Cynthia Bailey: The Third Act

Američka rijaliti zvezda, model i glumica u intervjuu za digitalno izdanje magazina Harper's BAZAAR, otkriva kako je izgledao njen put od zgodne srednjoškolke do megazvezde.

Haljina: Ella Zahlan @ellazahlan. Minđuše: PR_solo @pr_solo Ogrlica: Ivan Bitton Style House @ivanbittonstylehouse Obuća: Regard Style House @regardstylehouse 

Put Cynthije Bailey – od srednje škole do dostizanja statusa slavnog supermodela i glumice, priča je o odlučnosti, raznolikosti i ostvarenim snovima. Stras prema modelingu osetila je tokom završnog razreda srednje škole, kada je privukla pažnju skauta iz modeling agencije Wilhelmina, iako nije pobedila na takmičenju za kraljicu mature. Ova neočekivana prilika dovela ju je do toga da potpiše ugovor sa Wilhelmina Models u Njujorku, označavajući prelomni trenutak koji će oblikovati njen život. Ta prva modeling iskustva, mnogo su joj značila i u kasnijoj karijeri. Proboj je ostvarila slikanjem za naslovnu stranu magazina ESSENCE, što je iskoristila da prezentuje vrednosti lepote, snage i samopouzdanja, kojima se divi. Naslovne strane sa njenim likom su se super prodavale, a predstavljale su i svojevrsan presedan u modnoj industriji i veoma hrabar korak – na njima je prvi put pisalo ime modela, što je kasnije postalo norma.

Novi modni izazovi usledili su razvojem modne industrije, koja je počela da zahteva sve veću raznolikost od modela, što se dešavalo u Cynthijinim formativnim godinama. Jaka i otporna, Cynthia postaje zagovornik promena, neko ko ruši barijere i krči put nadolazećim modelima različite boje kože. Beverly Johnson, poštovana crna lepotica i model, odigrala je ključnu ulogu kao Cynthijin uzor i mentor. Saveti i ohrabrenje koje dobija od Beverly, i dan danas, podstakli su Cynthiju na njenom putu. Jedan od vrhunaca njene karijere jeste slikanje za Vanity Fair, sa vodećim supermodelima tog vremena kao što su Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Iman i Beverly Johnson. Hvatajući jedinstvo i dostojanstvo, to slikanje označavao je istorijski trenutak. Prebacujući se sa modelinga na glumu, odlučna Cynthia rado je išla u susret novim kreativnim putevima. Strast prema glumi bila je sveprisutna, ali je Cynthia počela da je shvata ozbiljno tek kada je za to došlo pravo vreme. Uloga u seriji The Cosby Show označavala je značajan korak u njenoj celokupnoj karijeri – bilo je to ostvarenje sna. 

I danas, kada usklađuje karijeru preduzetnice, modela, glumice i još mnogo čega, njeni ciljevi ostaju visoki. Sa brojnim filmskim i TV projektima na horizontu, kreiranju  koktela i poduhvatima koji podrazumevaju zdrav život i well – being, Cynthia ponovo definiše uspeh po svojim uslovima. Njenim rečima – ona želi da bude zapamćena kao sjajna majka, pozitivna sila i vizionar. Njeno putovanje kroz život, vođeno verom i odlučnošću, inspiriše sanjare i ostvarivanje njihovih snova. Dok hrabro korača ka svom cilju, Cynthia Bailey nas podseća da je nemoguće dostižno, kako je mudro rekao Nelson Mandela: Uvek deluje nemoguće sve dok se ne ostvari! 

Krzno: Uma Wang @umawangofficial Minđuše: Anne x Joeseph @annexjoseph Turban: Iz arhive. Minđuše: PR Solo @pr_solo

Kada ste poželeli da se oprobate kao model i šta vas je inspirisalo da to i uradite?

