Skye Aurelia: Into the Light

Skye Aurelia, je internacionalni supermodel, glumica, muzičarka i preduzetnica koja se uzdigla iz siromaštva i beskućništva kako bi živela život punim plućima i kako bi uticala na svet svojom umetnošću. Takođe je poznata po svom inspirativnom pogledu na s

Haljina: DIANA COUTURE by Diana M Putri  @dianamputri from The Archives & Showroom  @thearchshow 

Narukvice: AUMARO GEMS  @aumarogems  from Wear the Future  @wear_thefuture 

Kruna: The Archives & Showroom  @thearchshow 

Recite nam nešto o svom projektu koji se zove LIGHT?

Ovo je projekat na kom baš dugo radim. Fokusiran je na spoj umetnosti, tehnologije, filma, mode i muzike i to po pokroviteljstvom moje kompanije Skye Entertainment. Kombinovala sam različite žanrove, jezike i kulturološke elemente kroz svoju muziku. Jako sam zahvalna što imam toliko ljudi koje sam upoznala tokom života koji podržavaju moju viziju i što mi pomažu da je realizujem.

Šta vas je inspirisalo da napišete pesmu Black Canvas?

Svi smo u nekom trentuku života pomislili da bismo voleli da krenemo ispočetka, da imamo drugu šansu, da naučimo iz svojih grešaka i da naredni put uradimo bolje. Za mene, umetnost ima posebno mesto u mom srcu. Mogućnost da kreira i promeni nekoga i zato sam odabrala industriju zabave. Provela sam mnoge godine ne osećajući se dovoljno dobro, propuštajući šanse i puštajući da me obuzme ideja perfekcionizma. Mislila sam da je prekasno za mene kada sam imala 18 godina, zato što nisam imala 14. Mislila sam da nisam dovoljno sposobna, da nemam dovoljno poznanstava i novca. Na kraju, došla sam do depresije i anskioznosti zato što se nisam trudila. Iskusila sam beskućništvo i bolest, gibitak, i iako postoje mnoge stvari koje bih uradila ponovo, naučila sam da se moj život promenio kroz nadu, zahvalnost i nekako sam krenula da kreiram život kakav sam želela da živim. Priča koju sam napisala za LIGHT, počinje od trenutka ponovnog rođenja, od pravljenja grešaka u prošlosti koje su nam omogućile da sve krenemo ponovo, živeći u sadašnjosti i nadajući se budućnosti.

Haljina: Le Qua Atelier by Carlos Mannings @lequaatelier 

Minđuše: Azza Fahmy @azzafahmy from The POP Group 

Prstenje: Andrianne Patry  @andreannepatry 


Možete li nam reći nešto o temi i poruci ove pesme?

Glavna poruka je poboljšanje mentalnog zdravlja kroz pozitivna dela.

Svi se ponekad izgubimo na životnom putu. Svi smo se osetili da smo krenuli u pogrešnom pravcu, zažalili za nekom propuštenom prilikom, propustili ljubav, odustali od snova i slično. Tokom godina, ako ne uradite nešto, to će postati vaš život. Moja pesma je tu kao podsetnik da dok god smo živi postoji nada, i mogućnost da život napravite onakvim kakav ste zamislili. Bilo da imate 10, 20, 50, 60 ili 80 godina nikada niste previše mladi ili previše stari da postignete svoje ciljeve. Ne čekajte, ne oklevajte, obojite život onim bojama koje odaverete. Vaše dnevne aktivnosti čine vaš život. Poruka je da počnete danas to da radite, i malo po malo ćete uspeti u svakoj vašoj zamisli. Ne dozvolite da strah i negativnost upravljaju vama, ustanite, budite zahvalni, oprostite, budite srećni, uspešni i živite život punim plućima. Nemojte dozvoliti da niko, pa čak ni vi sami stojite na putu sopstvenoj sreći.

Kako je vaš humanitarni rad za ravnopravnost žena i ljudska prava uticao na vašu umetnost?

