalna komunikacija sa agencijom za rezervacije su vitalni faktori u mojoj organizaciji.

Da li verujete u umrežavanje u modnoj industriji?

U današnje vreme, umrežavanje igra glavnu ulogu u životu mnogih ljudi. Većina ne zna kako da koristi umrežavanje u dobre svrhe. Neka deca i korisnici diskriminišu posao dobrim vezama, ali mnoge stvari nisu baš onakve kako izgledaju. U životu je sve stvar odluka. Čak i kada vam se desi negativan publicitet, ostanite mirni i razmislite na koji način on može pozitivno da utiče na vašu karijeru. Sve ima veze sa pravim trenutkom i pravi  odlukama. 

Mislite li da je manekenstvo bezbedno za tinejdžere? Možete li posavetovati te mlade ljude koji upravo ulaze u posao?

Po mom mišljenju, uspešan kasting znači pokazivanje pravih boja i prirodne lepote, kako bismo ostali prepoznatljivi između raznolikosti modela koji potiču iz različitih etničkih grupa i kultura. Ostanite realni! U slučaju da ste mladi, predlažem da odaberete osobu koja će vas odvesti na sledeći nivo, sa sigurnošću i kredibilitetom. Znam koliko je to sve teško, ali morate verovati pravim agentima kako ne biste upali u neku zamku. Ostati strpljiv i imati veru je uvek pravi način da se prebrode sve nevolje koje ovaj posao nosi. Uvek sledite svoj instinkt i idite korak po korak.

Dress with stones: Od couture long evening dress all handmade embroidered with stones by Anna Veneti , Shoes: nak shoes, @nakshoes  

Kako reagujete kada treba da snimate nešto, a ne osećate se prijatno da to uradite? Kako znate gde je granica?

Ograničenja i granice nisu nešto što me definiše kao modela. Mnogo puta sam menjala frizuru, težinu, čak i stav. To sam mogla zato što verujem svojoj agenciji i pratim date savet. Na taj način nikada nisam promenila svoje pravo ja, što uvek stičem, i nastavljam da sanjam.

English below: 

Meggi Ndrio entered the world of modeling at the age of 17, as the face of the Greece Next Top Model show, which opened many doors for her in the fashion world. Today, with countless fashion shows and photoshooting behind her, as well as a law school diploma, she accepts only those jobs that are in line with her personal beliefs and attitudes, wanting to spread love, freedom and respect.

Why did you want to become a model? How did you start working in fashion?

I have been visualizing a future career as a prominent international model, since my childhood. I remember my younger self, expressing so much love and passion in showing up and performing clothes to my family. After turning 17 years old, I realized this is the right time to start chasing my dreams. The kick-start to my career happened after a Greek agency called me for my first casting. I promise, I will never forget this moment!After having spent 8 years of consistent work in modeling, and have taken many photo shoots and campaigns, I decided to finally graduate the Law School, and acquire the essential academic background which turned myself into a more well-rounded and cultivated individual. But, this never happened to be a limited factor for altering my goals and dreams, to pursue a promising and successful career in modeling.

What has been your most challenging photo shoot?

Regarding the risen challenges in the photo shoots, they have been conquered and overtaken, always with consistency, inner strength, and  faith. Modeling is a high-demanding job, with the photo shoots consisting a part with plenty of inconvenient times and overwhelming situations. As a beginner, the lack of acceptance or emotional validation happened to be extra challenging, but as I grow older the realization that nothing matters, but being professional and original is getting stronger. By the time this mindset is adopted, the reciprocal relationship between clients, the team, and my agency are easier so to get successfully done!

What modelling work are you most proud of? Why?

I feel proud of the most choices I have made in my life, and the modeling jobs I have get done. The experience that will never fade away was in 2018/2019, after graduating the Law School I took part in Greece’s Next Top Model competition. The need to challenge myself and get new grounds from the most experienced people in the industry was the major reason for my attendance in the show. GNTM taught me how to respect and accept distinctive personalities, and to be included in a community defined by diversity and high standards. I am so proud of how far I have come, and the big steps I have taken, which all eventually have proved that only hard work can lead to guaranteed success!

What are your career goals over the next five years?

For the next 5 years, I manifest an international career that can respond to the highest fashion brands. Although I have already been to Paris and Milan catwalks as a part of the fashion week, I aspire to work and constantly grow my career, while trying to give a new perspective in the fashion industry. Interpreting fashion as a mean of communication and social change may lead to the elimination of racism, while my goal is to be a part of a world with concrete values, freedom, love, and respect.

Dress: Iconic Vintage Gianni Versace Silk Satin Ensemble SS 1990 Boutique mod, Kolonaki, Athens  Shoes: nak shoes @nakshoes 

You are well known to the general public how do you handle criticism?

Being criticized may become very stressful, but also giving opinion about others can be. The truth is that you can never know the real struggles of life, so to draw conclusions or be improperly judgmental. However, high publicity may not always be so advantageous, as it creates high exposure and strict censorship. You need to stay strong and trust your team.

Τhe modeling schedule is very tough! How do you manage the time? As a model, how do you organize your daily schedule? Do you travel often?

It is tough to catch up with everything, while at the same time keeping both the bookers satisfied and securing the agency’s positive feedback. Saying “no” is what defines you, both in the personal and the professional life. You have to take hard decisions, and filter the options, so to create a job profile that can be distinct and attract the correct clients. The decision-making process is based on assumptions of my values, preferences, and beliefs. The everyday use of my calendar and the constant communication with my booking agency has been vital factors in staying organized and always coordinated.


Do you believe that networking plays an important role in this industry?

Nowadays, networking plays a major role in people’s life. Most people don’t know how to use networking in a good purpose. Some children and users discriminate against doing a job by good connections. It’s easy to fall apart through the use of bad connections. Many things are not as they look like. Or we make them look that way to affect in a good or bad way our job. In life, everything is a matter of decisions. In this case, always stay calm and acknowledge that even negative publicity may result positively unless you don’t know how to take advantage of it. Everything is about the right time and the right decision-making!

Do you think modelling is safe for teenage kids? What is your suggestion? For casting, what is your tip for everyone?

In my opinion, taking a successful casting is about showing the true colors and the natural beauty, in order to stay distinctive between a diversity of models originated from different ethnicities and cultures. Stay real! In case you are young, I suggest choosing a person in charge to take you to the next level, with safety and credibility. I acknowledge how hard it is, but you need to trust the right agents so as not to be fraught with pitfalls. Staying patient and having faith is always the right way to make it through any adversity this job may reserves. Always follow your instinct, and go step by step.

How would you react if asked to do a shoot you were not comfortable with? What are your limitations?

The limitation is not a word that can define me. I have been changing my hair, weight, and even my attitude, many times since the start of my career in modeling. Even I always trust my agency and follow the advices given, I have never changed my true self, which always makes me stand out, and keep dreaming.


Model: Meggi Ndrio @meggi_ndrio

Photographer: Marilena Vouraki @marilena_vouraki

Stylist: Panagiotis Tsatsakis @panagiwthstsatsakis

Makeup: Lena Christaki @lenas_obsession

PR: Mariia Borovenska @mariborovenskaya

