Emily Cheong osnivačica brenda Homolog Paris
Brend je osnovala Emily Cheong, prava svetska putnica u potrazi za otkrivanjem mnogih civilizacija širom sveta. Nakon završenog mastera iz poslovne administracije i doktorata iz psihologije, dizajnerka kreće u avanturu sa ciljem da stvori brend visoke mode kako bi ilustrovala lepotu svega. Nakon tri godine istraživanja i putovanja širom sveta, modna kuća zvanično je otvorena 2018. godine
Tokom njujorške Nedelje mode, septembra 2022. godine, pariska kuća Homolog odlučila je da predstavi svoju novu kolekciju proleće/leto 2023, a potom u Parizu oktobra 2022. Još jedna sezona u kojoj nas je Homolog zaveo prelepim komadima, savršenom mešavinom svetske kulture. Šarm, lakoća i fluidnost ističu ovu kolekciju. U njoj pronalazimo trodimenzionalnu umetnost kineskog veza, znanje predaka koje se prenosi s generacije na generaciju u Kini. Da ne pominjemo prisustvo batika (kineske tkanine koje su ručno vezene u Kini skoro hiljadu godina) i tkanine iz različitih delova sveta. Emily Cheong još jednom je donela izraz ljubavi i otvorenosti prema svetu, u lepoti i spokoju.

Happines by Homolog Paris
Umetnost veza prenosi se još od dinastije Tang iz Kine, a trenutno samo nekoliko sela u Kini još uvek ima majstore koji vladaju ovom umetnošću. Vez je takođe jedna od „tri jedinstvene umetnosti“ hrama Ta Er na visoravni Ćinghaj u Kini. Emilyna porodica dosta se bavila dobrotvornim radom u severnoj Kini tokom protekle decenije, podržavajući obrazovanje, medicinu i zaštitu životne sredine… postavljajući kao častan cilj zaštitu i očuvanje nematerijalne kulturne baštine.
Da bi ova umetnost ostala živa, Emilyina porodica decenijama podržava zanatlije. Svileni saten je tradicionalno dizajniran u željenom obliku, a zatim mu se dodaje vuna ili pamuk kako bi se dobio veći volumen. Dodavanje ovih materijala omogućava da se dobije na reljefu. Ovog puta dizajnerka Emily Cheong primenjuje istu tehniku na dizajn svojih komada, a efekat je fascinantan.
U ovoj kolekciji, Emily je takođe integrisala malezijsku batik tkaninu, isključivo ručno rađenu. Njegov dizajn je složen, šaren i međugeneracijski. Takođe je uključena i Kain Tenun Pahang, tkanina tkana u Pahangu u Maleziji, koja nosi kraljevski pečat. „Velika nam je čast da istaknemo Laino umetničko blago tokom Nedelje mode u Njujorku. Ovog puta predstavljamo Pahang tkane tkanine, i to je dragocen poklon.”, rekla je Emily. Fuzija toliko mnogo kultura tokom revije, dirnula je publiku.
Homolog tkanine su prirodne tkanine koje poštuju životnu sredinu – tu nalazimo 100% svilu, 100% dudovu svilu, uglavnom obojenu biljkama, kao što su listovi eukaliptusa, itd. Pod nazivom “heat”, motivi na dizajnima u vidu šarenih korala, morskih algi koje plutaju, šarenih džungli I veselih životinja imaju za cilj da probude lepotu ovog sveta u ljudskim srcima. Svačija je odgovornost da se brine o zemlji, kako bi naša planeta mogla da povrati svoju vitalnost.
Emily je posebno skrenula pažnju da zanat nosi svetlost zanatlije, sa toplinom i ljubavlju. Postoji drevna kineska pesma koja kaže: „odeća deteta luta u rukama brižne majke“. Nema sumnje da je odeća sašivena sopstvenim rukama majke više reprezentativna za ljubav voljenih. Emily smatra da su časovi šivenja i vezenja podjednako važni kao i šah, kaligrafija, slikanje i poezija. Pažnja se mora posvetiti razvoju mudrosti i negovanju estetike. Porodična ljubav i nasleđe su takođe lekcije koje moderna ljudska bića treba da imaju.

