Nesrin Sanad: Lepota je stav

Model, glumica, dobitnica WIBA Motivational Lifestyle Influencer nagrade i devojka koja obožava da putuje je zvezda naše oktobarske digitalne naslovnice. Upoznajte Nesrin Sanad.

Bodi: Mugler

Haljina: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

Pojas: Pritch London

Naočare za sunce: Louis Vuitton

Narukvica: Max Mara

Kada govorimo o profesiji modela, šta je najteže i najzanimljivije u tvom poslu?

Ja obožavam svoj posao i sve mi je veoma uzbudljivo i lako, ali iako se možda na slici sve čini lako zapravo predstavlja veoma naporan rad. Nekada moramo da se penjemo uz konopac sa odećom koja je teška i do 30 kilograma, što publika ne vidi zato što to radim sa gracioznošću i opuštenim licem, a oni vide samo krajnji rezultat.

Reci nam nešto više o ovom prelepom editorijalu na kom si radila za naš digtal cover?

Nekako se sve poklopilo da sam se zadesila u Veneciji na Bijenalu što je ispalo kao savršeno mesto za snimanje editorijala. Ipak je Venecija najromantičniji grad na svetu. Krenuli smo od palate San Clemente pre nego što smo se uputili na trg Svetog Marka.

Mantil: Mugler,

Minđuše: Saint Laurent

Šešir, rukavice, tašna: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

Spomenula si da voliš putovanja, koji su najbolji a koji najgori delovi tvoje strasti za putovanjima?

To zaista jeste moja strast, kao terapija koja mi obogaćuje dušu. Nijedna osoba neće nikada biti dovoljno obrazovana bez putovanja i upoznavanja drugih kultura. Još uvek nisam bila svuda, samo u 66 zemalja, ali imam čitav spisak koji moram da ispunim. Kada bi postojala neka negativna strana, mislim da bi to bili komarci pošto sam alergična na njihove ujede.

Šta se uvek nalazi u vojoj tašni?

Diorov sjaj za usne, “Stellar Times”, Louis Vuittonov parfem, turpija za nokte, kreditna kartica, ogledalce i karanfilić za zdrav i svež dah.

Haljina: Jad Adam Paris

Nakit, pojas, rukavice: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

Cipele: Manolo Blahnik

Prvo, moramo ti reći da si prelepa. Da li imaš neki specijalan način šminkanja i koliko misliš da je fitnes važan u nečijem životu?

Hvala vam na divnom komplimentu. Kada ne radim tada uglavnom gotovo da nemam šminku jer puštam svoju kožu da diše, ali uvek nosim SPF. Što se tiče vežbanja, minimum 30 minuta dnevno će vas održati u sjajnoj formi, a popraviće vam i raspoloženje i držanje, tako da smatram da je vežbanje veoma važno kako za duh, tako i za telo.

Ako bi ti se pružila prilika da se zaglaviš na nekom pustom ostrvu sa nekom poznatom ličnošću, ko bi to bio i zašto?

Ako bih stvarno morala da budem zaglavljena, onda bih odabrala svog supruga prvo, a na drugom mestu to bi bio neko ko bi me zasmejavao kao što je Larry David ili Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Mislim da bismo se stvarno dobro proveli!

Pošto si dugo već u modnoj industriji, koliko misliš da je ona napredovala u odnosu na ranije i da li postoji nešto što bi promenila u njoj?

Možemo videti da je modna industrija dosta napredovala jer su sada zastupljeni modeli svih tipova građe, svi su tolereantniji i generalno inkluzivniji, što je dobro zato što je moda za sve ljude. I volela bih da nastavi u tom pravcu.

Haljina i veo: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

Kada govorimo o hrani, da li imaš neki guilty pleasure kada putuješ? Šta bi pre odabrala, restoran ili street food?

Često imam faze kada je ishrana u pitanju. Nekada jedem ekstremno zdravo i samo veganski, ali nekada potpuno promenim sve i tada jedem picu i burgere. Trudim se da sebi ne uskraćujem ništa. Kad god želim nešto, to i pojedem. Iako bih bila vrlo srećna kada bih mogla da jedem italijansku kuhinju svaki dan #pastaforlife.

Koje osobine tražiš da tvoj partner poseduje?

Već sam pronašla svog idealnog partnera. Kada sam ga upoznala odmah sam znala da je on onaj pravi. A kada govorimo o osobinama, to su ljubaznost, lepo ponašanje, prizemnost, načitanost i naravno šarm i lepota.

Kako vidiš sebe za pet godina?

Moda je definitivno moja strast i mislim da ću zauvek prihvatati mogućnosti koje će mi omogućiti da radim i  dalje u ovoj industriji. Takođe, kao što znate ja sam i glumica i trenutno radim na jednom veoma zanimljivom projektu u toj oblasti. Ne smemo zaboraviti ni moju strast prema lepoti i nezi kože, pa se nadam da ću jednog dana imati svoj beauty brend na kome takođe trenutno radim i samo je nebo granica! Za 5 godina , ako ovako nastavim zaista mislim da ću biti bolja i naprednija verzija sebe.

