Šta više voliite — posao influensera ili preduzetnika?
Ne mogu da kažem da je odgovor na to pitanje jednostavan. Zaista ne mogu da preferiram više jednu stvar, u odnosu na drugu, jer se međusobno prožimaju. Razlika je u tome na koji način me te profesije ispunjavaju. Blogingom imam kontakt sa velikim brojem različitih ljudi, kao i sa mojim omiljenim modnim i beauty brendovima, često putujem i imam jedinstvenu priliku da ispoljim svoju kreativnost na platformi na kojoj može da me čuje veliki broj ljudi. Neki aspekti se preklapaju, kao što je to umeće diplomatije, razumevanje ljudske psihologije, kao i adaptacija u stresnim situacijama, ali i komercijalan pristup poslu. Nekada se neke ideje moraju pustiti, jer finansijski nisu opravdane.
Da li mislite o sebi kao o zvezdi/poznatoj ličnosti?
Uopšte ne. Ja sam obična devojka iz malog grada iz Rusije. Svaki put kada iskusim nešto što bi se moglo percipirati kao celebrity aspekt posla, npr. Izlazak na crveni tepih, osetim zahvalnost što sam u prilici da budem deo nečeg takvog. internet popularnost je deo mog posla i ona je ostvarenje zahvaljujući mom broju pratilaca. Nikada ne ističem sebe u odnosu na druge, jer mi upravo drugi ljudi daju priliku da budem to što jesam i da realizujem svoje snove.
Kako se motivišete?
Uvek sam motivisana. Imam veliku energiju za životom i iskustvima, tako je bilo još od kako sam bila mala. U početku nije bilo lako, pogotovo usled finansijskih aspekata. Teško je zaustaviti se, pogotovo kada ne znate gde ćete završiti u slučaju da poduhvat ne uspe. Moj mehanizam za preživljavanjem mi ne dozvoljava da budem lenja. Unutrašnji osećaj mi ne dozvoljava da sedim na kauču i da imam osećaj dokolice.
Šta vam pomaže da napravite pravu odluku u teškim situacijama?
Možda ćete se smejati, ali veliki broj mojih odluka su donesene naslepo, jednostavno verujem svojim instinktima. I u većini slučajeva su ispravni. S druge strane, ne plašim se poraza. Ne gledam ih tako. Za mene su to lekcije. Naučite i nastavite, a sledeći put se ponašate drugačije u sličnoj situaciji.
Šta je vaš moto?
Jednostavan, ali moćan citat čuvenog Winstona Churchilla — Nikada, nikada,nikada ne odustati.
Kako provodite slobodno vreme?
Obožavam bioskop. Pogotovo filmove starog Holivuda i stare filmove iz Sovjetskog Sveza. Imaju veoma lagan jumor, na divan način rade portrete ljudi i njihovih osobina, te unutrašnjih borbi. Pomažu mi da se isključim iz stvarnog sveta i da privremeno zakoračim u drugo vreme.
Koji su vaši kreativni planovi?
Planiram da uradi produkciju mog YouTube programa. I dalje je tajna koja je tema. Naravno, i dalje radim na usavršavanju moje masterclass platforme i planiram da produciram još jedan kratkometražni film. Nedavno sam se sprijateljila sa jednim mladim, ali fenomenalnim rediteljem. Za samo nekoliko sati smo napisali scenario za budući film. Sada je samo stvar da kreiramo film, međutim pošto imamo puno paralelnih aktivnosti, videćemo kada će biti pravi trenutak za to.
Šta želite da vam budućnost donese?
Moj odgovor je jednostavan. Sreća. Nikada ne bih volela da znam šta me čeka u budućnosti, jer volim iznenađenja. Ne želim da znam šta me čeka iza ćoška. To mi je dosadno.
Tell us what do you like best – being an Influencer or entrepreneur?
It is not an easy question to answer. There is not such a thing as preferring one or another. Those two go very much together. However there is a slight difference of how both of these occupations fulfil me. Blogging gives me a wide access to interesting people from different industries, gives me opportunity to work with some of my favourite fashion and beauty brands, travel the world and most important being creative and have a power to be heard by million people. Some of the challenges that I face as an entrepreneur you may also apply to blogging such as being very diplomatic, a good psychologist, very aduptive in stressful situations and have mathematical approach to all your actions. Sometimes you just let your best ideas go because they are not going to be successful commercially. However, in the end of the days you shouldn’t forget that blogging is still all about human connections.
Do you suffer from star fever?
No, not at all. I am a usual girl born in a small town in Russia. Every time I get to experience something extraordinary where you might feel like you are a “star” (red carpet moments for example) I am always grateful and have “pinch me moment”. Internet recognition is a part of my job and this recognition is purely accomplishment of my followers. I never put myself above people because they gave me the chance to be who I am, make my dreams come true.
Are you motivating yourself? If so, how?
I am always motivated. I have a hunger for life from my childhood. It wasn’t really easy financially. It is hard to give up when you know where you are going to end up in case of failure. It is like Scarlet O’hara’s quote from “Gone with the wind” : “As God is my witness, as God is my witness they’re not going to lick me. I’m going to live through this and when it’s all over, I’ll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk.” My survival mechanism doesn’t let me to be lazy. Something inside of me gets me out of the couch. the minute I let myself losing up.
What helps you make the right decision in difficult situations?
You would be laughing… A lot of my decisions I make blindly, trusting my intuition and instincts. Most of the time they do pretty good job haha. On the other hand I’m not afraid of failure. I don’t think failures do exist. Those are just lessons. You learn them, move on. Next time act differently.
Is your motto an inner anthem? Do you have it?
The quote by Winston Churchill – “Never never never give up”. Very simple by quite powerful.
How do you spend your free time?
I love cinema. Especially old Hollywood ones and USSR old movies. They have such a nice light humour, portraite human soul and it’s straggles. They help me to disconnect from the real world and dive into different time.
What are your creative plans?
I am planning to produce my YouTube show. It is a little secret what it is all going to be about. Of course, keep on improving and developing my masterclass platform and produce one more short film. I recently became friends with young but incredibly talented director. We wrote a new script together within just a few hours. Now it is all about finding the time to make to movie happened as I have a lot of thing going on simultaneously.
What would you like from the future?
My answer is rather simple “happiness” or I would like to not know my future. I preferred my life to surprise every day. I would never want to know what I should expect tomorrow. I find it boring.