Maria Sycheva, mlada i perspektivna fotografkinja, takođe i uspešan model, u intervjuu za Harper’s Bazaar Srbija govori o različitim sferama posla i na koji način je iz modelinga prešla u domen fotografije, iz drugog ugla.
Maria, zašto si odlučila da postaneš fotograf pored uspešne karijere u modelingu?
Dugo godina radim kao model, ali jednoga dana sam shvatila da mi to više nije zanimljivo i da ne ispunjava moje apetite za daljim razvijanjem. Generalno, nisam pasivan tip, aktivno se bavim sportom, dosta putujem, igram tenis, učim engleski ali sam osetila da mi još uvek nešto nedostaje. Tada sam odlučila da počnem da pohađam kurs fotografije koji vodi Tasha Monaenkova, gde se ispostavilo da je moje iskustvo iz modelinga veoma korisno.
Tvoje fotografije su poznate po izuzetnoj obradi. Da li imaš saradnika za retuširanje ili se time sama baviš?
Sve svoje radove retuširam sama. Savladala sam Photoshop, Lightroom i CaptureOne. Naravno, obrada kao i samo fotografisanje su mi u početku bili teški, kao i svaki novi posao.
Nisam se predala, već sam uživala u svakom procesu rada. Verujem da edino tako možete postići uspeh.
U moru digitalnog sveta, zašto misliš da bi klijenti trebali da odaberu baš tebe?
Dugo sam bila na drugoj strain kamere I znam koliko je nekada teško opustiti se i mirno pozirati. Baš zato, mogu da pomogne mladim modelima sa poteškoćama sa kojim se suočavaju ispred kamere. Lako pronalazim prave poze i najatraktivnije uglove za fotografisanje. Bez lažne skromnosti, mogu reći da se razumem u modu i da imam dobar ukus, te mogu pomoći klijentu oko odabira fotografija. Osim toga, imam iskustva i u scenografij na snimanjima.
Da li misliš da je estetika stvar talenta i da li se može razvijati?
Ima tu i talenta i estetike, a rad na sebi se podrazumeva. Moja majka je bila umetnica i od detinjstva mi je usadila ljubav prema svemu lepom. Zbog toga volim da posećujem muzeje I galerije, volim pozorište i klasičnu muziku. Umetnost je glavni izvor inspiracije. Puno putujem i uvek pimećujem prelepe pejzaže i sitne detalje pored kojih drugi ljudi obično prolaze, Žao mi je što nikada nisam crtala, jer me je i slikarstvo oduvek privlačilo. Ali fotograf je takođe umetnik, samo umesto sa temperama, igra se sa svetlošću.
Kakva atmosfera je, po tvom mišljenju, potrebna tokom snimanja i kako je postižeš?
Veoma odgovorno pristupam fotografijanju i bavim se svakim segmentom pripreme. Od frizure do odeće. Modni dodaci i rekviziti takođe igraju veoma važnu ulogu. Glavna stvar na snimanju je da ne ćutite I svorite prijateljsku i prijatnu atmosferu. U pozadini možete uključiti neupadljivu muziku.
Odakle crpiš inspiraciju za fotografije?
Svakodnevno surfujem internetom i prelistavam stranice omiljenih magazina, ali I dalje mislim da su glavni izvori za nadahnuće u razvoju svakog pojedinca – filmovi, knjige, umestost, putovanja I komunikacija sa ljudima.
Iako se više ne baviš modelingom, I dalje izgledaš kao model. Bez čega ne možeš da zamisliš savršeno jutro?
Moje savršeno jutro počinje sa čašom vode, trčanjem i tuširanjem. I da, bez jutarnjeg treninga, moje jutro ne može biti idealno.
Šta jednu devojku čini lepom?
Tri stvari. Treba da bude negovana, energična i ljubazna.
From a model to a photographer: an interview with Maria Sycheva, who stood on the other side of the camera.
