Anastasia Kova: On Top Of The World

U intervjuu za srpsko izdanje magazina Harper's BAZAAR manekenka ruskih korena otkriva ko su joj profesionalni uzori, kako je provodila vreme na Baliju tokom pandemije virusa korona i zašto želi da radi u Londonu i Njujorku.

Anastasia Kova, Ruskinja je koju ne možete da ne primetite. Sa visinom od 180, magnetski privlačnim zelenim očima i bujnom plavom kosom, ona je tip neprolazne lepote, koji se ureže u sećanje svakom ko je i prvi put vidi. Skautovana je na ulici još kao tinejdžerka, ali je u svet profesionalnog modelinga ušla sa 20 godina.

O svojim počecima, trenutnoj karijeri i planovima za budućnost priča za srpsko izdanje magazina Harper’s BAZAAR.

Zašto ste postali model?

Od detinjstva sam se divila modelima. Njihova lepota, ličnost i znanje da se predstave su me fascinirali i inspirisali. Od petnaeste godine me skauti zaustavljaju na ulici, govoreći mi da imam potencijala za manekenski posao. Zvale su me razne agencije, ali sam prvi ugovor potpisala tek sa 20 godina, za Elite Model Agency. Skaut je bio moj sadašnji prijatelj, a kada sam dobila predlog za saradnju prosto nisam mogla da ga odbijem jer se radilo u Milanu!  

Jeste li model puno radno vreme?

Dopada mi se da radim kao model non-stop, ali s obzirom na to da mnogo putujem, radim samo onda kad imam vremena. Ipak, trudim se da imam barem jedno snimanje u zemlji u kojoj trenutno boravim.

A šta radite u slobodno vreme?

Volim da učim i otkrivam nove stvari, pa pohađam razne kurseve. Na primer, trenutno završavam kurs glume, što mi pomaže da se razvijam i kao model.

Haljina: namelazz, jakna: namelazz, rukavice: agnelle

Otkrijte nam najpoznatiji brend sa kojim ste ostvarili saradnju.

Ako govorimo o snimanjima, bilo je to u Parizu za Balmain. Kad su modne revije u pitanju, onda kuća Benetton.

A najizazovnije snimanje do sada?

Na početku karijere imala sam snimanje gde sam morala da vozim bicikl. Znam da je to čudno, ali jako loše vozim bicikl, pa je bilo izazovno pedalirati i slikati se u isto vreme.  

Šta predstavlja najteži deo vašeg posla?

Mislim da su to kastinzi. Ponekad idete na 8 do 10 kastinga dnevno tokom cele nedelje, a često se dešava da budu u različitim delovima grada u kojem boravite, mogu da traju satima i sve je to veoma zamorno.

Total look: Namelazz

Izdvojte najveću prepreku sa kojom ste se sureli baveći se svojim poslom.

Bila sam tek na početku karijere, tek što sam počela da se zaleđem u poslu, kada se desila pandemija virusa korona. Zatekla me je u Italiji i sve projekte na kojima sam radila, kao i oni zakazani, morali su biti otkazani i to na neodređeno vreme. Ali, nisam želela da sedim besposlena i čim sam mogla da letim, otišla sam na Bali, gde sam živela i radila nekoliko meseci.

Otkrijte nam neke ciljeve na karijernom planu.

Kratkoročni cilj je odlazak u London, a dugoročne planove vezujem za Njujork i potpisivanje ugovora sa nekom modeling agencijom odande. Od detinjstva sam opsednuta reklamama za parfeme i volela bih da snimim barem jednu, za neki veliki brend.

Recite nam nešto zanimljivo o sebi.

Nakon škole, upisala sam pravni fakultet, ali sam na poslednjoj godini napustila studije kako bih se u potpunosti posvetila karijeri modela.

Bodi: namelazz, kaput: sandro, cipele:YSL, nakit: vintidž, helanke: wolford

Kako vidite sebe za deset godina?

Volela bih da se ostvarim kao supruga i majka, jer mi porodica znači sve u životu. Što se tiče poslovnih uspeha, definitivno želim da rastem i razvijam se kao model i vidim se na naslovnim stranama brojnih modnih magazina.

Čemu vas je manekenstvo naučilo, a možete da primenite u svakodnevnom životu?

Baveći se ovim poslom postala sam otvorenija. Bolje se izražavam i komuniciram, pa danas nemam problem da se snađem i steknem prijatelje bilo gde u svetu.

Imate li uzore u poslu?

Divim se Irini Shayk jer je u isto vreme jedna od najboljih manekenki na svetu, a ostvarila se i kao majka.

Total look: Namelazz

A omiljenog modela i dizajnera?

Mogu izdvojiti Naomi zbog njene snažne ličnosti. Od dizajnera volim Davida Komu, jer njegova odeća veoma elegantno naglašava žensku figure.

