Ilona Huzarevich: Glam&Beauty

Model i poslovna žena, Ilona, u razgovoru za Harper’s BAZAAR otkriva nam ko su joj uzori u modelingu, kakav je LA za život i koje su joj novogodišnje želje

Total look: Balmain

Da li nam možete reći nešto o vašoj manekenskoj karijeri? Kako je došlo do toga da se bavite ovim poslom i šta vas najviše inspiriše?

Od detinjstva sam se ugledala na čuvene super modele, Cindy Crawford i Claudiu Schiffer, Naomi Campbell i Kate Moss gledajući ih na pistama. Manekenstvo određuje standard stila i lepote. I uvek sam sanjala da postavljam takve standard u društvu.

Kako je izgledalo fotografisanje za Harper’s BAZAAR? Kakav je bio tim i kako ste došli do koncepta?

Ovim fotografisanjem smo želeli da prikažemo različite percepcije sadašnjosti. Sa jedne strane tu je prelep i sunčan dan koji predstavlja mnoge prilike koje pojedinci imaju u svetu, a sa druge tu je ta mračna strana gde mnogi ljudi se još uvek bore za osnovne životne potrepštine.

Kako vidite razliku između Evrope i Amerike kada je reč o modelingu?

Evropa, posebno Pariz, je glavni grad mode na čitavom svetu, gde se nalaze mnogi profesionalci, čuveni fotografi i modni dizajneri. Amerika je ipak mnogo više posebna. To je slobodna zemlja sa mnogo prilika i čak oni koji se bave modelingom u Parizu sanjaju da dobiju američki ugovor.

Total look: Balmain

Koji su vam projekti ostali u najlepšem sećanju a da ste ih radili u SAD?

Moji najdraži projekti se odnose na humanitarne akcije koje s tu kako bi podigle svest o siromašnim zemljama koje su ugrožene zbog korona virusa ili rata. Ne smemo da žmurimo na takve stvari i moramo da se trudimo da na bilo koji način doprinesemo rešavanju ovih problema.

Trenutno živite u Los Anđelesu, šta za vas predstavlja ovaj grad?

To je grad velikih mogućnosti sa mnogo muzeja i parkova. Centar zabave i filmova, muzike, umetnosti i televizije. Svake godine ovde se održavam dodela Grammy nagrada. U novembru sam imala prilike da prisustvujem događaju koji je organizovao Muzej umetnosti Los Anđelesa, (LACMA) na kome su bile mnoge poznate ličnosti. Divno sam se provela i ovo je bio jedan nezaboravan događaj za mene.

Haljina: Balmain

Ciepele: Chanel

Minđuše: Dior

Kako biste opisali život modela u LA-u?

Kako biste bili model u današnje vreme, nije dovoljno da izgledate samo na određeni način, već i da imate karakter, da budete vredni, fleksibilni, da imate strpljenje i da konstantno radite na sebi. Zbog toga, život modela u LA-u mora da bude dobro organizovan.

Kako biste opisali način oblačenja u Los Anđelesu?

Tokom dana, u zavisnosti od dela grada, opušteni stil se uklapa sa formalnim i klasičnim, dok se sportski spaja sa boho stilom muzičkih festival ai slobodnih kreativnih ljudi. Uveče možete sresti ljude obučene i minimalistički i glamurozno.

Haljina: Balmain

Ciepele: Chanel

Minđuše: Dior

Takođe se bavite i nekretninama, možete li nam reći nešto o tome?

Uvek su me fascinirale velike zgrade i kuće. Pored eksterijera, volim i da istražujem unutrašnjost građevina posebno kada ima neku priču zajedno sa svojim manama i vrlinama, tek tada možete da potpuno razumete za koju cenu možete da prodate određenu nekretninu. Veoma je zanimljiv posao i svaki put naučim nešto novo.

Koji je deo LA-a najbolji za život?

Svi sanjaju da žive na Bel Airu. Posebno u komšiluku sa Jeffom Bezosom il isa Bruce Willisom na Beverly Hillsu. Ali ni Hollywood nije ništa manje fascinantan sa svojim poznatim glumcima, turistima i noćnim životom. Za opuštanje preporučujem Malibu gde možete da surfujete, ronite i plivate.

Haljina: Balmain

Ciepele: Chanel

Minđuše: Dior

Koja vam je najlepša vila koju imate u ponudi?

