Melly Myers: Volim pozitivne i optimistične ljude

Bistra i spektakulrna glumica, Melly Myers, ne samo da je poznata po svojoj radnoj etic ii 5 filmova koje je snimila ove godine, već i po svojoj neverovatnoj ličnosti koja je puna ljubavi prema ljudima, omptimizma i zahvalnosti

U intervjuu za Harper’s BAZAAR, otkriva našim čitaocima svoje razmišljanja o vremenima u kojima živimo, svom pozitivnom stavu, izvoru inspiracije ali i mnogo toga drugog.

Melly, vi ste popularna glumica, koji je vaš najnoviji film? Recite nam nešto o njemu.

Hvala vam mnogo na komplimentu (smeh). Bila sam veoma zauzeta na nezavisnim projektima, tako da sam ove godine uspela da snimim čak 5 različitih filmova. Moj najveći uspeh bila je glavna uloga u nastavku British Gangster “Rise of the Footsoliders” koji izlazi krajem godine i jedva čekam da ga pogledam. Takođe, uskoro krećem sa snimanjem još jedog koji lansira Idigogo kampanju tako da ostanite uz mene, ne bi li videli o čemu se radi u ovom mocumentaryju koji se bavi fitness industrijom.

Šta vas privlači kod profesije glumice?

Volim način pričanja priče i tu priliku da budem deo nečijeg života. To je za mene avantura. Mislim da je veoma važno to što ova profesija pomaže ljudima posebno ukoliko je lik koji igrate u sličnim životnim situacijama kao gledalac. Svet glume je postao veoma terapeutski i mislim da je to divno. Jedva čekam dan kada ću dobiti pohvalu od nekoga kome je moj lik pomogao da progovori o nečemu ili da se izbori sa nečim.

Koje osobine cenite kod ljudi?

Volim pozitivne i optimistične ljude. Postoji jedna izreka koja kaže “kako zračiš, tako privlačiš” i duboko verujem u nju. Ljudi kojima sebe okružujete, koji vas cene i koji veruju u vas, će vam mnogo pomoći u životu. Veliki sam zagovornik toga da “kako seješ, tako žanješ”, i mislim da što smo bolji prema drugima, drugi će biti bolji prema nama.

Sa druge strane, koje osobine ne volite kod drugih?

Negativnost. Ne kažem da nemam dane kada sam mrzovoljna. Ono što je važno je način na koji prevazilazimo poteškoće i koliko dugo one traju. Imam grupnu prepisku sa prijateljima koju nazivamo našom terapijskom grupom (smeh).Tu popravljamo raspoloženje jedni drugima. Mislim da je veoma važna zahvalnost. Nažalost svet je ne praktikuje toliko u poslednje vreme i to se vidi u načinu njihovog ponašanja, što ih posle navodi da se zapiraju zašto ne postaju uspešni preko noći.

Kako se opuštate i odakle crpite svoju inspiraciju?

Obožavam da jedem. Volim restorane sa sepcijalitetima i praznike. Obožavam da učim o kulturi generalno, tako da uvek tražim neka neobična mesta koja pre nisam posetila. Kada sam na odmoru on mi služi da se potpuno resetujem. Odtale crpim svoju inspiraciju, ali i iz gomile videa koje pogledam na YouTubeu. Motivacioni govornici i entuzijasti kao što su Bob Baker, Tony Robbins i Louis Hay. I Abraham Hicks.

English here:

Melly Myers: I love positive and optimistic people

Mellу Myers is a bright and spectacular actress who delights not only with her hard work (she starred in five films in 2022), but also with her rich inner world, filled with love for people, optimism, and the ability to be grateful.

In her interview, she shares with readers her thoughts about the world of acting, the ability to be positive, sources of inspiration and much more.

Melly, you’re a popular actress, what movie have you been in recently? Tell us about your work.

Ah thank you so much that’s such a compliment (smiling). I’ve been busy with alot of independent movies having smashed filming 5 films this year. My biggest debut was landing a role in British Gangster Sequel “Rise Of The Footsoldiers” which I believe is coming out towards end of the year so keep am eye out for my small feature in that! I’m also due to start filming for a movie that is launching an Indigogo campaign so keep an eye out for that! It’s going to be a “Mockdomentary” about the fitness industry!

What attracts you to the profession of an actress?

I love story telling, and I love just getting the opportunity to have someone else’s life. Its an adventure for me. I think what’s really important is that you can really help people with this profession, especially if your playing a character that is going through a really hard time. The world of acting has become therapeutic in a sense which I think is amazing. I’m manifesting the day someone reaches out to me, and says thank you your character really helped me to speak out, or overcome a dark time.

 What character traits do you value in people?

I love positive and optimistic people. The saying goes, your vibe attracts your tribe and that is so true. The more people you surround yourself with who value you, believe in you, and support you, you will thrive more than ever. I’m a big believer that you sew what you reap, and the more abundance you put out there you will bring back that same energy in unexpected ways.

What do you strongly disapprove of in people?

Negativity. I’m not saying I don’t have my days, we all have slumps. What’s important is how we overcome them, and how long they last for. I have a group chat with my friends which is like our therapy group ha! We big eachother up but we also pick eachother up when we are down. I think its always important to be grateful. Unfortunately the world doesn’t practice grattitude enough and this is reflected in how people behave sometimes, and then they wonder why sucess doesn’t knock for them.

How do you relax, what do you get your inspiration from?

I am a big foodie. I love fine dining restaurants, and holidays! I’m a big culture vulture, so I seek unusual places something that have a quirkiness to it. When I go on holiday it’s a refreshing reset for me. I get my inspiration from this, but I also get alot of my inspiration off of YouTube. Motivational speakers and positive enthusiasts such as Bob Baker, Tony Robbins, and Louise Hay. Abraham Hicks is great to!

Model: 𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐘𝐄𝐑𝐒 @_melly_myers_

PR company: Say Media @say__media