Odelo: The Attico,

Pojas, tašna i nakit: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

Naočare za sunce: Fendi

Cipele: Gucci

Pošto su naši čitaoci veoma uzbuđeni što će čitati naš intervju sa tobom, šta bi im poručila?

Da nikada ne odustaju od svojih snova, da veruju u sebe i da rade na sebi tako da postanu najbolja verzija kako spolja, tako i iznutra. Držite glavu u oblacima, ali ne zaboravite da noge moraju da vam budu čvrsto na zemlji. I na kraju hvala vam na podršci i ljubavi koju mi pokazujete preko društvenih mreža.

English here:

Nesrin Sanad: Beauty is an attitude

Model, actress, WIBA Awards winner as Motivational Lifestyle Influencer of the year and a girl who adores to travel is our october digital cover star. Meet Nesrin Sanad.

If we talk about your profession as a model, what is the most difficult and interesting thing in your work?

I love my job so much so everything for me is exciting and easy but what might seem beautiful in a picture can be the result of an extremely difficult work, we could be climbing a wall or trying to balance standing on a rope while wearing 30kg heavy clothes but the audience won’t see that because I try to make it with grace and relaxed face so you could only see the final beautiful result.

Šolja, kačket: Fendace,

Sako: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

Tell us about your amazing photoshoot for Harpers Bazaar?

I happened to be attending La Biennale, the film festival in Venice and I thought that would be the perfect set for our photo shoot, the most romantic full of culture city in the world. We started shooting first at Kempinski Palace San Clemente before heading out to San Marco Square.

You have mentioned your love for travelling, what are the best and worst parts of the passion for travelling? 

Traveling is a passion indeed, it is a therapy that enriches the soul, a person will never be educated or cultured enough without traveling and meeting other nations. I haven’t been everywhere yet only 66 countries but it is on my list. If there is any downside for traveling, it will be insects in particularly mosquitoes since I am allergic.  

What are some of the essentials that we can expect 24/7 in your bag?

Dior lip balm, Stellar Times Louis Vuitton mini perfume, nail filer, my credit card, compact mirror and Clove pods for healthy fresh breath.  

Total look: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy

To start off, you look extremely gorgeous, what is your makeup regime and how much do you think fitness is important in one’s life? 

Thank you for the sweet compliment! If I am not working, I am barely wearing any makeup to give my skin a break to breath, however I will never leave home during the day without wearing SPF. Exercising as little as 30min a day can keep you in absolute excellent shape, mood and posture for life, so it is definitely important to keep the body in an optimal state physically, mentally and spiritually especially if you practice yoga or meditation.  

If you were given a chance to be stranded on an island with one of your favourite celebrities, who would it be and why?

If I really have to be stranded then I rather be stranded first with my husband and second with someone that can make me laugh such as Larry David and Julia Louis-Dreyfus. We will just have a blast!

Being a part of the fashion industry, how far do you think that this industry has come and what are some things you would like to change about it? 

We all can see how far it became versatile and it includes all body shapes, all religion tolerant, all skin colors, all looks because fashion is for all humankind and it is so nice to see that some campaigns are welcoming that concept. I would like to see it more into that direction.

Haljina i čizme: The Lie by Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy 

Naočare za sunce: Gucci

As a traveller, what are some of your guilty pleasers that nobody else knows about? What would you choose between cuisines and street food?

I go through phases when it come to eating, a phase where I am extremely healthy and eating only vegan food but then I get these pizza and burger craves. I never really deprive myself so whenever I feel like something, I eat it in moderation I just don’t do it everyday. Although I will be so happy if I can eat Italian everyday #pastaforlife.

What are some of the qualities that you seek when choosing a partner for yourself? 

I already found my dream partner. We both knew immediately when we met that we are meant for each other. For me, it was his kindness, humbleness, well mannered, well traveled and of course not to mention his charming looks and height.

Let’s say five years from now, where do you see yourself?

Fashion is a passion so definitely I will always accept the suitable opportunities that comes my way for life! As you know that I am also an actress and currently working on an exciting project in that field. Not to forget my passion for beauty and how it is my dream to establish my brand which is under construction atm so the sky is the limit for sure. I might not be able to tell you exactly what is happening in 5 years from now but with the pace of how I work, it’s surely going to be better, bigger and stronger version of what is now.

Our readers were pretty excited to have you onboard, what is the message that you would like to give them?

Never ever give up on your dreams, believe in yourself, work to make yourself better from inside out Keep your head in the sky but remember to also keep your feet strongly and steady on the ground. And for last words, thank you all for believing in me because your love and support I see everyday in life or social media simply humbles me.

Team credits:

Model: Nesrin Sanad @nesrinsanad

Photographer: Tibor Golob @tiborgolob

Stylist: Jerneja Podbevšek Zhembrovskyy @thelie_by_jpz

MUA: Doroteja Premužič @_diamondee_

Hair: Kristijan Skamljič @kikihair_slo

Venue: Kempinski palace San Clemente

PR: Mariia Borovenska @mariborovenskaya

Special thanks to San Clemente Palace Kempinski Hotel @sanclementepalacekempinski
