Candice Lam i fotograf iz Kejptauna, Ramzi Mansour, prvi put su ukrstili svoje životne puteve u Parizu. Nedavno su se okupili za smeli i ekološki prihvatljiv modni editorijal, postavljen na živopisnoj pozadini obalne scene Kejptauna.

Kako je započelo vaše putovanje u svet modelinga i šta vas je inspirisalo da se bavite ovom karijerom?
Zapravo prvo sam počela kao glumica, a gluma je i dalje moja glavna strast. Počela sam da glumim u Los Anđelesu nakon što sam diplomirala na USC pozorišnu umetnost. Radila sam komercijalno modeliranje tu i tamo. Onda sam odlučila da se preselim u Njujork da glumim u pozorištu, na filmu i televiziji. I bila sam skautirana na ulici u SOHO-u od strane Mother Agency koja je lansirala moju modnu karijeru. Ono što najviše volim kod manekenstva je to što mogu da iskoristim svoje glumačke veštine I transformišem se u različite likove tokom fotografisanja. Inspiriše me muzika koja svira tokom sesije snimanja. Dakle, dobra muzika i dobra vibracija su ključ za mene.
Nalazite se u Njujorku, ali ovog puta ste radili sa fotografom Ramziem Mansourom u Kejptaunu. Možete li podeliti neke zanimljive priče sa snimanja u Kejptaunu sa nama?
Prvi put sam srela Ramzia tokom Nedelje mode u Parizu u septembru 2023. To mi je bio prvi put da šetam na pisti na Nedelji mode u Evropi. Dobro smo se zbližili posle jednog neprijatnog događaja u Parizu, i pomenuo je da bi želeo da me pozove na fotografisanje u Kejptaunu. Bila sam uzbuđena, naravno, jer nikada nisam bila u Kejptaunu i divila sam se Ramzievom radu. On je zaista čovek od reči, ceo proces snimanja, od mog leta od Njujorka sve do Kejptauna nije bilo ničeg drugog do profesionalizma, efikasnosti i iskustva prve klase. Ramzi je zaista brinuo o svom timu kako bi svi mogli da doprinesu stvaranju vizije magazina. Zaista mu se divim i cenim ga kao osobu, prijatelja i fotografa.

Po čemu se gradovi Kejptaun i Njujork razlikuju jedan od drugog?
Kejptaun je prelep grad, topao, sunčan i ljudi su ljubazni. Njujork je Njujork znate, to je magični jedinstveni grad pun energije i mogućnosti. Ali nekome to može biti opterećenje I stress da živi I radi u Njujorku, posebno poslednjih godina, kada sve postaje nepristupačno. Ja lično shvatila sam da mi je potrebna promena tempa I zato sam odlučila da se preselim u Evropu, tako da sam sada na relaciji Milano-Njujork. Oh, nešto smešno se dogodilo tokom na snimanju u Kejptaunu, uštipnula me je beba rak u okeanu dok sam snimala! Nisam bila povređena ili bilo šta, ali sigurno je bilo bolno i pomalo smešno.
Postoje li neki modeli ili ličnosti modne industrije koje su imale značajan uticaj na vas?
Na mene su najviše uticale Audrey Hepburn i Jane Birkin. Audrey, inspirativna glumica, model i ljudsko biće, njena ljubaznost me je najviše inspirisala. Njena duboka briga za decu i čovečanstvo me je tako dirnula da svaki dan podsećam sebe da radim sa ljudima, a ne sa modelima, fotografima ili rediteljima. Mi smo svi ljudska bića sa našim manama, slabostima, snovima i egom. Ako se samo fokusiramo na pojedinačne veze među sobom, sama industrija će se promeniti, a samim tim I svet bi se promenio. Slobodni duh Jane Birkin i seksipil bez izvinjenja inspirisali su moj stil i izraz. Verujem da su ljudi najlepši kada zagrle svoje pravo ja, koji se ne plaše da izraze ko su i u šta veruju.