Otvaranje vodeće prodavnice u Parizu
Prošlog 9. decembra Homolog Paris je otvorio svoju prvu vodeću radnju u čuvenoj rue du luxe, rue du Faubourg Saint Honore, koja se nalazi na broju 65, u blizini Jeliseja, ranije poznata kao prodavnica poznatog italijanskog brenda Azzaro. Danas Homolog daje novi život ovoj radnji koja se prostire na preko 300m kvadratnih sa recepcijom u prizemlju, dok je potreban pristup prvom spratu gde je predstavljena cela kolekcija. Prostrana kabina i privatni prostor za VIP klijente, sve je postavljeno za pružanje vrhunske usluge klijentima. Odvojena dugačkim hodnikom, na istom spratu nalazi se I Homolog radionica. Tu Emily Cheong i njen ceo tim rade na budućim kolekcijama i personalizovanim komadima za posebne porudžbine, a ceo dizajn se radi na licu mesta.

Zaštita životne sredine po svaku cenu glavni je cilj kuće Homolog koju je postavila Emily Cheong
Glavni cilj brenda Homolog je da se više uključi u zaštitu životne sredine. I to je Emily želela da naglasi samog početka.
Homolog, je vrhunska kuća, koja namerava da pruži neograničene usluge malim grupama. Uključujući i haute couture modifikovanje stare odeće kako bi ona i posle mnogo godina mogla da nosi svoju originalnu lepotu, tako da lepota klijenta bude kao sunce koje večno sija. Na kraju, Emily kaže: „Nadam se da će ljudi pažljivo birati svaku odeću koju kupe i da će je čuvati iskrenom ljubavlju kao dobar prijatelj, baš kao ružu koju je navodnjavao mali princ.”

Identitet brenda
Homolog ima multidisciplinarne pristupe i dobro je poznat po svom raznolikom, inkluzivnom dizajnu. Homolog je opsesivan detaljima, sa naglaskom na krojenje, pažljivo odabrani materijal i tkanine po meri koje se razlikuju od ostalih modnih kuća. Homolog uključuje konfekcijsku liniju i couture liniju. Sa visoko kvalitetnim proizvodima, Homolog gradi strogu lojalnost i neguje odnos poverenja sa svojim klijentima.
Ideologija brenda
“Homolog“ je nastao od starogrčke reči ὁμόλογος (homólogos „slaganje, jednoumlje“). U biološkom smislu, to znači homologni organ ili deo, hemijsko jedinjenje ili hromozom, što objašnjava sve o modnoj kući. Homolog se izražava kroz modu. Prirodnost, delikatnost, ženstvenost i posebnost leže u njenim proizvodima koji predstavljaju pozitivnu energiju na moderan ekspresivan način, stvaraju novu viziju sveta. Ovo čini Homolog pristupačnijom modnom kućom, sa kojom se može povezati. Bićete zaintrigirani njegovom pričom dok otkrivate svaku novu kolekciju.

Sva odeća u editorijalu je kreacija homolog dizajnerke EMILY CHEONG
Šminka i frizura: LILI BONO
Agencija: L’ideal Photo Lab
English here:
Emily Cheong’s Homolog Paris Founder
Founded by Emily Cheong, a real globe-trotter in search of discovering many civilizations around the world. After a master’s degree in business administration and a PhD in psychology, the designer embarks on an adventure with the goal of creating a haute couture brand aimed at illustrating beauty in everything. It is after three years of research and travels around the world that in 2018 the house was officially born.
It was during the New York fashion week, on September 2022, that the Parisian house Homolog decided to present its new spring-summer 2023 collection, and in Paris on October 2022. Another season where Homolog captivates us with beautiful pieces, a perfect mix of world culture. Charm, lightness and fluidity punctuate this collection. We find there the three-dimensional art of Chinese embroidery, an ancestral know-how that is transmitted from generation to generation in China. Not to mention the presence of batik (Chinese fabrics embroidered by hand very widespread in China for nearly a thousand years) and fabrics from different parts of the world. An expression of love and openness to the world that Emily Cheong brings once again, in beauty and serenity.

