Barbara Castellanos: Eternal elegance

Beauty preduzetnica, modna dizajnerka, model, glumica i rijaliti učesnica - malo je toga što u životu nije postigla prelepa Venecuelanka. U intervjuu za Harper's BAZAAR Srbija otkriva kako je sve počelo.

Haljina: JOTÉO, minđuše: Givenchy

Barbara, kažete da budućnost pripada ženama, zašto tako mislite?

Kažu da žene drže pola neba, ali prečesto ne shvatamo koliko je to. Širom sveta i u svim oblastima života, žene stvaraju, dizajniraju i inoviraju kako bi poboljšale svoje živote, živote svojih porodica i naših zajednica.

Žena kojoj se najviše divite?

Baki sa očeve strane, koja je, kao udovica, bila glavni razlog zašto su njena deca i unuci krenuli napred i uspeli. Usadila nam je ljubav prema Bogu i pomagala da razumemo život kroz čitanje i učenje da materijalne stvari nisu najvažnije, već porodica.

Vi ste model, preduzetnica, glumica. U kojoj od ovih profesija najviše uživate?

Volim svaki od tih aspekata, ali moram priznati da najviše uživam u tome što sam poslovna žena. To mi je pomoglo da otkrijem različite veštine. Takođe, pokazujuje mi da su odgovornost i posvećenost bilo čemu neophodni. Kada volite ono što radite, svet se zaveri u vašu korist.

Haljina: Paola Estefania, Minđuše: Chanel

Sa kojim rediteljem biste voleli da radite?

Sa Quentinom Tarantinom, jer jedna od stvari koja karakteriše njegove filmove je upravo osnaživanje žena.

Imate li omiljenu glumicu?

Da, Juliju Roberts.

Film koji ste gledali najviše puta?


Postoje li događaj i situacija koji su vam promenili život?

Verujem da me je svaka situacija kroz koju sam prošla nečemu naučila i mi, ljudi, tokom svakog dana prolazimo, živimo u konstantnom stanju evolucije. Čak i iz negativnih situacija možemo nešto naučiti i nastaviti da rastemo.

Haljina: Erick Bendaña x Passarellas, Minđuše: Lafonn

Kada ste shvatili šta želite da radite u životu?

Od malena sam volela svet modelinga i televizije. Kada smo bile male, moje sestre i ja pretvarale smo se da smo modeli na pisti i akteri neke telenovele.

Imate li moto koji vas vodi kroz život?

Ljubav je sila koja pokreće svet – kada to primenite u svom životu, sve vidite sa druge tačke gledišta.

Gde trenutno živite i zašto?

Živim u Majamiju. Ovde žive i moji roditelji, kao i braća i sestre, ovde radim i mogu reći da je ceo moj život ovde. 

Haljina: Erick Bendaña x Passarellas, Minđuše: Lafonn

Bili ste deo rijalitija Palm House TV. Opišite nam to iskustvo.

Bilo je to jedinstveno iskustvo, iz kojeg sam mnogo naučila. Imala sam priliku da živim sa osnaženim ženama, koje imaju različite životne stilove. Shvatila sam da, kada sam dobro upoznala svaku od njih, realnost često nema nikakve veze sa tim kako (nama nešto) spolja izgleda.

Prilikom susreta sa ženama sličnih interesovanja, stičete li utisak da se žene više ponašaju kao rivalke i po sistemu – žena je ženi vuk, ili se, pak, drže zajedno, pomažu jedna drugoj, kao što to rade muškarci?  

Ja sam tip žene koja voli da svi blistaju na svetu, koja veruje da ovde ima mesta za sve, ali da, videla sam rivalstvo među nekim ženama koje misle drugačije. Mnogim ženama se, kad počnu da sarađuju sa mnom, dopadne ideja o tome da sve možemo da uspemo. 

Haljina: JOTÉO, Minđuše: Givenchy

Kako za vas izgleda tipičan radni dan?

Trenutno su društvene mreže veoma važne i posvećujem im mnogo vremena svaki dan. Kada nisam u procesu priprema za modnu reviju, sa svojim timom radim na pretprodukciji za fotografisanje ili upravljam sajtom za Passarellas.

Bez čega ne možete da zamislite svoj dan?

Bez šoljice kafe – to je prva stvar koju uradim kada se probudim.

Za šta uvek imate vremena, a šta ste sebi uskratili?

Uvek imam vremena za ljude koje volim i uvek odbijem poziv na zabavu jer sam jedna od onih žena koje vole da provode vreme kod kuće.

