La Franco Spada: Luksuzna marka štikli sa zavodljivim dizajnom

Pročitajte ekskluzivan intervju sa Gianfrancom Dadoneom, dizajnerom kuće La Franco Spada.

Novi brend na tržištu modne industrije, La Franco Spada, nešto je za čim su zaljubljenici u dizajn, dobru obuću i jedinstveni stil čeznuli godinama. Dizajn ove modne kuće ženskoj obući daje zadivljujuće zavodljiv momenat, pomalo buntovan, a sve počinje od potpetice kakvu nikad ranije nismo videli.

Predstavljamo vam dizajnera ovog modnog brenda, tvorca fantastičnog dizajna obuće i zadivljujuće štikle, Gianfranca Dadonea.

Gianfranco, dobrodošli u Harper’s BAZAAR. Možete li nam ispričati nešto o svojim počecima i samom razvoju – kako je došlo do toga da kreirate najlepše cipele na svetu?

Ma koliko ludo zvučalo, ideja o brendu La Franco Spada došla mi je u snu. Pre nego što sam počeo da kreiram luksuznu obuću, bio sam u potpuno drugačijoj branši. Studirao sam medicinski fakultet i želeo da postanem doctor. Pre jedno pet godina, nakon popodnevne dremke koju sam imao posle dugog i napornog dana na fakultetu, probuio sam se iz sna u kojem sam video štiklu sa potpisom kako se spaja sama od sebe. Probudio sam se sa predinim osećajem, preplavili su me strast i želja da kreiram i kasnije, istog meseca, napustio sam studije i započeo svoj brend. Bilo je nemoguće da to uradim, s obzirom na to da sam u snu imao najjasniju viziju u životu – tako je La Franco Spada brend rođen. Nakon toga sam godinama radio sa nekim od najboljih italijansih zanatlija i dizajnera luksuzne obuće. Tako je dizajn koji sam prvo video u snu, oživeo na javi.

Vaše stikle imaju zaista jedinstven dizajn. Recite nam nešto više o tome.

Da biste razumeli stil obuće koju stvaram, trebalo bi da znate nešto o meni. Nikad nisam bio poštovalac pravila, niti statusa kvo, to nije u skladu sa mojom neukrotivom prirodom. Kada stvaram, trudim se da na obuću prenesem svoju ličnost i filozofiju. Počinjem od prepoznatljive štikle, koja je kombinacija modernog i traducionalnog, daleko od onoga na šta mnogi pomisle kad kažemo “visoka potpetica”.  Što se ostalog dela cipele tiče, poštovalac sam više je manje filozofije i dopada mi se da je stopalo što više golo. Elegantna zakrivljenost, oštri rezovi i primamljivi oblici – tako brend La Franco Spada konstruiše najseksepilniju, najzanosniju cipelu u svetu luksuzne obuće.

Kako ste došli na ideju da dizajnirate najedinstveniju petu vaših cipela, onu koja izgleda kao mač?  

Dakle, smatramo da je peta na našim cipelama umetnost za sebe. Tako je i stvaramo, ona prvo nastaje u našem umu kao ideja, bez razmišljanja o tome da li funkcioniše u stvarnosti kao potpetica, može li uopšte da bude štikla. Kad smo stvorili štiklu-mač, koju su pravile zanatlije koje ručno rade metal, tek naknadno smo mislili o tome kako da postignemo funkcionalnost. Da bi štikla-mač bila ovako seksi i vitka, morali smo da je pravimo od čelika, da bi imala snagu i stabilnost pravog oružja.

Recite nam nešto više o kvalitetu materijala koje koristite pri ručnoj izradi vaših cipela.

U pitanju je svetski renomirana ultra premium koža i svila, koja se proizvodi u Italiji. Cilj nam je da, kada uzmete u ruke našu cipelu, osetite kvalitet materijala i vrhunac tradicionalne izrade. Cilj nam je da nikada ne žrtvujemo taj kvalitet zbog masovne proizvodnje, kao što su, nažalost, mnoge kuće morale da urade.

Šta vas sve inspiriše?

Mnogo je stvari koje me inspirišu. Naravno, mnogo putujem, a to donosi nova iskustva, beskrajna prepuštanja kreativnim promišljanjima, kulturi, a naročito literaturi i lustracijama koje su orijentisane ka gotici. Ako kopamo malo dublje, jedan veoma jedinstven izvor inspiracije za dizajn dolazi od uranjanja u mračne podzemne vode svetske tehno scene.

Kako biste opisali devojke koje vole vaše potpetice?

La Franco Spada nije tipičan luksuzni brend. Mi ne hodamo po jajima, ne usklađujemo se prema nekim normama, ne radimo ono što društvo očekuje od nas.  Ako imamo to na umu, verujem da nas vole devojke koje su stvarne, realne, žene koje su poput nas, buntovne. One koje ne prihvataju razna s*anja. Žene koje imaju seksi, mračnu i misterioznu stranu. One čija energija i estetika oboje svaku prostoriju u koju uđu, one koje znaju da, a to se vidi u njihovom pogledu, mogu da osvoje svet. To su žene za koje ne postoje granice, koje mogu sve što hoće i to rade sa najvećom prefinjenošću.

