Tajna uspeha

Irena Soprano je žena čije znanje o modi je neprikosnoveno. Njene kreacije od kristala brzo su osvojile svet, a pored toga ona vodi još nekoliko uspešnih biznisa.

U intervjuu za Harper’s BAZAAR, Irena nam otkriva kako je krenula da se bavi modnim dizajnom, šta najviše voli kod svog posla i na koja dostignuća je najviše ponosna. Upoznajte Irenu.

Recite nam nešto o vašem poslu? Da li ste imali nekih poteškoća na putu do uspeha?

Put je bio trnovit, u stvari, mogu vam govoriti o svojim kompanijama satima, zato što su moja unutrašnja snaga, moja duša i ljubav uloženi u njih. SOL Atelier je moj prvi projekat koji je otpočeo iz malog podruma i došao do velikog i prelepog prostora gde se ekskluzivna odeća koja se izrađuje po merama naših kupaca. Još jedan projekat je SOL by Irena Soprano, brend odeće i modnih dodataka koji uključuje večernju, svakodnevnu i sportsku garderobu, ali i kupaće kostime, obuću i nakit. Nedavno smo otvorili butik SOL by Irena Soprano pored Trekhgornaya Manufactory. SOL CityTex je projekat koji je specijalizovan za masovnu krojenje tekstilnih proizvoda, i jedan je od najvećih u Moskvi. SOL Crystal je proizvodnja i dekoracija tkanine sa kristalima, a SOL Kids je brend dečije garderobe. City SOL je brend udobne odeće koja je napravljena od održivih materijala i namenjena je rekreaciji. Takođe, posedujemo i školu modnog biznisa – SOL Fashion School. Svake godine naše kompanije se usavršavaju i poboljšavaju, ali svi težimo da uvek imamo visok kvalitet i lep proizvod.

Koliko vam je obrazovanje pomoglo da postanete dizajnerka i vlasnica brenda?

Obrazovanje mi je pomoglo da imam više samopouzdanja i vere u sebe. Moj uspeh je zasnovan na ljubavlju koju osećam prema svom poslu.

Ko vas je naučio da šijete? Zašto ste odlučili da postanete dizajnerka? Da li vam je to bio san iz detinjstva ili ste tu odluku doneli kada ste odrasli?

Moja baka me je naučila da šijem, a sa 8 godina sam dobila svoju prvu šivaću mašinu, nakon čega sam krenula da idem u krojačku školu. Sanjala sam o tome da budem kreatorka još kao mala. Kao tinejdžerka, često sam sebi šila odevne kombinacije. Kako sam odrastala, ideja za biznis se postepeno javljala, a pre toga sam radila kao organizator eventova. Prelepe fotografije su uvek bile potrebne na svim proslavama, i tako sam odlučila da želim sama da ih kreiram. Prvo sam šila stvari za sebe, potom za prijatelje, a onda su krenule da dolaze mušterije i tako je sve postalo jedan veliki SOL ATELIER.

Koje polje modne industrije vam se najviše dopada?

Trenutno, mogu sa velikim samopouzdanjem reći da sam ekspert za sve. Toliko dugo radim u modnoj industriji i vlasnica sam kompanija iz svih segmenata: masovno tržište, srednje, i tržište luksuza. Pored toga imam i svoj atelje. Premium segment mog poslovanja je nešto u čemu najviše uživam, iako volim i sve druge grane naravno. To je luksuz koji morate sebi da priuštite, a pored toga tu je da inspiriše.

Da li nam možete reći nešto o svojoj najnovijoj kolekciji?

Nedavno sam predstavila nekoliko svojih linija koje oslikavaju modern dinamičnu ženu – onu koja ide na poslovne sastanke tokom dana, a uveče je na žurkama. Ona je seksi, izazovna i samouverena! Trenutno radim na dve kolekcije koje se drastično razlikuju od svih mojih dosadašnjih projekata. Biće dosta kristala i štrasa. Jedna od linija na kojima radim je je inspirisana ženama sa Istoka, dok je druga poptuno futuristička. Ne bih da vam otkrijem previše, ali mislim da će ljubitelji mog brenda biti prijatno iznenađeni.

Šta smatrate vašim najvećim dizajnerksim dostignućem?

Možda to što sam kreirala najveću kolekciju od kristala na svetu. Moram se složiti da ponekad postoje slični komadi kod drugih dizajnera, ali to je zbog toga što je ovo trend. Ali ja sam prva koja je do sada uspela da kristale pretvori u bilo koji komad, od aksesoara i cipela, pa sve do večernjih haljina.

Šta smatrate najbitnijim segmentom dizajnerskog posla?

Prvo i najvažnije je da cenite svoje zaposlene i njihov rad. Bez njih ste samo sanjar. Ne postoji ništa vrednije od ruku koje neku ideju učine opipljivom. Zbog toga cenim svakog pojedinca koji radi za mene. Takođe mi je jako važna intelektualna svojina i dostignuća drugih. Korišćenje tuđeg rada kao inspiraciju, smatram prihvatljivim, ali krađu i prisvajanje tuđeg dizajna ne mogu da podnesem.

Koliko se treudite da ispratite najnovije trendove?

Uvek sam imala oko za modu. Gde god da sam. Ne pratim vremensku prognozu, politiku, filmove i poznate ličnosti, jedino me moda i briga o sebi interesuju.

Na koje dostignuće ste najviše ponosni?