Haljina: Sophie Couture

Kako inače provodite svoje slobodno vreme?

Da završim neke obaveze koje nisam stigla tokom nedelje ili ga provodim sa porodicom i prijateljima.

Omiljena knjiga, pisac i citat?

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Mali princ – Suština je oku nevidljiva. 

U šta verujete?

U više biće koje se zove Bog.

Imate li omiljenog dizajnera?

Mnogo je onih koje volim, ali divim se Carolini Herreri zbog sjajne putanje koju je uspela da ostvari u svetu mode,  kao jedna osnažena žena, plus je Venecuelanka. 


Dress: Paola Estefania, Earrings: Chanel

Barbara, you say that the future belongs to women – why do you think so?

It is said that women hold half the sky, but too often we don’t realize how much. Across the world and in all areas of life, women are creating, designing, and innovating to improve our lives, our families, and our communities.

The woman you most admire is?

My grandmother on my father’s side, who, being a widow, was the main reason her children and grandchildren moved forward and succeeded. She always inculcated love for God and helped us understand life through reading and teaching that material things are not the most important, family is.

You are a model, an entrepreneur, an actress. Which of these professions do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy every facet, but I have to admit I enjoy being a businesswoman the most. It has helped me discover many different skills within myself. Also, showing me that responsibility and commitment are essential. When you love what you do, the world conspires in your favor.

Dress: Sophie Couture

Which director would you like to work with?

With Quentin Tarantino. Because one of the things that characterizes his films is empowering women.

Do you have a favorite actress?

Yes, Julia Roberts.

The movie you have watched the most times?


Is there an event or situation that changed your life?

I believe every situation I’ve lived through has taught me something and it’s ongoing every day, we live in a constant state of evolution. Even from the negative situations we can learn and continue to grow as people.

Dress: NINÉ

When did you realize what you wanted to do in life?

Since I was a little girl, I have always liked the world of modeling and television. When we were little my sisters and I used to pretend we were runway models and we would play as if we had a telenovela role.

Do you have a motto that guides you through life? And role models?

Love is the force that moves the world; once you apply it to your life, you see everything from a different point of view.

Where do you currently live and why?

I live in Miami, in the U.S. Since my parents and siblings live here, this is also where I work and my business is based here.

You are part of the Palm House TV reality show. Describe that experience for us.

It was a unique experience, and at the same time I learned from it. I had the opportunity to live with empowered women with different lifestyles, and by understanding that not everything a person appears to be is reality, when I got to know each of them, I realized that they each struggled to achieve their goals.

Dress: NINÉ

When meeting women with similar interests, do you get the impression that women feel more like rivals, that they are warring with each other, or have they started to stick together, to help each other, like men?

I’m the type of woman who likes everyone to shine in the world; there’s room for all, but yes, I have seen rivalry among some women who think otherwise. But once they know me and get to work with me on some productions, they realize that I like that we all can make it.

What does a typical working day look like for you?

Right now social media is very important, I dedicate a lot of time to it every day. And when I am not in the process of preparing for a fashion show, I am with my team working on pre-production for photoshoots or managing the website for Passarellas. 

Bodysuit: Paola Estefania, Scarf: Cult Gaia, Earrings: Versace

What can’t you imagine your day without?

Without a cup of coffee, it’s the first thing I do when I wake up.

What do you always have time for, and what have you denied yourself?

I always have time for the people I love, and I always deny a party invitation since I am one of those people who enjoy spending time at home.

Bodysuit: Paola Estefania, Scarf: Cult Gaia, Earrings: Versace

How do you spend your free time?

I use my free time to do errands or spend it with family and friends.

Favorite book, writer and quote?

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The Little Prince. “The essential is invisible to the eye.”

What do you believe in?

I believe in a higher being called God.

Who is your favorite designer?

There are many designers that I love, but I admire Carolina Herrera for the great trajectory she has managed to have in the world of fashion as an empowered woman and she’s Venezuelan.

Bodysuit: Paola Estefania, Scarf: Cult Gaia, Earrings: Versace, Shoes: Saint Laurent

Team Credits: 

Model: Barbara Castellanos @barbaracastellanos

Photographer: Jesús Marcano @marcophotoshoot

Fashion Stylist: Hassni Caina @styledbyhassni

Makeup Artist and hairstylist: Jesús Marcano @marcoartistry

PR: LA Media Group @la.mediagroup