Da li se vaša percepcija modne industrije vremenom promenila?
Da, jer sam nekada mislila da je manekenstvo lako, samo stajanje, postavljanje nekoliko poza, I izgleda prilično. I za to ste dobro plaćeni. Ali nakon što sam počela da se bavim modelingom, shvatila sam da je to potpuno drugačija vrsta stresa, pritiska i stalne borbe za samopoštovanjem, od glume. Često kažem da je modeling verovatno jedan od retkih poslova gde vas zapošljavaju na osnovu vašeg izgleda. Dakle, to može biti veoma površno i štetno za samopoštovanje. I to je veoma drugačiji osećaj kada budete odbijeni na osnovu načina na koji izgledate, što je nešto što ne možete zaista promeniti. Nasuprot dobijanju glumačke uloge jer je gluma veština koju možete naučiti I poboljšati (mada ponekad i mi glumci dobijamo poslove na osnovu izgleda i visine ili boja naše kože). Zbog toga razvijam dublje poštovanje za modeliranje. Nije jednostavno izgledati dobro pred kamerom, to je naporan rad, putovanja u različite zemlje u kojima se ne govori vaš jezik, bolovi u telu, bolovi u stopalima, oštećena kosa, striktna ishrana, vežbanje I što je najvažnije održavanje mentalnog zdravlja.
Glumili ste u TV serijama i filmovima. Kako se to razlikuje od rada na modnom snimanju?
Jedno od najneočekivanijih iskustava prelaska sa glume na manekenstvo je to dok na filmu ili TV-u, talenat se tretira sa poštovanjem, daje im se privatnost i zaštita rada. Naročito ako ste član SAG-AFTRA Unije, sve mora biti u skladu sa pravilima Unije; znači plaćeni ste za prekovremeni rad nakon 8 sati, imate odgovarajuće pauze za obroke, privatnu prikolicu i svlačionicu, rok plaćanja je 2 nedelje itd. Takođe na filmu/TV setu glumcima se daje prioritet i prostor da se fokusiramo na naš tekst I likove. Dok se bavim manekenstvom, često osećam da manekenke tretiraju sa manje važnosti na setu. Ponekad nas samo nazivaju „model” umesto da nas oslovljavaju našim imenima.

Takođe ste zagovornik održivosti. Zašto vam je ovaj uzrok važan I kako podstičete više ljudi da preduzmu akciju?
Održivost mi je važna jer sam bila tako depresivana jedan dan nakon gledanja ekološkog filma pod nazivom „Priča o plastici“. Dakle, da se ne bih osećala depresivno u mom radu kao modelu (koji se tiče potrošnje i prodaje) morala sam nešto da uradim – da pronađem različite težnje u svom radu i svojoj industriji da ostvarim pozitivan uticaj. Tako, na kraju krajeva, to je sebičan razlog. Ja lično mrzim plastiku i sve što je toksično za moje telo i okolinu. I to je nešto veoma lično za mene. Neću nikome da namećem svoja lična uverenja, ali ako mislim da postoji možda bolji i svesniji način konzumiranja, ja ću uzeti akcije u podršci mojim uverenjima. Stoga je podrška održivim modnim brendovima važna meni. Tako sam srećna što je naša stilistkinja Kat iz Brazila odlučila da koristi sve lokalne brazilske brendove a većina njih je ručno rađena i održiva.
Kako ostajete u formi i održavate sveukupno blagostanje za modeling?
Kladim se da se modelima vrlo često postavlja ovo pitanje. Da budem iskrena, imam dobre gene. Ja sam uvek mršava bez obzira koliko jedem, a jedem mnogo. Haha. Možda ne kao i ovih dana otkako sam postala vegetarijanac. Manje sam gladna i imam više energije. Većinu vremena jedem prilično dobro, ali ipak dozvoljavam sebi da uživam u čokoladama, siru i kroasanima. Sve je u ravnoteži, zar ne? I naravno, radim vežbe i jogu redovno, ne samo da ostanem u formi, već smatram da je to korisno za moje mentalno zdravlje.