Moja strast prema modelingu rodila se u završnom razredu srednje škole. Bila sam prva afroamerička kraljica u svojoj srednjoj školi. Zamoljena sam da učestvujem u home coming takmičenju za kraljicu, gde je jedan od sponzora bio skaut iz Wilhelmina agencije u Njujorku. Nisam pobedila, niti se plasirala na takmičenju, ali sam bila jedina takmičarka kojoj je pomenuti skaut prišao nakon takmičenja i ponudio ugovor. Iako nisam pobedila, gledajući unazad, zapravo jesam! Godinu dana kasnije sam potpisala ugovor sa Wilhelmina Models i preselila se u Njujork. To je promenilo tok mog života. 

Možete li izdvoji neka važna iskustva iz svoje rane modeling karijere, ona koja su oblikovala vaš put ka uspehu?

Prva velika stvar u mojoj modeling karijeri jeste naslovni članak u magazinu ESSENCE. Bio je među najprodavanijima i doslovno je nestao sa kioska. Uvek sam se identifikovala i poštovala ESSENCE ženu jer je predstavljala lepotu, snagu i samopouzdanje. Bila sam ponosna što predstavljam žene kojima sam oduvek divila. Zahvaljujući uspehu mog prvog naslovnog članka, dobila sam i drugu naslovnicu, koja je takođe bila veoma uspešna. Ono što mi se najviše svidelo kod drugog naslovnog članka bila je činjenica da je na njemu pisalo moje ime na naslovnoj strani, što tada nije bila uobičajena praksa. Nakon toga,  imena modela počela su da se ispisuju na naslovnim stranama. Drago mi je što sam već u ranom uzrastu naučila da tražim stvari koje želim i stvari koje mislim da zaslužujem.

Da li ste se suočili sa nekim izazovima tokom rane karijere kao model, i kako ste ih prevazišli?

Počela sam u vreme kada nije bilo mnogo raznolikosti. Bilo je teško dobijati posao jer većina kompanija/klijenata nije koristila mnogo crnih modela za promovisanje i reklamiranje svojih proizvoda. Ako bih dobila posao tada, devet od deset puta bih bila jedina crna manekenka na setu. Vremena su se promenila i stvari su se znatno poboljšale, međutim, i dalje mislim da imamo dug put pred sobom. Ponosna sam što sam bila deo pionira koji su otvorili vrata drugim mladim modelima.

Da li ste imali uzore ili mentore koji su vas vodili kroz rane faze vaše karijere?

Moj uzor i mentor je Beverly Johnson. Bila je, i još uvek je neverovatna crna lepotica. Uvek su mi govorili da izgledam kao da bih mogla biti njena kćerka ili mlađa sestra. Uvek mi je davala savete, inspiraciju i ohrabrenje. Obožavam je, i danas smo i dalje odlične prijateljice. 

Možete li se prisetiti svog slikanja za Vanity Fair? 

Moj najveći i najvažniji trenutak u celokupnoj modeling karijeri jeste pojavljivanje u magazinu Vanity Fair, zajedno sa nekim od najvećih tamnoputih supermodela. Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Iman i Beverly Johnson – samo da pomenem nekoliko. Bila sam neverovatno počastvovana i ponosna zato što sedim među svojim idolima. Atmosfera je bila magična, sve smo imale mnogo ljubavi i poštovanja jedne za druge. Znali smo da će nas fotografisati zajedno u istoj sobi u isto vreme, Annie Leibovitz, i da će to postati istorijski trenutak. Fotografija je napravljena za Imaninu knjigu o lepoti, a sve dame stilizovala je Kithe Brewster. Legendarno!

Haljina: Linna Stein @linasteinofficial Narukvica: PR Solo @pr_solo Obuća: Regard Style House @regardstylehouse

Kako ste prešli sa uspešne karijere modela na glumu, i šta vas je inspirisalo da istražite taj novi kreativni put?

Mislim da su me karijera modela i zvezde rijaliti TV-a pripremile za glumu. Oduvek sam gajila strast prema glumi, ali nikada nisam želela da joj se posvetim, dok zaista ne budem imala vremena da joj se posvetim. Nikada nisam želela da mi gluma bude sporedni posao. Kada sam bila spremna da uložim vreme i da se zaista fokusiram na to, tad sam joj se i prepustila. Važno mi je da radim i steknem poštovanje svojih kolega glumaca, kao i reditelja i producenata sa kojima sarađujem.