Povezanost čovečanstva i umetnosti je za mene ključna. Razumevanje ljudskog duha i pružanje ljubavi je ključno za opstanak. Kao humanitarac, verujem u ljudska prava i slobode i zalažem se za ohrabrivanje i poboljšanje ljudi u svakom mogućem smislu. Kao umetnica, želim isto. Za mene, najveće ispunjenje je mogućnost da ohrabrim nekoga da ga inspirišem i da mu pomognem. Jednakost se može jedino postići tako što ćemo osvetliti probleme koji nas okružuju i što nećemo okretati glavu kada se susretnemo sa njima. Nadam se da ću kroz svoj rad uspeti u tome još više.

Haljina: Le Qua Atelier by Carlos Mannings ( @lequaatelier )

Minđuše: Georgina Jewelry ( @georginajewelryofficial ) from PR SOLO ( @pr_solo )


Šta je najteži i najznačajniji deo industrije u kojoj ste?

Najteži deo su ograničenja koje ljudi imaju. Biti u mogućnosti da ih pogurate da urade nešto više od svojih mogućnosti je veliki uspeh. Nikada ne shvatajte odbijanje i neuspeh lično, budite sposobni da ne, pretvorite u da i uvek kontaktirajte ljude bezobzira da li će vas možda odbiti. Verujte u svoje sposobnosti i snagu. Verujte da ćete naučiti iz grešaka i da ćete uspeti. Mnogo puta, ljudi misle da žele velike kampanje, da budu miljarderi, poznati, da rasprodaju Madison square garden, ali u stvari najbitnije je da usavršite svoj talenat.  Uvek gledajte na viši cilj vašeg rada. Imajte kreativnu autonomiju, ne ograničavajte vašu umetnost zbog biznisa i budite slobodni da stvarate, jer ako utičete makar samo na jednu osobu, uspeli ste.

Kako provodite slobodno vreme?

Obožavam video igrice, gledam anime, plešem, pevam, sviram klavir, treniram borilačke veštine i šetam dosta. Veliki sam nerd. Volim da čitam o umetnosti i obožavam književnost. Idem u muzeje, putujem, omiljeno mi je kada pada kiša da čitam knjigu uz topao čaj. Zapravo najviše volim male stvari koje me usrećuju.

Uskoro izlazi vaša knjiga Be Your Best i Be Your Best Guide. Kako postati najbolji?

Kada ustanem, prvih 10 minuta izgovaram afirmacije i vizualizujem ono što želim da postanem. Takođe izgovaram zahvalnost za sve ono što imam u životu i što želim da se desi u budućnosti.

Iskreno verujem da je najbolja stvar koju možete uraditi jeste da budete zahvalni i da poptuno prigrlite osobu kakva želite da postanete. Ako kažete da imate sreće, sve će vam biti lako, postaćete mnogo srećniji nego ako konstatno verujete da nemate sreće uopšte. Zapitajte se ko želite da budete, kreirajte vizuelnu tablu, i fokusirajte se na tu osobu. Promenite navike i prilagodite ih svojoj budućnosti. Vaše ja iz snova nije samo budućnost, vi ste to i sada i vi ste ono što verujete da ćete postati.

Haljina: Le Qua Atelier by Carlos Mannings  @lequaateer 

Prsten: Andréanne Patry  @andreannepatry

 Mnđuše: UBS GOLD 


Kako ostajete u top formi?

Fitnes i zdravlje su individualna stvar. Morate da slušate svoje telo. Volim da prisutpam fitnesu iz svih uglova. Pokušavam da radim i treninge snage, kardio i jogu svaki dan. I trudim se da dosta vremena provodim na svežem vazduhu. Što se tiče ishrane, trudim se da jedem sve. Više se fokusiram da jedem veganski, uvek imam 7-10 različitih vrsta povrća, protein i trudim se da namirnice budu visoko kvalitetne. Radim gua sha, suvo češljanje, i mnoge druge kozmetičke tretmane, takođe meditiram i uvek se tuširam hladnom vodom. Najbolji savet koji mogu da vam dam jeste da kreirate navike koje vam daju energiju. Neka koncept zdravlja bude ono što vi jeste i to će vam pomoći da unesete pozitivne promene u svoj život.

Kako za vas izgleda jedan savršeni dan?

