Stella Manente – Queen of the Desert

Haljina Gucci

Među peščanim dinama, sa Stellom Manente razgovarali smo o njenim počecima, onome što je inspiriše, šeširima kao omiljenom aksesoaru, snovima koji se ostvaruju ali i najvećim kvalitetima svake uspešne žene.

1. Kako je započela vaša manekenska karijera?

Počela sam vrlo rano u svom životu, uvek sam bila veoma strastvena prema svemu što se tiče mode. Odlučila sam da pohađam školu Burgo u Milanu. Išla sam na časove dizajna i moja strast je rasla iz dana u dan. Posle toga, ubrzo sam pozvana i u nekim drugim sferama u svetu mode.

Haljina Gucci

2. Šta savetujete svima koji se žele baviti modelingom?

Ključ je u konstantnom radu. Većina ljudi veruje da je moda uglavnom uživanje, a ne mogu ni da zamisle ogromnu količinu posla iza kulisa. Moj lični predlog za sve mlade je da slede svoju strast, nikada ne budu stidljivi i da se neprestano trude. Usredsredite se direktno na svoje ciljeve kao i na svoja ograničenja. Budite svesni sebe i nećete imati rivala.

3. Koji su vaši izvori inspiracije?

Coco Chanel, Ives Saint Laurent, Gianfranco Ferre, Roberto Capucci, Giorgio Armani … Svi su oni fantastični sanjari koji su, ne samo stvorili umetnička dela, već su doneli novi pristup modi, fokusirajući se na njen društveni uticaj i na način življenja. Ti ljudi imaju malo magije u sebi. Iskreno, odabrala bih po malo od svakog od njih. 

Haljina Gucci

4. Sa kojim poteškoćama ste se suočavali u svetu modelinga?

Poteškoće su konstanta u modi iz mnogo razloga, jaki karakteri, snažne ličnosti, ljubomora, ponos … Ali srećom, te stvari su za mene samo prošlost. Vremenom sam naučila puno lekcija. Sada sam fokusirana na budućnost i nestrpljiva sam da vidim šta će mi nova životna iskušenja doneti.

5. Šta želite da postignete u narednih nekoliko godina, kako profesionalno, tako i lično?

Volim da se pitam o svojoj budućnosti i uglavnom sam sanjar. Volela bih da radim previše stvari, koje se ne bi uklapale u dnevni red jedne osobe. Trenutno sam skoncentrisana na svoju ekskluzivnu kolekciju šešira i modnih dodataka koji će uslediti. Što se tiče mog privatnog života, koncentrišem se na ono što me ispunjava. Nedavno sam ponovo otkrila užitke jednostavnosti. Volim svog konja, svoju porodicu, svog čoveka, svoju kuću, svog Zulija. Istovremeno, sada radim mnogo na svom društvenom angažmanu i TV karijeri.


6. Ko je vaš omiljeni dizajner?

Ne bih mogla da navedem samo jednog. Ranije sam citirala neke od njih, one koji su moj izvor inspiracije, ali svi savremeni dizajneri koji su otvoreni za promene, mene inspirišu.

7. Koliko vam je važno da budete u toku sa trendovima? Kako biste opisali svoj stil?

Praćenje trendova za mene znači sposobnost razumevanja sadašnjosti. Sa druge strane, ne pratim slepo trendove. Zalažem se za slobodu i kreativno izražavanje kroz vizuelni identitet. Razumevanje trendova je takođe važno za predviđanje budućnosti, jer mi to direktno pomaže da stvorim atmosferu za moj stilski izraz.


8. Koji su to komadi u vašem garderoberu, bez kojih ne možete da živite?

Definitivno moji šeširi. Možda izgledaju beskorisno, ali, po mom mišljenju, moda deluje na suprotan način. Ono što se čini nepotrebnim i suvišnim, mora se iskoristiti kao dodatna vrednost, razlog za obogaćivanje. Ovo je osnovno značenje mode za mene, način na koji se oblačite treba da nosi neku poruku. Ja lično volim šešire, jer su istovremeno i najdelikatniji i najmoćniji modni dodatak koji biste mogli da koristite. To su sićušna umetnička dela koja me podsećaju na Coco Chanel, najinspirativniji primer mode i ženstvenosti.


9. Šta je, po vašem mišljenju, najveći kvalitet uspešne žene?

Uspešna žena treba da preferira kvalitet, pre nego kvantitet. Trebala bi biti u stanju da jasno sagledava stvarnost u kojoj živi i biti u stanju da iz svake situacije iznedri nešto pozitivno. Treba tražiti harmoniju u oblicima, ne zaustavljajući se samo na spoljašnjem utisku, već uzimajući u obzir eleganciju kao kombinaciju vizuelnog dojma, ponašanja, samopoštovanja, vrednosti i empatije.

10. Šta je vaš san?