Trenutak za pamćenje, koji biste izdvojili, sa glumačkog seta? 

Definitivno kada sam odabrana za ulogu u seriji “The Cosby Show”, što je moja prva uloga u nekoj TV seriji. Prvi put je uvek poseban. Odrasla sam gledajući “The Cosby Show”, i nisam mogla da verujem da zaista radim tamo sa tako neverovatnom ekipom. Nezaboravan doživljaj.

Kada biste mogli da igrate bilo koju ulogu, koja bi to bila i zašto?

Da igram Diahann Carroll. Volim je jer kad pomislim na lepu, snažnu, elegantnu crnu ženu, ona je prva osoba koja mi padne na pamet. Ljudi često kažu da ličim na nju ili da pomalo podsećam. To je veliki kompliment. Ona je moja inspiracija i bila bih počastvovana da je igram. 

Koje biste savete dali mlađoj sebi?

Rekla bih joj da je dovoljno pametna, jaka i sposobna da stvori i živi život kakav želi. Rekla bih joj da veruje u sebe i uvek stavlja Boga na prvo mesto. Da dopusti Bogu da upravlja njenim koracima.

Kao višestruko nadarena preduzetnica, model i glumica, koje uzbudljive projekte ili poduhvate planirate u budućnosti?

Imam nekoliko filmskih i TV projekata koji dolaze u 2024. godini, kao i nekoliko emisija u pripremi koje produciram. Tu je još jedan novi koktel koji izlazi sa Seagrams Escapes. Organizujem i svoj prvi Cynthia Bailey health & wellness retreat. Nedavno sam ponovo pokrenula CBVIOR liniju torbi. Imam i nekoliko filmskih i TV projekata sa svojom ćerkom Noelle, što me jako uzbuđuje. 

Ako biste mogli da sažmete svoje putovanje kroz život i sva postignuća u nekoliko reči, po čemu biste želeli da vas pamte obožavaoci, kolege i svet?

Prvo, želim da me svet pamti kao odličnu majku – svojoj jedinoj i najvažnijoj ćerki Noelle. Ona će zauvek biti moje najvažnije dostignuće. Drugo, želim da me pamte kao osobu koja je uvek pokušavala da ima pozitivan pogled na život i kao vrednu ženu. Želim da kad pomisle na mene pomisle na saosećajnost, dobrotu, motivaciju i inspiraciju. Volela bih da me se kolege sećaju kao nekog ko je timski igrač i vizionar. Kao nekog ko ih je ohrabrivao, podržavao, poštovao. Sažela bih svoje putovanje kroz život kao jednu veliku vožnju i znam da je najbolje tek preda mnom. Postavila sam sebi ciljeve i naporno radim da ih dostignem. Uvek sam bila ambiciozna i sanjala o nemogućim stvarima, a onda radila na tome da to ostvarim. Živim život koji sam stvorila, zahvaljujući Božjoj milosti i život kakav mi odgovara.

Jedna od vaših omiljenih izreka je?

Uvek deluje nemoguće, sve dok se ne ostvari, Nelson Mandela. 

English below: 

Dress: Yimeng Yu @yimeng_yu  Earrings: Cue Accents @Cueaccents Rings: Meggem @Meggemsilver  Exuberant @exuberant_jewlry Karolina Berg Jewellery @karolinabergjewellery

Cynthia Bailey’s journey from high school to becoming a celebrated supermodel and actress is a tale of determination, diversity, and fulfilled dreams. Her passion for modeling ignited during her senior year when she caught the eye of a Wilhelmina model scout despite not winning a homecoming queen pageant. This unexpected opportunity led her to sign with Wilhelmina Models in NYC, marking a pivotal moment that would shape her life.

Early experiences in the modeling world carved Cynthia’s path to success. Her breakthrough came with an ESSENCE magazine cover, a platform she used to represent the values of beauty, strength, and confidence she admired. Her covers sold remarkably well and set a new precedent by including the model’s name – a bold move that later influenced industry norms. Challenges loomed as the modeling landscape needed more diversity during her formative years. However, Cynthia’s resilience prevailed. She became an advocate for change, breaking barriers and paving the way for future models of color. Beverly Johnson, a revered black beauty and model, played a pivotal role as Cynthia’s role model and mentor. Beverly’s advice and encouragement fueled Cynthia’s journey, fostering a strong bond that persists today.