Psiholozi smatraju da su cipele ono što muškarac prvo primećuje na ženi kad je upozna. Šta mislite o tome?

Apsolutno se slažem. Posmatrajte to ovako: dve žene ulaze u prostoriju. Obe nose istu odeću, ali jedna nosi visoke štikle, a druga ne. koja od njih dve će zaokupiti vašu pažnju? Koja je zanosnija? Za koju prvo pomislite da je strastvena, da nosi vatru u sebi? Luksuzne štikle su esencijalan dodatak koji može da ulepša ili da pokvari bilo koju odeću, bez obzira na to koliko je lepa.

Poreklom ste Italijan. Šta mislite, koliko je to uticalo na vas kao dizajnera?

Italijanska kultura je veoma orijentisana na detalje, posebno u dizajnu i estetici, i to u svemu – pogledajte samo naše zgrade, ali i peciva. Mnogi ne ulaze u trku sa italijanskim dizajnerima, jer se boje da neće moći da postignu tu uzvišenost dizajna, sav taj luksuz u izradi i izgledu. Ja ne. Mene italijanski modni brendovi inspiršu i divim im se, toliko da me to inspiriše da stvaram obuću bez premca. Luksuzne štikle zahtevaju da se rigorozna pažnja obraća na detalje – tu se igrate sa milimetrima i to mi se jako dopada.  

Za koju poznatu ličnost biste voleli da dizajnirate unikatne cipele?

Toliko je jedinstvenih ličnosti na svetu, ali ako bih morao da biram, voleo bih da napravim nešto za Megan Fox ili Kourtney Kardashian. Zapravo, zašto ne za obe? One su u dodiru sa tom svojom buntovnom stranom, pomalo su edgy, svakako zavodljive, i one vole gotiku. Mislim da se filozofija mog brenda i njihove ličnosti slažu savršeno.

U poređenju sa ostalom luksuznom obućom, jesu li vaše potpetice udobnije?

Svi znaju da visoke štikle ne garantuju maksimalnu udobnost, već seksepil i da je što viša stikla, to neudobnija, ali… mi smo pronašli jedinstveno rešenje koje garantuje devojkama, koje nose naše potpetice, i udobnost i dobar izgled – naša stikla stoji na đonu koji garantuje udobnost cipele od 3,5 inča, a seksepil štikle od 4 inča.

A otkud vam ideja za ime brenda, La Franco Spada?

Spada je italijanski izraz za mač, a ostatak naziva čini deo mog imena – zovem se Gianfranco, ali me svi zovu Franco. Vrlo je jednostavno.

Gde i kako ljudi koji ne žive u Italiji mogu kupiti La Franco Spada potpetice?

Trenutno na sajtu brenda –, a uskoro će moći to da urade i u butiku u MIlanu, na kome trenutno radimo. 



La Franco Spada: Luxury high heel brand with seductive designs 

A new brand is disrupting the luxury stiletto industry and filling an emptiness that fashionistas have been craving. Their design brings out a captivatingly seductive yet rebellious side to womens footwear and it begins with their never-seen-before signature heel. On the eve of January 13th 2023, we decided to do an interview with Gianfranco Dadone, the designer of La Franco Spada. We asked him several questions with aims of gaining insight into the creation of the brand and his stiletto designs.

Gianfranco, welcome to Harpers Bazaar Serbia. Tell us how it all started. How did you come to want to create the most beautiful shoes in the world?

As crazy as it sounds, the idea of La Franco Spada came to me in a dream. Prior to being in luxury footwear I was in a very different field. I was in medical school studying to be a doctor. Nearly 5 years ago, after a midday nap after a long medical school study day I woke up from a dream where I saw the signature heel piecing itself together. I woke with such an overwhelming feeling of unexplained passion and desire that later that month I dropped out of medical school to pursue this stiletto brand. It was the clearest vision I had ever seen and from there the idea of La Franco Spada was born. I then spent years working closely with some of Italy’s most experienced luxury shoemakers and craftsmen. From there, the designs I had seen in that dream were eventually brought to life.

Tell us about the unique style of your luxury stilettos?

Well, to best understand the style, it would help to have a little background on me. I was never a fan of following the rules or abiding by the status quo. Being untamed is what appeals to me. So when I design, I do it as a reflection of my personality and philosophy. Starting with our signature heel, you immediately notice a degree of modern aesthetic disruption interconnected with the traditional craftsmanship. I was working outside of the conventional rulebook with what it means to build a high heel shoe. And regarding the upper designs, I think less is more. I want the foot to be as naked as possible. Sleek curvature, sharp cuts and alluring shapes. This is how La Franco Spada constructs the sexiest and most captivating footprint in the world of luxury footwear.

