Tokom Nedelje mode u Parizu, naš saradnik u Gradu svetlosti susreo se sa modnom entuzijastkinjom Pearl Leong, koja se bavi marketingom i advertajzingom u modi. Ekskluzivno za Harper’s Bazaar Srbija, Pearl nam je otkrila više o inspiraciji, motivaciji i ciljevima za kraj godine.
Šta su bili najveći izazovi sa kojima ste se profesionalno suočili?
Milsim da će svaki preduzetnik reći kako je početak težak. To je neminovno kada počinjete, ali sam ja u ovom segment imala sreće – upoznavši u samom startu mentore i ključne ličnosti koje su me zaista odvele na put uspeha. Sada mislim da je vreme da to prenesem dalje, želim da postanem i ja nekome mentor i pomognem mu da ostvari svoje snove.
Šta vas inspiriše u modi?
Svi vole lepe stvari, ali sposobnost da se izvuče individualizam u modi ono je što me najviše uzbuđuje. Svaki dan radim na stajlingu i umem da iskoristim svoj izgled ne bih li prenela ličnu poruku. I to je ono u šta verujem, da bi moda trebalo da bude izraz onoga ko si i šta predstavljaš.
Recite nam nešto više o projektima koji su bliski vašem srcu? Na koji način će doprineti industriji?
Moda se konstantno menja, a nove promene donose ogroman fokus na teme koje se tiču održivosti. To je ono za šta želim da se zalažem i iza toga stojim. Želim da budem pokretačka snaga iza zajednica i platformi koje to podstiču. Razmišljala sam dosta o tržištima koja podstiču cirkularnu ekonomiju.
Želim da pomognem mladim dizajnerima, da im pružim platformu da prikažu svoj rad. Povežem ih sa celokupnom mrežom kontakata ili možda čak postavim i tržište za njih. Takođe, nadam se da ću uticati na način na koji potrošači konzumiraju modu, a želja mi je i da kreiram tim za sadržaj posvećen modi, deleći najnovije vesti i modno znanje, ne bismo li svi postali dobro informisani potrošači. Industrija brze mode isklesala je našu potrebu za kvalitetom i mislim da je upravo to nešto za šta želim da se zalažem.
Šta je vaša motivacija?
Mislim da veliki udeo u tome zašto sam odlučila da koristim svoj glas sada u modi, ima to što potrošači više ne konzumiraju modu kao ranije. Potrošači su značajan deo tržišta, a da bismo ispravili kurs i krenuli ka održivoj budućnosti, prvo treba da počnemo od njih. Takođe, ko će bolje pomoći narednoj generaciji u izboru karijernih poteza od ključnih modnih ličnosti.
Koja su vaša nadanja po pitanju budućnosti modne industrije?
Polažem velike nade u budućnost, za mene to izgleda poput koncenzusa vrednosti. Šta bi mi kao zajednica trebalo da uradimo i kako želimo da preoblikujemo inudtriju. Nadam se da ću u budućnosti videti veći broj onih koji se zalažu za održivost. Neka konačna vizija bi bila ta da će potrošači razumeti odakle dolazi kvalitet, da će naučiti da cene zanatski rad i kako bi to trebalo da utiče na njihov način potrošnje.
Koji su vaši ciljevi za kraj godine?
Nadam se da ću dugoročno, u narednih nekoliko godina, uspešno realizovati svoju viziju modne platforme i zajednice. Moj glas dobro bih iskoristila za temu održivosti i mentorstvo za sledeću generaciju. Konačno, nadam se da će moja platforma biti mesto gde će ljudi moći da nauče o osvežavajućim perspektivama u modi i ličnom brendiranju.
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Tell us how you came to work in the fashion industry?
I would consider myself more of a patron of the industry, you know how there are patrons of art? Fashion is my form of Art. I started a marketing agency about 15 years ago and have been able to build it successfully from the ground up. I would like to alter my footprint in fashion slightly though, I would like to be able to mentor young individuals and contribute to bigger sustainability initiatives and maybe start a few myself.
What have been the biggest challenges you have faced professionally?
I think for any entrepreneur, they’ll tell you the beginning is tough. It always is when you’re starting out but I have been lucky enough to have met mentors and key figures in the beginning that really guided me onto the path of success. Now I think it’s time to pay it forward, I want to become that mentor for someone to realise their dreams.
What inspires you in fashion?
Everybody loves beautiful things, but the ability to extract individualism in fashion is what excites me the most. Everyday I style myself, I know I am using my look to convey a personal message. And that’s what I believe in, that fashion should be an expression of who you are and what you represent.
Tell us more about the projects that are close to your heart? How will it contribute to the industry?
Fashion is constantly changing and the new change is a huge focus on sustainability and circularity. That is what I want to advocate for and stand behind. I want to be the driving force behind communities and platforms that encourage that. I have given thought into marketplaces that encourage the circular economy.
I want to help young designers, provide them a platform to showcase their work. Connect them to a resourceful network or maybe even set up a marketplace for them. I also hope to impact the way consumers consume fashion. I hope to set up a content team dedicated to fashion, sharing the latest news and fashion knowledge so we all become well-informed consumers. The fast fashion industry has chiselled away at our need for quality and I think that’s something that I’d like to advocate for.
What is your motivator?
I think a huge part of why I’ve decided to use my voice now in fashion is because the way consumers consume fashion is no longer working out. And they are a significant part of the market, in order to correct course and move towards a more sustainable future, we first need to start with consumers. Also, who better to help than the next generation of fashion key figures who will impact the trajectory when they make their career moves.
What do you hope for the future of the fashion industry?
I have high hopes for the future, for me it looks like a consensus of values. What we as a community should be putting out and how we want to re-shape the industry. I hope to see more major voices standing behind and advocating for sustainability. The final vision would be for consumers to understand where quality and craftsmanship comes in and how it should affect their way of consumption.
What are your goals for the end of the year?
I think a bit longer term, I hope within the next couple of years, I would have successfully realised my vision of a fashion platform and community. My voice would be put to good use advocating for sustainability and mentorship for the next generation. Finally, I hope that my platform will be the go-to for people to learn about refreshing perspectives on fashion and personal branding.
Star: Pearl Leong @laviedelaperle
Photo: Christina V Henningstad
Text: Tania Tuka