A highlight of Cynthia’s career was the iconic Vanity Fair photoshoot featuring leading black supermodels like Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Iman, and Beverly Johnson. They captured their unity and grace in this historic moment, creating a lasting legacy. Transitioning from modeling to acting, Cynthia’s determination led her to embrace new creative avenues. Her passion for acting had always simmered, but she pursued it wholeheartedly when it was right. Her role on The Cosby Show marked a significant milestone, a dream fulfilled that left an indelible mark on her passion for acting.

Cynthia’s aspirations remain high as she balances her roles as an entrepreneur, model, actress, and more. With numerous film and TV projects on the horizon, a signature cocktail collaboration, and health and wellness ventures, Cynthia redefines success on her terms. In her own words, Cynthia aims to be remembered as a great mother, a positive force, and a visionary. Her life’s journey, guided by faith and determination, inspires dreamers and achievers alike. As she boldly walks towards her purpose, Cynthia Bailey reminds us that the impossible is attainable, as Nelson Mandela wisely stated: It always seems impossible until it is done.

Fur: Uma Wang @umawangofficial Earrings: Anne x Joeseph @annexjoseph Turban: Archive. Earring: PR Solo @pr_solo

When did your passion for modeling first emerge, and what inspired you to pursue a career in the fashion industry?

My passion for modeling started my senior year in high school. I was the first african american homecoming queen of my high school. I was asked to compete in a homecoming queen pageant and one of the judges was a model scout from Wilhelmina models in NYC. I did not win or place in the pageant but i was the only contestant that the model scout approached after & offered a modeling contract. So i didn’t win, but looking back i actually did win! A year later i signed with Wilhelmina models and moved to NYC. That move changed the course of my entire life and the rest is history. 

Can you share some of your early experiences in the modeling world and how they shaped your journey to success?

My first big break in my modeling career was my first ESSENCE magazine cover. It was one of their top sellers, and literally flew off the news stands. I’ve always identified and respected the ESSENCE woman because she represented beauty, strength, and confidence. I was so proud to represent the women that i had always looked up to growing up. Because of the success of my first cover, I was given a second cover, which was also very successful. what I love the most about my second cover is the fact that they included my name on the cover, which was unheard of back then to actually include the models name on the cover. After that cover all the models that came after me names were included on the magazine cover. I am glad that I learned at an early age to ask for things that you want, and things that you feel like you deserve. 

Were there any challenges you faced during your early career as a model, and how did you overcome them?

I started during a time where there wasn’t a lot of diversity. It was difficult to get work because most of the companies/clients didn’t use many black models to promote and advertise their business and/or products. If I booked a modeling job back then, 9 times out of 10, I was the only black model on the set. Times have changed and things have gotten a lot better however, I still feel like we still have a long way to go. I am proud to have been a part of the trailblazers that opened the doors for other up-and-coming models to walk through.

Did you have any role models or mentors who guided you through the early stages of your modeling career?

My role model & mentor was Beverly Johnson was my role model & mentor. she was, and still is an incredible black beauty. i was always told that i looked like i could be her daughter, or younger sister. she always gave me advice, inspiration and encouragement. i adore her & we are still great friends today. 

Fur: Uma Wang @umawangofficial Earrings: Anne x Joeseph @annexjoseph Turban: Archive. Earring: PR Solo @pr_solo

Can you take us back to that iconic photoshoot with all the leading black women who were models?

How did it come about, and what was the inspiration behind it? my biggest, and most memorable modeling moment was being featured in Vanity Fair magazine alongside some of the biggest black supermodels in the world. Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Iman, and Beverly Johnson just to name a few. I was so honored, and proud to sit amongst my idols. The atmosphere was magical, and everyone treated each other with love and respect. we knew that being photographed by Annie Leibovitz together all in the same room at the same time was going to make history. The photo was taken for Iman’s beauty book. all of the ladies were styled by fashion designer Kithe Brewster. it was legendary!!!