Savršenstvo je precenjeno. Biti okružen nesavršenim ljudima je pravi blagoslov koji mi uvek izmami osmeh na lice.

Koji je najbolji savet koji biste dali nekome ko poželi karijeru sličnu vašoj?

Idi u pravcu onoga što vas uzbuđuje, mislite kao ratnik, budite autentični bez obzira šta neko misli o vama. Niko ne može da bude vi i nikada nije kasno, od danas možete početi da unosite promene. Ne odustajte dok ne ostvarite svoje snove.

English here:


Bodi: DIANA COUTURE by Diana M Putri  @dianamputri 

Minđuše: Andréanne Patry  @andreannepatry  ASHLEY MICHAELSEN PR  @amprshowroom  Suknja: The Archives & Showroom  @thearchshow 

Čizme: Charles David Shoes @charlesdavidshoes 

Skye Aurelia: Into the Light

Skye Aurelia, international supermodel, actress, music artist, and business woman came from homelessness, poverty, and sickness to living her best life and impacting the world with her art. Skye is also known for her inspiring perspective on life and work as a humanitarian towards women’s equality and human rights throughout the world.

 Tell us about your project LIGHT

This has been a project that I have been envisioning for some time now. I have been focusing on incorporating art, technology, film, fashion and music through my company Skye Entertainment to create something that hasn’t quite been done before. I combined various genres, languages, cultural elements with my music. I’m so grateful that I have many people I have met along my journey that support my vision and want to help make it a reality.

What inspired you to write your song Blank Canvas?

We have all thought, “I wish I could have a blank slate” “a chance to start over”, to “learn from my mistakes and do it better the second time.” For me, art has held a special place in my heart. The ability to create, to change hearts is why I chose the entertainment industry. I spent many years, not feeling good enough, missing opportunities, letting the idea of perfectionism, passing time get in my own way. I thought it was too late for me when I was 18 because I wasn’t 14. I thought I’m not skilled enough, I don’t have connections, money. Eventually, I got to point where I had depression and anxiety because I wasn’t trying. I experienced homelessness and sickness, loss, and while there are many things I wish I could redo, I learned from my mistakes and changed my life through hope, gratitude, and gradually began creating the life I wanted to live. The story I wrote for LIGHT, begins from the point of rebirth, from dwelling in the mistakes of the past to being able to start again, living in the present and hope for the future.

Can you tell us more about the theme and message for the song?

The message is improvement of mental health through positive action

We all get lost on the journey to life. We’ve all felt like we went the wrong direction, regretted not acting on opportunities, missed out on love, on the dreams we didn’t reach out and work for. Over the years, if you don’t act enough it’s your life. When you get older, its always the chances you didn’t take you regret. My song is a reminder that as long as we are alive there is hope, there is a chance to make life however you choose. Whether you are 10, 20, 50, 60, 80, you are never too young or too old to achieve your life goals. Don’t wait until the end, don’t hesitate, paint life in whatever colors you choose and create your own world. Your daily actions make your life. The message is start today, and little by little, you will achieve your dreams.  Never let fear, worry or negativity keep you down, get back up, be grateful, show forgiveness, be happy, succeed, and live to the utmost. Don’t let anyone especially yourself stand in the way.

Haljina: ALPANA NEERAJ @alpana neeraj from PR SOLO @pr_solo 

Minđuše: Amorcito Jewelry Gamorcito jewelry from The POP Group 

Cipele: Charles David Shoes  @charlesdavidshoes  from ASHLEY MICHAELSEN PR  @ampshowroom 

How would you say your work as a humanitarian towards women empowerment and human rights has impacted your artistry?

For me, the connection of humanity is art at its core. Understanding the human spirit, giving and receiving love is quintessential for creation. As a humanitarian, I feel for the rights and liberties of all people, I strongly want to do what I can to encourage the improvement of the human condition. As an artist, I want the same. For me, the most fulfillment I get out of my life is through being able to encourage others, to try to make a difference through perception, philosophy, inspiration, and creation. Equality can only be achieved by sheading light on the issues that are happening, by not turning a blind eye, and by not creating demarcation between our differences. I hope to show as much inclusivity and strength of women through my work.