Možete li opisati tipičan dan kada ne radite?
Budim se u 6:30 ujutro, meditiram 30 minuta do sat vremena, vežbam. Onda ću uzeti 30 minuta za „uraditi ništa” vreme, obično gledam kroz prozor, ili posmatram svoju mačku ili biljke, ili kontemplirajući. Ako osetim glad, onda ću pojesti jednostavan doručak. Oko 9:30 počinje moj “radni sat” kada proveravam mejlove, pišem ljudima iz industrije, istražujem filmove/TV ili modne fotografe, ažuriram moj onlajn portfolo ili CV itd. Zatim uzmem pauzu za ručak, prošetam napolju, vratim se daljem istraživanju. Možda se sretnem sa prijateljima na kafi. Skuvam lep obrok, sviram klavir i uveče pogledam stari film do spavanja. Pošto radim za sebe, radim svakodnevno.
Koja je vaša najveća želja za budućnost?
Težim da budem ženska verzija Bruca Leea (ne u smislu Kung Fu zvezde), već neko ko razbija stereotipe i otvara vrata za druge koji možda nikada neće imati priliku inače. Verujem da se do odredišta ne stiže sam, već uz pomoć i podršku mnogih ljudi na putu. Stoga sam težila da budem osoba koja pomaže I podržava tuđe snove i želje kao što su mnogi to činili za mene.

English here:
Candice Lam and Cape Town-based photographer Ramzi Mansour first crossed paths in Paris. Recently, they embarked on a bold and eco-friendly fashion editorial set against the picturesque backdrop of Cape Town’s coastal scene.
Can you tell us about your journey into modeling and what inspired you to pursue this career?
I actually started as an actress first, and acting is still my main passion. I began acting in Los Angeles upon graduating from USC in Theatre Arts. I was doing some commercial modeling work here and there. Then I decided to move to New York to act in Theatre, film and TV. I was scouted on the street in SOHO by my Mother Agency which launched my modeling career. What I love about modeling the most is that I can utilize my acting skills and transform myself into different characters during photoshoots. I get inspired by the music playing during the shooting session. So, good music and a good vibe is the key for me on
You are based in New York City, but this time you worked with photographer Ramzi Mansour in Cape Town. Could you share any interesting stories from the photo shoots in Cape Town with us?
I met Ramzi for the first time during Fashion Week in Paris in Sept 2023. It was my first time walking fashion week in Europe. We had bonded very well after a sort of unpleasant event in Paris, and he had mentioned that he’d like to invite me to do a photo shoot in Cape Town. I was excited of course as I had never been to Cape Town and admired Ramzi’s work. He is truly a man of his word, the whole process of the shoot from flying me all the way from New York to Cape Town was nothing short of professionalism, efficiency and first class experience. Ramzi really cared and took great care of his team to ensure everybody can also contribute in creating the vision for the magazine. I truly admire and appreciate him as a person, friend and his talent.

How do the cities of Cape Town and New York differ from each other?
Cape Town is a beautiful city, warm, sunny, and people are friendly. New York is New York you know, haha, it’s a magical unique city full of energy and opportunities. But one can get overwhelmed and stressed living and working there, especially in recent years, things have become more and more unaffordable in New York City. I personally had found myself needing to have a change of pace in life and decided to move to Europe, so I am now basing between Milan and New York at the moment. Oh, something funny did happen during the shoot in Cape Town, I got pinched by a baby crab in the ocean while shooting! I was not injured or anything, but surely it was painful and kind of funny actually.
Are there any models or fashion industry personalities who have had a significant
influence on you?
Audrey Hepburn and Jane Birkin had the most influence on me. Audrey, an inspirational actress, model and human being, her kind heartedness was what inspired me the most. Her deep care for children and humanity has touched me in such a way that every day I remind myself that I work with human beings, not models or photographers or directors. We are all human beings with our flaws, weaknesses, dreams and egos. If only we focus on the individual connection between one another, the industry itself will shift, and therefore, the world would shift. Jane Birkin’s free spirit and unapologetic sex appeal had inspired my personal style and expression. I believe people are the most beautiful when they embrace their true self, unafraid to express who they are and what they believe in.