Maria Sycheva is a young, promising photographer with a fresh, creative view, and a successful model whose photos regularly appeared in magazines. Maria told about the way she had passed from a model to a photographer in her interview with Bazaar.
Maria, why did you decide to become a photographer? You have achieved great success in modeling, why did you decide to change your career?
I’ve been working as a model for many years, took part in photo shoots for fashion magazines. But one day I realized that it was no longer interesting to me. I really needed to move on and develop.
I was thinking for a long time, in what area I can self-actualize. In general, I can’t stand still in one place – I actively do sports, travel a lot around the world, play tennis, learn English, but I felt that something was still missing.
And I decided to try to take a photography course with Tasha Monaenkova. At that time I was not quite sure that I would have success in this field, because the technology does not like me. But it turned out that my experience as a model was very useful here.
Your photos have very high-quality retouching, did you order correction from specialists?
No, I retouch all my work myself. I believe that bringing a photo to the ideal is the work of a photographer, and it is not fair shifting it to someone else’s shoulders. So I’ve mastered Photoshop, Lightroom, and CaptureOne, and I do my own retouching. Of course, both photography and retouching were difficult for me at first, just like any new business. But I enjoyed my work, even when I was not too good at it. I didn’t give up, and that is why I achieved success.
Maria, now there are a lot of photographers, the Internet is full of ads. Why do you think customers should choose you?
I’ve been on the other side of the camera for a long time, and I know how hard it is sometimes to relax and pose calmly. That is why, I can help girls with the difficulties that models face before the camera . I easily find the right poses and suggest the most favorable angles for photography. Without too much modesty, I can say that I understand fashion, and I have good taste – so it’s not a problem for me to help the client with the choice of an image. Plus, there are so many interesting things in my closet, that I can support them with accessories and props, and I also have experience in stylized photo shooting.
Do you think good taste is a talent that nature has given you, or can it be developed?
Of course, it’s both. Any girl can form a good taste, if you are not lazy and work on yourself.
My mother was an artist and from childhood she instilled in me love of beauty. That’s why I like going to art exhibitions, visiting museums, art galleries, I love theaters and classical music. Art is the main source of inspiration. I travel a lot and always notice beautiful landscapes, small details that others usually pass by. And I regret that in my past I never learned how to draw. Painting always attracts me. But a photographer is also an artist, only he paints with light.
What kind of atmosphere do you think should be during the photo shoot? How to achieve the right mood?
I approach the photo shoot very responsibly, I choose the model’s style that suits her appearance, choose her hairstyle, clothes. Accessories also play a very important role. I collect refs for shooting, choose a studio. I think through everything to the smallest detail, so that the client would be satisfied. The main thing on the shoot is not to be silent and to create a friendly pleasant atmosphere. So that the model is not shy and was not squeezed in the photo. The mistake of many photographers is that they are silent during the shooting, and the model does not know what is happening on the other side of the camera, gets lost and begins to be shy, and it’s wrong. You should always tell the girl how to stand up, what position to choose, support her and talk. You can turn on unobtrusive music in the background.
Where do you get your inspiration for photography?
Every day I surf the Internet and look through the pages of my favorite photographers and see a huge number of beautiful pictures. But I still think that the main sources of inspiration lie in the comprehensive development of the individual – movies, books, art, travel, communication with people.
Maria, you don’t work as a model, but you still look like a model. What can’t you imagine a perfect morning without?
Of course, looking well-groomed is the duty of any girl. So the perfect morning consists of a glass of water, a jog, and a contrast shower. Yes, and without a morning workout, too, my morning can’t be ideal.
What do you think makes a girl really beautiful?
Three words. She should be well-groomed, energetic and kind.
Team credits:
Model: Sycheva Maria @Maria_sycheva_
Photo: Manaenkova Tasha @tasha_manaenkova
Style: Bitsyn Alya @bitsyn_alya
MUA: Ismagilova Alexa @alexa_foxich
Hair: Shabalina Natalia @nata_stylistt