What is the most difficult and most meaningful part of being in the industry?

The most difficult thing would be dealing with everyone else’s limitations on you. To be able to push past them, is the defining factor of success. Never take rejection or failure personally, be able to turn a no into a yes, or reach out to people despite the fact you might get rejected. Have faith in your own abilities and strength. Trust that you will learn from your failures and succeed. Many times, people think they want major campaigns, to be an A lister, a billionaire, or sell at Madison square garden, and while I think getting to the top of your craft is important. Often times, people get to the top and then still don’t have happiness. Always have a greater reason for your work, have passion for what you do, for the path you chose to take in life. To be able to have creative autonomy, to not limit my art based upon business or societal pressure, to be free to create, to be able to impact even one person, to be able to make some good, give more hope, with what I put out into the world is what gives me the most meaning.

What do you do for fun?

Playing video games, watching anime, dancing, singing, playing piano, martial arts, and going for walks in nature. I’m a nerd. I love learning about art and literature. Going to museums, traveling, reading a book when it rains with warm tea. I like doing the little things that make me smile and feel alive.

You are coming out with a self help book Be Your Best, and a Be Your Best Guide later this year. What is your top tip towards becoming your best?

In the first 10 minutes of waking up, I do affirmations, visualize what I want to become, and I say thanks for the things I want to happen in my future.

I honestly believe that the best thing you can do towards being your best is have gratitude and fully embody the person you want to become. If you say I am lucky, everything comes easily to me, you will become far more fortunate than if you believe you are constantly misfortunate. Ask yourself who you want to become, create a vision board, have clarity and focus on that person, match your habits, and you will become that person. Your bad habits can change to become lifetime positive habits only when you see your identity as that person that has good habits. Your dream self is not just who you want to be, it’s who you believe you are now, it’s who believe you are becoming.

What do you do to stay in great shape and to look your best as a model?

Fitness and health is a personal journey. You have to listen to your body. I like having a well-rounded approach to fitness. I try to do strength training, cardio and yoga everyday. I make sure I walk and get fresh air.  For food, I try not to eliminate anything. Rather, I focus on making sure I eat primarily plant-based, I have 7-10 servings of vegetables, enough protein, and optimize the quality of my food and nutrients. I do gua sha, dry brushing, oil pulling, infrared and steam treatment, cold showers, and meditation. The best advice I can give is create habits that make you feel well and gives you more energy.  See being healthy as “who you are” and just that perspective alone will help you to make lasting positive changes on your life.

What does the perfect day look like to you?

To me, perfection is overrated. Being surrounded by the imperfect people I love laughing and smiling together side by side, is the greatest dream I could ask for.

What is the best piece of advice you can give to anyone hoping to follow the path you have taken?

Go in the direction of what lights your heart on fire, have the resolve of a warrior, be authentically yourself no matter what anyone thinks, don’t wait to act when something speaks to your soul, know it’s never too late, you have a blank canvas from today, and never ever give up until you paint the life of your dreams.

Team credits:

Talent: Skye Aurelia @skye.aurelia

Photography: Reinhardt Kenneth @Reinhardtkenneth

Creative Director: Skye Aurelia @skye.aurelia

AI Design: Kevin Abanto  @kevinabantoarkitekte 

Project Manager: Kevin Skye (@_kevinskye

Art Director: Ari Friedman  @arimandias

Fashion Stylist: Michelle Wu  @michellewustyle 

Hair Stylist: Jael Serrano @serranostudiosla 

Make Up: Star Tsai @startsai_makeup

Lighting Director: Matt Mendoza & Hugo Arvizu @arvizu_arts 

Digitech: Franco Salas @debeserfranco 

BTS videography: Alex Fowler @alexxfowlerr_

Grip: Suimay Lee  @suimaylee 

Gaffer: Dilpreet Shah  @dilpreeeeeeet 

Nails: DOT nail bar @Dot_nail_bar Zoljargal Gan ochir @zolo_mg

Personal Assistant: Shelby Noyes  @swedenshell382 

A Skye Entertainment Production @skyeentertainmentllc 

PR: WAVE MAGS  @wavemags 

Agent: Jennifer Cooper @jencooperphoto 