Has your perception of the modeling industry changed over time?
Yes, because I used to think modeling is easy, just standing there, striking a few poses, and looking pretty. And you get well paid for it. But after starting modeling, I realized it is a completely different kind of stress, pressure and constant battle on self-worth than acting. I often say Modeling is probably one of the few industries that you get hired based on your looks. So it can be very superficial and self esteem damaging. And it’s a very different feeling when you get rejected based on the way you look, which is something you can’t really change. Verses not getting an acting role because acting it’s a skill you can learn and improve upon (though at times we actors also get judged based on looks and height or the colour of our skin). Therefore, I develop a deeper appreciation for modeling. It’s not simple looking good in front of the camera, its hard work, traveling to different countries where you don’t speak the language, body aches, foot pains, hair teased, eating well, exercising and most importantly maintaining mental wellness.
You’ve acted in TV series and movies. How do you find it differently between working
as on a fashion shoot and acting?
One of the most unexpected experiences transitioning from acting to modeling is that while on a film or TV set, the talent is treated with respect, given privacy and work protection. Especially being a SAG-AFTRA Union actor, everything has to follow within the Union rules and regulation; meaning paid overtime after 8 hours, appropriate meal breaks, private trailer and changing room, 2 weeks payment period etc. Also on film/TV set, actors are given priorities and space to focus on our lines and character. While modeling, I often feel models are treated with less importance on set. We are sometimes merely being referred to as “the model” instead of being addressed by our names. I personally feel the modeling industry in general seems to have vastly different “rules”, or the lack if it due to unionization. I’d like to be a part of a movement in advocating for better work and payment protection in the modeling industry.

You’re also an advocate for sustainability. Why is this cause important to you, and how do you encourage more people to take action?
Sustainability is important to me because I got so depressed one day after watching an environmental film called “The Story of Plastic”. So, in order for me to not feel depressed about my work as a model (which is about consumption and sales) I have to do something – to find different aspirations within my work and my industry to make a positive impact. So, ultimately it’s a selfish reason. I personally hate plastics, and anything that is toxic for my body and the environment. And it’s something very personal to me. I am not going to impose my personal beliefs on anyone, but if I think there is maybe a better and more conscious way to consume, I am going to take action in supporting my beliefs. Therefore supporting sustainable fashion brands is important to me. I am so happy that our stylist Kat from Brazil decided to use all local Brazilian brands and most of them are handmade and sustainable.
How do you stay in shape and maintain your overall well-being for modeling?
I bet models get asked this question very often. To be honest, I have lucky genes. I am always on the skinny side no matter how much I eat, and I eat a lot. Haha. Maybe not as much as I used to these days since I became vegetarian. I feel less hungry and have more energy. I do eat pretty well most of the time, but I still let myself indulge in chocolates, cheese and croissants. Its all about balance, right? And of course, I do exercise and yoga regularly, not only to stay in shape but I find it beneficial for my mental wellness. It helps me destress and maintain balance.

Can you describe a typical day for you when you are not working?
I wake at 6:30am, meditate for 30 mins to an hour, exercise. Then I will take 30 mins “do nothing” time, usually looking out the window, or watching my cat or plants, or contemplating. If I feel hungry I will then eat a simple breakfast. Around 9:30am I will start my “working hour” by checking emails, writing to industry people, doing research on film/ TV or fashion photographers, updating my online portfolio or resume etc. Have a lunch break, take a walk outside, back to more research, outreach or self-taping. Maybe meet up with friends for coffee. Cook a nice meal, play the piano and watch an old movie in the evening till bedtime. To me, since I work for myself, I work everyday even when I am not shooting on set.
What is your single biggest aspiration for the future?
I aspire to be the female version of Bruce Lee (not a Kung Fu Star per se), but someone who breaks stereotypes and opens doors for others who may never have the opportunity otherwise. I believe one doesn’t reach the destination alone, it is with the help and support from many people along the way. Therefore I aspired to be the person who will help and support others’ dreams and desires as many had done so for me.

Team Credits:
Photographer: Ramzi Mansour
Model: Candice Lam
Agency: Nomad Management
Videographer: Sean Young
Hair and makeup: Hannah Kruyer-Maritz
Stylist: Katharina Taylor
Stylist’s assistant: Maria Luiza Araujo
Photo assistant: Mila Engelbrecht
Production/PR: TAMEDIA