How did you transition from a successful modeling career to pursuing acting, and what inspired you to explore this new creative avenue?

I think that my modeling career and my reality TV, star career, prepared me in many ways to pursue my acting career. i always had a passion for acting, but I never wanted to commit to it until I had the time to truly commit to it. I never wanted my acting career to be a side job. I didn’t want to completely pursue it until I knew that I was prepared to take the time to truly focus on it. It is important to me to do the work, and earn the respect of my fellow actors as the directors and producers that I work with. 

What was your most memorable experience on set during your acting career, and how did it impact your passion for the craft?

My most memorable memory on set was when I was casted for The Cosby Show. It is the most memorable because it was my first time booking a TV show. Your first is always special. I grew up watching The Cosby Show, and I could not believe I was actually there working with the incredible cast. It was an incredible and definitely unforgettable experience. 

If you could play any role, what would it be and why?

i would love to play the role of Diahann Carroll. i love her because when i think of a beautiful, strong, classy black woman, she is the person that comes to mind. people often say i look like her, or remind them of her. that is a huge compliment. i am so grateful that she broke down the many barriers for young talented aspiring actresses who want to follow in her footsteps like myself. she is my inspiration, and i would be honored to portray her. 

What advice would you give your younger self?

I would tell my younger self that i am smart enough, strong enough and capable enough to create and live the life that i want to live. I would tell my younger self to trust myself and always keep God first in my life. Allow God to move my steps. As a multifaceted entrepreneur, model and actress, what exciting projects or ventures do you have in the pipeline for the future? I have several movie and tv shows coming in out in 2024. as well some shows in the works that i am producing. I have another new signature cocktail coming out with Seagrams Escapes. I am also doing my first Cynthia Bailey health & wellness retreat. I recently relaunched my CBVIOR bag line. I also have a couple of film and television projects with my daughter Noelle that I am excited to share this year. 

If you could sum up your life’s journey and accomplishments in a few words, how would you want to be remembered by your fans, peers, and the world?

First, I would like to be remembered to the world as a great mother to my one and only day Noelle. She will always be my most important and proudest accomplishment. Second, in regards to my fans, I want to be remembered for always trying to have a positive outlook on life and being hard working. Also for being compassionate, kind, motivational and inspirational. Third, i want to be remembered by my peers as someone that is a team player, and a visionary. Someone that is supportive, encouraging and respectful. I would sum of my life’s journey as one hell of a ride, and i know that the best is yet to come. I have set goals for myself that i work hard consistently to reach. I have always been ambitious and dreamed the unimaginable and my dreams have come true. I am living a life that I have curated by the grace of God that works for me. I walk towards my purpose daily. 

Whats one of your favoirte quotes?

My favorite quote is: “It always seems impossible until it is done”, Nelson Mandela.


Behind the scenes video: 

Team Credits: 

Model: Cynthia Bailey @cynthiabailey 

Art Director/Stylist/Producer/Interviewer: Oliver Brown @olvrbrwn

Photographer: Reinhardt Kenneth @Reinhardt Kenneth

Assistant Stylist: Safa Haque @magnificent_misfit

Assistant Stylist: India Young @Iamindiayoung 

Assistant Stylist: Tonya Jones @tljones422

Assistant Stylist: Nekeyta Brunson @nekeytaB

Key Hairstylist: Sheila Fisher @sheilafisherhair

Key Makeup Artist: Kierra Lanice @kierralanice with @armanibeauty

Videographer: Charles Hawthorne @regenerationproductions

BTS Photographer: Da Jon Johnson @cappedbydj

BTS Photographer: Kayla Turpin @kaylaturpinphotography

Lighting Director: Hugo Arvizu @arvizu_arts

Gaffer: Garret Alvarado @garrettsarchive

Photographer’s Assistant: Madeline Park @madelinepark

Retoucher/Editor: Liam Jenkins @liamjenkins.retoucher

PR: Danika Berry @danikaberry  @dbagencypr