Ako kontaktirate našu agenciju, uvek ćemo vam pomoći da pronađete svoj dom iz snova u kome ćete uživati i čija će cena rasti iz godine u godinu.

Da li imate neke ciljeve i želje za 2023.?

U Novoj godini želim da postignem još više uspeha u svom poslu u kome ću uživati, kao i u životu.

English here:

Haljina: Roberto Cavalli

Cipele: Saint Laurent

Nakit: Martin Katz

Ilona Huzarevich: Glam&Beauty

Model and business woman, Ilona in an interview with Harper’s BAZAAR tells us who are her role models, what is like to live in LA and what she wishes for in 2023.

Could you tell us about your modelling work? How did you come to it and what inspires you most of all?

From a youthful age I have been inspired by the looks of top models Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer, Naomi Campbell and Kate Moss on the catwalk. Modelling determines the standards of style and beauty. I have always dreamed of conveying those standards to society.

Haljina: Roberto Cavalli

Cipele: Saint Laurent

Nakit: Martin Katz

As you shot for Harpers Bazaar, how did you work with the team and how was the concept born?

In our work, we strived to show different sides of the present day. On the one hand it’s a beautiful bright time when a lot of opportunities are open and a lot of achievements of civilizations are available. On the other hand there is a dark side: a lot of people are still deprived of even the basic conditions of life.

How do you see the main differences between Europe and America in the modelling business?

Europe, and Paris in particular, as the fashion hub of the world, boasts a lot of professionals, great photographers and fashion designers, and yet America is a unique place. It is a free country of so many opportunities and even those who are lucky enough to walk the runway in Paris are dreaming of getting a contract in the USA.

Haljina, tašna, sve: Balenciaga

Cipele: Amina Muaddi

Nakit: Martin Katz

Can you tell us about some of the most interesting projects in the USA for you?

Today the most sought-after projects relate to humanitarian crises that arise in the poorest countries against the backdrop of covid-19 or wartime. We should not be indifferent to this and should be more attentive to the problems of others and contribute in every way possible to solving such problems.

You are now living in Los Angeles, what does this city mean to you?

Los Angeles is a city of great interest, with plenty of museums and parks. It’s the major entertainment centre for cinema, music, art, and television. Every year the Grammy Awards ceremony is held here. In November I had the opportunity to attend the gala event the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) with many celebrities invited. I had a wonderful experience and an unforgettable evening and event.

Haljina, tašna, sve: Balenciaga

Cipele: Amina Muaddi

Nakit: Martin Katz

How would you describe the typical life of a fashion model in Los Angeles?

Today a model must not only comply with the generally accepted parameters, but also have a strong character, be hardworking, have patience, a flexible mind, and constantly improve her skills. Therefore, the life of models in LA has to be well organised.

Every city will have its particular fashion style. If we talk about style in clothes in LA, how would you describe that?

Well, you don’t find a definite style in dressing in modern or not. During the day, depending on the location, casual style blends with business formal and classic style, while sports style – with boho style of music festivals, free-spirited and creative people. In the evening you can meet people who are dressed in both minimalist and glamorous outfits.

We saw you have a new real estate project, can you tell us about it?

I have always been fascinated by architecture and real estate is my passion. Apart from exterior, one wants to explore the spl of the building and only when you know all of its history then you can understand who the property is suitable for and its value. It’s an incredibly interesting job with a lot of unexplored opportunity to discover!

What are the best neighbourhoods to live in LA?

Everyone fancies living in the most prestigious and star-studded Bel Air neighbourhood. Especially next door to Jeff Bezos or the glamorous Beverly Hills next to Bruce Willis. But Hollywood is no less fascinating, with many famous actors, lots of tourists and a vibrant nightlife. For leisure, Malibu offers surfing, diving, or swimming opportunities.

Could you share with us the most beautiful villa/home one could consider living in with your New Project?

If you contact our agency, we will always help you find the house of your dreams, a home that will be harmonious with you, in which you will enjoy a pleasant and comfortable living, and in which the price will increase over time.

We are approaching the New Year of 2023. Any plans, dreams and goals you want to share?

In the New Year I dream of achieving even more in my new real estate project, enjoying the work and of course life itself.

Team credits:

Photographer: Troy Jensen @itstroyjensen

Model: Ilona Huzarevich @ilonamodel

Hair and Make-up: Troy Jansen @itstroyjensen

Production: Jarek Addison @jarekaddison

PR: Mariia Borovenska @mariborovenskaya 