How did you come to create your unique heel piece, the sword, that gives La Franco Spada its signature look?

The heel of our stilettos is an art piece in itself. It was first designed as art with zero thought to how it would mechanically work as a heel. After the design came to life, we had to find a custom method to turn the sword artwork into a functional heel. It wasn’t until we had the sword handcrafted by metal artisans that we were able to get the customization to craft it and connect it with the shoes. And for it to be as sexy and slender as it is and still function as a heel to a shoe, we had to make the sword out of real sword-graded steel for strength and stability. So with every step, you’re truly walking on real swords as heels.

Tell us about the quality of fabric and leathers you use when handcrafting your stilettos?

Our products are made with world renowned ultra premium leathers and silks out of Italy. When you hold and feel our stilettos in your hands, you can truly appreciate and admire the quality of both the traditional craftsmanship and the material we use to craft them. We craft with higher quality materials than most of the industry’s top brands as overtime they’ve had to sacrifice quality for mass production. At La  Franco Spada, quality trumps everything.

Where do you look for inspiration when designing luxury stilettos?

There are a variety of ways I find inspiration. Of course, I travel a lot and with that comes constant new experiences and an endless indulgence in creative thoughtfulness and culture. Especially in gothic oriented literature/illustrations. Though to dig a little deeper, one very unique source of inspiration for designing comes from immersing myself in dark underground techno scenes around the world. It is that unexplainable feeling and impression from those moments that has inspired a large part of the signature look of our brand which illustrates the rebellious and seductive side of every stiletto design.

How would you characterise the girls who choose your shoes?

La Franco Spada is not your typical luxury brand. You won’t find us walking on eggshells, conforming to norms, or filtering ourselves to do what society “expects” us to. Keeping that in mind, the persona I envision associating with the brand is a woman who is real, rebellious. A woman who accepts no bullshit. A woman who has a sexy, dark and mysterious side to her. A woman whose energy and aesthetic intimidates the room when she enters it. A woman who by the gaze of her eyes, knows she can take over the world. A woman who isn’t afraid to push the limits. And most notably, a woman who can do all that, but with the utmost class.

Psychologists say that the first thing a man pays attention to when meeting a girl is her shoes, do you agree with this?

Yes, I agree. Think about it… two women walk into a room of people. Both are wearing the same outfit but one is wearing high heels while the other is not. Which of the two capture your complete attention? Which of the two is more fierce and captivating? Which of the two shows they have that extra fire in their soul? Luxury stilettos are the essential compliment that can make or break any outfit, regardless of how nice that outfit may be.

Your origins are Italian and Italy has created some of the world’s most luxurious brands and most well designed attire and footwear in the world. How do you think your background influenced your development as a designer?

Italian culture is very detail oriented, especially in everything we do relating to design and aesthetic. When I say everything, I mean everything… ranging from building architecture all the way to the design of an Italian pastry. For many, when you see Italian luxury brands and assess the calibre of products they create, it may deter designers from competing with them. But it’s admiring those high-level Italian brands that inspire me to deliver an unparalleled product. In the end, luxury stilettos require rigorous attention to detail – it’s a game of millimetres. I love it.

Which celebrity would you like to create a unique pair for?

There are so many unique individuals I’d like to create something special for and there are also many prominent figures out there whose personalities and image assimilate with La Franco Spada. But right now if I had to choose a celebrity I’d be hard pressed to choose between Megan Fox or Kourtney Kardashian… I mean why not both? Recently they’ve really been in tune with their edgy, rebellious, seductive, gothic side in all aspects from their relationships to their attire and I’m loving it. I think they’d not only look amazing in a pair of La Franco Spada but it fits their personalities and personal brands perfectly.

How comfortable are your stilettos and how do they compare to other luxury stilettos?

We know that high heels in general are not worn for comfort, but instead for sex appeal… and typically the higher the stiletto the sexier the aesthetic. However, I prioritised comfort as much as I did aesthetic. At La Franco Spada we found a unique solution that delivers both aesthetic and comfort. Based on my design, the heel portion stands at 4 inches, known as the height for optimal aesthetic, however the stiletto is in reality crafted on a 3.5inch sole. So you get the comfort of a 3.5 inch sole, with the sexiness of a 4 inch heel height.

Where does the name “La Franco Spada” come from?

First and to no surprise, “spada” is the Italian word for sword, and given our signature heel, “La Spada”, “The Sword”, was born. Then in keeping to naming tradition, the name of the designer was integrated. While my name is Gianfranco, to most I go by Franco. And so, the name La Franco Spada was born. 

How can I buy shoes from Franco Spada?

At the moment, you can exclusively get your hands on a pair from our website We are also in the process of designing our first La Franco Spada boutique which will be in Milan, Italy.