Moj san je da nastavim da radim ono što volim, jer su ljubav i snovi jedina stvar u životu koja vas zaista može spasiti. Ne mogu da opišem šta sanjam, jer bi bilo previše pojednostavljeno da svoje želje i ciljeve izrazim u jednoj rečenici. Moje srce je puno radosti i glava puna projekata koji izlaze na videlo. Svi bismo trebali sanjati mnogo snova, uglavnom zato što ako to možete sanjati, možete to i učiniti. Kao posledicu, sve čemu se nadam za sebe je da nikada neću prestati sanjati, voleti i živeti svoj život onako kako dolazi, ceneći male, svakodnevne stvari.

Haljina Garimon Roferos


1. How did your modeling career start?

 I started very early in my life, I have always been very passionate with everything concerning the world of fashion. Before diving deep into something, you need to put some theoretical foundations, some fertilizers in order for your flowers to grow bigger. I decided to attend the Burgo School in Milano. I took design and (non so) classes and my passion grew to the maximum extent. After that, I’ve soon been called for some different works in the world of fashion such as modeling, walking on carpets, and participations to fashion shows.

2. What is your advise for anyone who wants to pursue modeling?

The key is work. Most people believe that fashion is mostly a leisure, but they can’t even imagine the huge amount of work behind the scenes. My personal suggestion for all the youngers is to follow your passion, never be shy, and work, work, work hard for it. Another key element is passion. Fashion is something you can’t handle without a strong engagement, it must be love at first sight. I’m actually serious. Fashion is not easy, but you can do it. Keep your focus straight on your objectives as well as on your limits. Be aware of yourself and you will have no rivals.

3. Do you have a source of inspiration for your career? If so, may we ask which one? 

Coco Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Gianfranco Ferré, Roberto Capucci, Giorgio Armani… They are all fantastic dreamers who, not only created some pieces of art, but mainly redesigned a new approach to fashion, focusing on its social impact and on the way of living it. Those people have some magic in them. I honestly would pick a little from each one of them. I love to be inspired by their inspiration in order to become Stella Manente, as a pure original and creative stylist.

4. What difficulties have you faced in model world?

Difficulties are a constant in fashion due to many reasons, for instance conjunctures, strong personalities, jealousy, pride… But thanks God this is just the past for me. I learnt a lot of lessons through time. Now I am focusing on the future, I am eager to see what’s ahead. I literally can’t wait, and this makes me genuinely happy.

5. What are you looking to achieve in the next couple of years, both professionally and personally?

I’m an enthusiast of life. I love to wonder about my future and, mostly, I am a dreamer. I would like to do too many things, they wouldn’t fit in one person agenda. Mainly, I am concentrating on fashion, on my exclusive hat collection and the accessories that will follow. All I want to do is to open up and express my taste, my view over fashion and its integration in society.As for my personal life I am concentrating on what is fulfilling and heartwarming for my actual self. I recently rediscovered the pleasures of simplicity. I love my horse, my family, my man, my house, my Zuli and… who knows. At the same time, I am now working much on my social engagement, my TV career and on my IG involvement for communication and sharing.

6. Who is your favorite designer?

I could not name just one. I made some citations before, they are my source of inspiration… but all the modern designers that are open to change and projected towards the future.

7. How important is it for you to follow trends? How would you describe your style?

Following trends for me means being able to understand the present. It might seem simple and meaningless to do, but in doing so people apply to social rules, proving to be part of one same cultural system. This has a psychological and social relevance. On the other hand, I do not really much like trends. I stand for freedom and free expression of the self. Understanding trends is also important for forecasting future, as for this I need to study the present situation in order to be able to understand what twill be happening in the future, and thus being able to create the mood for my actual style.

8. What are some items in your wardrobe that you can’t live without?

Definitely my hats. They might seem useless but, in my opinion, fashion works in the opposite way. What seems unnecessary and superfluous must be exploited instead, as an added value, a reason for enrichment. It requires a specific attention and an extra work. This is the underlying meaning of fashion for me, the way you dress should carry some messages for you self-expression, connoting style with huge significance. I personally love hats, because they are at the same time the most delicate and the most powerful accessory you could use. They are tiny works of art that remind me of Coco Chanel, the most inspiring example for fashion and femininity at once. 

9. What, in your opinion, is the main quality of a successful woman?

A successful woman should prefer quality to quantity. She should be able to see clearly the reality she live in, and mostly being able to catch the positive that lies behind things. She should seek for harmony in shapes, without stopping to the exteriority but considering elegance a combination of appearance, behavior, self-esteem, values and empathy

10. What is your dream?

My dream is to keep doing what I love, because love and dreams are the only thing in life that can truly save you. I can’t describe what my dream is, because it would be way too simplistic to express my desires and goals into one sentence. My heart is full of joy and my head full of project that are coming to light. My dream is to keep having the energy driving me. We should all have many dreams, mainly because if you can dream it, you can do it. As a consequence, all I hope for myself is to never stop dreaming, loving and living my life as it comes, appreciating the little  everyday things it gifts me. 


Photographer: Alex Flint @alex_flint_ph

Make up artist: Mabs Khakwani @mabz_artist

Hairstylist: Faezeh @faezeh_beauty

Assistant: Constant Japaridze  @callmeconstant

Agency: WaveMags @wavemags

Location: Fossil desert – Dubai