Sva moja dostignuća su me napravile ovakvom kakva sam danas. Veoma sam ponosna na svaki uspeh kako lični, tako i na uspehe mog tima. Kristalne haljine su moj poziv. Mi smo jedini u Rusiji koji koriste posebnu tehniku spajanja kristala i tkanine, ii mamo specijalnu opremu koja nam omogućuje da napravimo kristale ukojoj god boji. Naši klijenti obožavaju haljine od kristala i veoma sam ponosna što je jedan ruski biznis popularan čak i u Holivudu.

Šta mislite da je tajna uspeha SOL Angela?

Nemat u tajne, ja nisam samo dizajner, već i umetnik. Uključena sam u sve procese izrade potpuno. Znam gde je najbolja tkanina, kako se rad isa njom i nekako uvek imam osećaj da znam šta tačno klijent želi. Iskrenost je najvažnija. Obožavam sve voje klijente i konzumente mojih brendova.

English here:

Secret of success

Irena Soprano is the women who has exceptional fashion knowledge and her crystal dresses are the one who conquered the world. Besides all that she runs a few more businesses.

In the interview for Harper’s BAZAAR, Irena told us how she started doing fashion design, what she loves the most about her work and which achievements she is the most proud of. Meet Irena.

Tell us about the main directions of your activity? Have you encountered difficulties?

The path was thorny, in fact, I can talk about my companies for hours, because all my inner strength, my soul and love are invested in them. SOL Atelier is my first project that scaled from a small basement into a large and beautiful space where exclusive clothes are sewn to individual standards. Another project is SOL by Irena Soprano, a brand of clothing and accessories that includes evening, casual, sportswear, swimwear, as well as shoes and accessories. We recently opened the flagship boutique SOL by Irena Soprano at the Trekhgornaya Manufactory. The SOL CityTex project is a production for mass tailoring of textile products, one of the largest in Moscow. SOL Crystal is a production and laboratory where fabrics decorated with crystals are made. SOL Kids is a brand of children’s clothing. City SOL is a brand of comfortable eco–clothing for sports and home. We also have a fashion business school – SOL Fashion School. Every year our companies try to scale, improve, but everyone is driven by one desire – to make a high-quality and beautiful product.

Has your education helped you become a designer and brand owner?

Getting an education made me more confident that I’m on the right track. My success is truly founded on my love for what I do, as well as my hands-on experience.

And who taught you to sew? Why did you decide to become a designer? Is this a childhood dream or a conscious choice in adulthood?

My grandmother taught me to sew, at the age of eight I got my own sewing machine, and then I went to study at the specialized school of cutting and sewing. So I have dreamed of becoming a designer since I was a child. As a teenager, I sewed outfits for myself, thought out images. Growing up, the idea of a business was born, then I was still working as an organizer of major events. Beautiful and high-quality images have always been needed for celebrations, and I decided that I would create them for myself. First she sewed clothes for herself, then for her friends, then more and more customers were added. And soon it all grew to a large SOL ATELIER.

Which field of the fashion industry do you enjoy working in the most?

Right now, I can say with confidence that I’m an expert in any field. I have been working in the fashion industry for many years, and I own companies in all segments: mass market, middle-up, and lux. I also have my atelier and design office. That said, the premium segment resonates with me the most, even though it is the costliest part of this business. It is a luxury you have to afford, but it’s also so beautiful and inspiring.

Could you share something about your latest collection?

I recently presented to the public several collections that, in one way or another, portray a modern dynamic woman – the one who goes to meetings during the day and parties at night, who can afford to be eye-catching every day. Sexy, daring, confident! That’s what she’s like! Right now I’m working on two collections that differ drastically from everything I’ve ever done before. Sure, there are a lot of crystals and glitter too. But one of these collections is dedicated to the Eastern woman, and the other creates the image of a futuristic spacefaring woman. I won’t give away all the spoilers, but I think the fans of our Fashion House are in for a pleasant surprise.

What has been your greatest achievement as a designer?

I have created the world’s largest collection of crystal items. Yes, there are sometimes similar models in the collections of different designers, after all, this is a trend. But I became the first, and so far only, designer to turn crystals in any form, from accessories and shoes to evening dresses, into the core of their brand.

What do you consider the important aspect of a designer’s work?

First and foremost, you need to respect the work of your employees. Without doing the work to make their concept a reality, a designer remains just a dreamer. There is nothing as valuable as the hands that turn an idea into something tangible. That is why I treasure every single person that works for me. I also respect intellectual property and the achievements of others. Using another person’s work as a source of inspiration? Yes! Blatantly stealing it and claiming you came up with this? No!

How do you keep pace with fashion’s latest trends?

I always have an eye out for fashion. Wherever I am. I don’t follow weather forecasts, politics, movies, or celebrity gossip. All that matters to me is fashion and self-care.

What achievement are you most proud of?

Each of my achievements has made me who I am now. Therefore, I am proud of all my achievements, as well as the achievements of my team. Crystal dresses are really my calling card. We are the only ones in Russia who use a special technique for applying crystals to fabric, we have our own equipment with which we can afford to create crystal products of all colors that only exist in the world. Our clients sincerely loved crystal dresses, of course, I am proud that Russian show business and Hollywood wear our dresses.

What do you think is the secret of SOL Angel ann’s success?

There is no secret here, I am not just a designer, I am both an artist and a fashion designer. I am involved in all the processes of working and creating things 100%, I know where the best fabric is, how it behaves in work, so I immediately feel and know what the client wants. Sincerity is also important here, without falsehood. I really love all the clients of the atelier and boutique.


Photography: Alena Nikiforova

Hair & Makeup: Ksenia Mishkina

Production: Nikolai Gurov

Styling: Sol Angelann

PR: Valentina Gurova