Happiness by Homolog Paris
The art of embroidery has been transmitted since the Tang dynasty in China, at present only a few villages in China still have craftsmen who master this art. Embroidery is also one of the “three unique arts” of the Ta Er temple on the Qinghai plateau in China. Emily’s family has done a lot of charitable work in northern China over the past decade, supporting education, medicine, and environmental protection… Making it a point of honour to protect and conserve intangible cultural heritage. To keep this art alive, Emily’s family has been supporting artisans for decades. Embroidery techniques also served tantric Buddhism in lake history courses. Silk satin is traditionally designed in the desired shape, then added wool or cotton to give it more volume. The addition of these materials allows to obtain relief. This time, designer Emily Cheong applies the same technique to the design of her pieces, and the effect is fascinating.
In this show, Emily also incorporated Malaysian batik fabric. “Batik” is purely handmade. Its design is complex, colorful and intergenerational. The colors of batik are known to be blessed and legitimate with God.
The parade also features Kain Tenun Pahang, a fabric woven from Pahang in Malaysia, which bears the royal seal. Knitting is handmade and extremely tedious. Emily said: “We are very honoured to highlight Laia’s artistic treasures during Fashion Week in New York. This time we are presenting Pahang woven fabrics, and it’s a precious gift. “The fusion of so many cultures during the show touched the audience.
Homolog fabrics are once again natural fabrics respectful of the environment, we find there 100% silk, 100% mulberry silk, mainly dyed by plants, such as the leaves of nigger, eucalyptus leaves, etc. Placed under the theme of “heat” in the design of the motifs. Colorful corals, seaweed that roam, colorful jungles and merry animals hope to awaken the beautiful world in people’s hearts. It is everyone’s responsibility to take care of the earth, so that our planet can regain its vitality.
Emily also said affectionately that the craft itself carries the light of a craftsman, with warmth and love. There is an ancient Chinese poem that says, “the clothes of a child wandering in the hands of a loving mother”. There is no doubt that clothes sewn by the mother’s own hands are more representative of the love of loved ones. Emily thinks sewing and embroidery classes are as important as chess, calligraphy, painting and poetry. Attention must be paid to develop wisdom, and to cultivate aesthetics. Family love and heritage are also lessons that modern human beings should have.

Opening flagship store in Paris
Last December 9 Homolog Paris has opened its first flagship shop on the famous rue du luxe and French excellence rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, located at number 65, close to the Elysée, formerly known as the shop of the famous Italian designer Azzaro. Today Homolog gives new life to this shop of more than 300m square with a reception on the ground floor, it is necessary to borrow a staircase while mirror to access the first floor where the whole collection is represented. Spacious cabin and private space for VIP clients, everything is set up to provide quality service at the height of the fashion house. Separating by long corridor on the first floor, Homolog set up his workshop. It is behind this backdoor that Emily Cheong and her entire team are working on future collections and personalized pieces for special orders, the entire design is done on site.

Protecting the environment at all costs is the main goal of the Homolog house set by Emily Cheong
The main goal of Homolog today is to get more involved in protecting the environment. And this Emily wanted to emphasize from the beginning of the “show”. The first models that took part wore vintage pieces by great designers, a way for the designer to pay homage to her predecessors in all humility and also to promote the know-how to make beautiful and not on production. These pieces belonged to his grandmother a way to highlight timeless pieces dating back over 30 years, Emily calls them works of art, real treasures in her eyes. A beautiful gesture greeted by an emotional audience.
Homolog, is a high-end house, which intends to provide unlimited services to small groups. Including haute couture modifying old clothes so that they can still wear their original beauty after many years, so that the beauty of the client is like the sun that eternally shines. Finally, Emily says, “I hope people will choose carefully every garment they buy, and cherish them with a sincere love like a good friend, just like the rose irrigated by the little prince.”

Brand identity
Homolog has multidisciplinary approaches and well known for its diverse, inclusive designs. Homolog is obsessive about details, with an emphasis on tailoring, carefully selected materials and customized fabrics which differentiate from other fashion houses. Homolog includes ready-to-wear line, couture line. With high quality products, Homolog builds a strict brand loyalty and fosters a trusting relationship with its clients.
Brand belief
“Homolog” – from Ancient Greek ὁμόλογος (homólogos, “agreeing, of one mind”). In terms of biology, it means a homologous organ or part, chemical compound or a chromosome, which explains everything about the fashion house. Homolog expresses itself through fashion. The naturalness, delicacy, femininity and uniqueness lie within its products representing a positive energy in a modern expressive way, creates a new vision of the world. This makes Homolog appeal as a more approachable, relatable fashion house. You will be intrigued by its story as discovering each new collection.
All clothing in the editorial is the creation of the fashion designer Emily Cheong
Hair and make up: Lili Bono
Agency: L’ideal Photo Lab