Kog fotografa volite?

Petera Lindbergha. Upravo je on počeo da fotografiše Naomi i druge modele u potpuno drugačijem stilu. Sviđa mi se čistoća njegovih fotografija. Uvek su crno-bele i više liče na dokumentarne, nego modne fotografije.

Moto kojim se vodite kroz život?

Voli i uživaj u životu.

Sledeća modna kampanja koju biste volelu da uradite?

Bila bi mi čast da učestvujem na Rihanninoj Fenty reviji u Americi.

Imate li neki savet za modele koji tek počinju svoju karijeru?

Ne plašite se neuspeha. Čak i kada je teško, glavna stvar je upravo u tome da ne odustanete i da verujete u sebe. Samopouzdanje je ključ uspeha.

English here: 

Suit: namelazz Jewelry: vintage

Anastasia Kova is a Russian model you can’t help but notice. With a height of 180, magnetically attractive green eyes and lush blond hair, she is the type of timeless beauty, etched in the memory of everyone who sees her for the first time. She was scouted on the street as a teenager, but entered the world of professional modeling at the age of 20. She talks about hers beginnings, current career and plans for the future for the Serbian edition of Harper’s BAZAAR magazine.

How did you become a model?

Since childhood I admired models. Their beauty, personality and knowledge of how to present themselves was my inspiration. From the age of 15, modeling scouts started stopping me on the streets saying that I have a potential and were inviting me to agencies. However, I only signed my first contract when I was 20. It was Elite Model Agency, where one of my friends was scouting. When I received a proposal for cooperation, I couldn’t refuse, because it was in Milan!

Do you work as a model full-time?

I love being a model, but I also travel a lot, so I work according to availability. However, I always try to da at least one shoot in the country where I go.

Body: namelazz, Coat: sandro, Shoes: YSL, Jewelry: vintage, Tights : wolford

What do you do in your spare time?

I like learning and discovering new things, so I often take various courses. For example, I am finishing an acting course now, and I think it helps me develop as a model.

What is the most famous brand you have modelled for?

If we talk about shooting, it was in Paris for Balmain. As concerning the fashion show, it was for Benetton.

Describe the most challenging photoshoot you have been a part of.

At the beginning of my career I had a shoot where I had to ride a bike. It may seem strange, but I am insanely bad at cycling, so posing and pedaling was really challenging.

Suit: namelazz Shoes: Bottega Veneta Jewelry: vintage

What is the toughest part of a model’s job?

For me, the most difficult part is castings. Sometimes you can go through 8 or even 10 castings a day during the fashion week and they are all in different parts of the city and might take hours which is tiring.

What was the biggest obstacle you have faced in your modeling career so far? How did you overcome it?

When I was still at the beginning of my career and everything just started to work out for me, I got some projects in Italy and then suddenly the Covid happened. All work had to be cancelled indefinitely, but I didn’t want to sit back. As soon as the flights were resumed, I went to Bali where I lived and worked for a few months.

What are your professional and career goals?

My short-term career goal is going to London and developing there. My long-term career goal and is going to New York and signing a contract there. Since childhood I am obsessed with perfume commercials and I am willing to be in one for a big brand.

Dress: namelazz Jacket: namelazz Gloves: agnelle

Tell us an interesting thing about yourself.

After school, I entered the University to study Law, but in my last year I left the programme and completely immersed myself in modeling.

How do you see yourself in ten years?

I definitely see myself as a wife and mother by that time as family means everything to me.  As to my career, I want to keep growing as a professional and see myself on the covers of numerous fashion magazines.

What has modeling taught you?

As a model I became more open and learned to express myself. Making friends anywhere in the world is no longer a problem.

Do you have role models? What is your motto in life?

I admire Irina Shayk because she is a great model and mother at the same time. My motto is Love and Enjoy your life.

Who is your favorite model? And a fashion designer?

I can single out Naomi Campbell for her strong personality. As to fashion designer, I like David Koma, his clothes emphasize the female parts of the body very elegantly.

Do you have a favorite fashion photographer and why?

Piter Lindberg. It was him who began photographing Naomi Campbell and other models in a completely different style. I like the purity of his photos. They are black and white and look more like a documentary.

Total look: Namelazz

Next fashion campaign you’d like to do?

It would be an honor for me to take part in Rihanna’s Fenty Show in America.

Do you have any piese of advice for models who are just starting their careers?

Don’t be afraid that something won’t work out for you. Even when it’s hard, the main thing is not to give up and believe in yourself. Self-confidence is the key to success.

Team credits: 

Model: Anastasia Kova @kova.8

Photographer: Denis Nemyachenko @denis.nemyachenko

Stylist: Kuchukhidze Anastasia @dze_n

MUAH: Christine Frame @christineframe

