Angel J. Cartwright: Svet na dlanu

Miss Bahama, investicioni bankar i prava predstavnica svoje zemlje, Angel, u intervjuu za Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija otkriva kako izgleda put misice ali i šta je sebi poželela u novoj godini

Haljina: Phylicia Ellis

Minđuše: Pamela Love for Zac Posen

Zdravo Angel i dobro došla u Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija. Da li nam možete reći nešto o vašem najupečatljivijem snimanju?

Snimanje koje mi je dalo najviše samopouzdanja je bilo upravo ovo za Harper’s BAZAAR, sa fotografkinjom Robyin Damianos koja je veoma cenjena u svojoj branši. Ona i njen tim na Bahamima su učinili da se osećam veoma prijatno na setu od samog početka. Biti u jednom tako cenjenom magazine je za mene velika čast. Kroz Robyinin objektiv i kreativnost otkrila sam supermodela u sebi. Svaki detalj je bio besprekoran posebno uz pomoć dizajnerskih haljina kreatora sa Bahama.

Proglašeni ste za Miss Universe Bahamas 2022, kakav je bio osećaj primiti ovo priznanje? Šta ono predstavlja za vas?

Prijavljivala sam se više puta dok se nisam osetila spremnom. Mislim da je ukupno bilo tri. Tako da kada sam konačno prošla kroz selekciju shvatila sam da to nije mesto gde želim da budem. Krenula sam da brinem o svojim kilogramima, a takođe sam znala i da je 50 posto ocena zavisi od intervjua sa sudijama. Tu sam znala da imam prednost. To što sam bila misica i u tinejdžerskim danima mi je pomoglo da razumem kako funkcioniše ovaj svet. Ipak i nakon toga nisam bila sigurna da mogu da pobedim. Ali kada su prozvali moje ime, bilo je neverovatno. Svaki dan sam trenirala kako bih dostigla idealnu težinu. Svako ko se oprobao u izboru za Miss zna da je to nešto što se dešava jednom u životu tako da je za mene to bila velika čast i trudim se da budem što bolji predstavnik moje zemlje.

S obzirom na to da ste najlepša žena, koja je vaša beauty tajna?

Pre svega, hvala na komplimentu. Moj pristup lepoti je uvek bio mentalan i emocionalan. Moje pitanje koje je vezano za lepotu počinje od toga šta možete intelektualno da doprinesete svetu i šta vaše srce može da podari čovečanstvu. Lepota je za mene glagol. Moj direktor je uvek govorio da je mi imamo zadatak u našim životima da služimo svetu i da nismo privilegovani, i za to verujem da je istinia. Volela bih da mogu da više ekonomski doprinesem svojoj zemlji i da pomažem deci. Takođe bih volela i da se posvetim ekologiji. Pored svega toga, mineralna voda, vežbanje i odmor su najbitniji za lepotu.

Haljina: Apryl Jasmine

Pojas: Gucci

Nakit: Paris Keswani Treasures Forever

S obzirom da ste masterirali biznis, da li se bavite svojim zanimanjem pored modelinga?

Ja sam po profesiji bankar. Imala sam prilike da zbog posla putujem u Kinu odmah nakon fakulteta i da upoznam gomilu direktora koji su me mentorisali. Trudim se da se bavim ovim poslom, kad god mi modeling to dozvoli.

Koja je vaša destinacija iz snova na koju želite da otputujete?

Već neko vreme želim da odem u Lihtenštaj. Zemlju između Austrije i Švajcarske. Glavni grad je Vaduz i jako sam radoznala da istražim ovu zemlju.

Šta je najteže kod izbora za Miss Universe?

To takmičenje još uvek nije krenulo, ali sam ga godinama izučavala. Činjenica da ima više od 80 kandidatkinja širom sveta je sama po sebi zastrašujuća. Sama organizacija funkcioniše po principu mašine, i celo takmičenje se prenosi uživo putem televizije, tako da nastupate i pred sudijama i pred publikom. Najnapetiji deo je intervju sa sudijama, zato što tada dobijate najviše ocena.

Imate savršenu figuru, da li imate neki poseban način vežbanja i ishrane?

Ne jedem ugljene hidrate, vežbam 6-7 puta nedeljno sa privatnim trenerom i imam poseban režim ishrane.

Šta ste poželeli u 2023?

Pre svega da budem prva krunisana Miss Universe koja dolazi sa Bahama, a pored toga bih volela da radim sa ministarstvom turizma na polju privatnog bankarstva i investicija. Takođe bih volela da nastavim da se bavim morskom biologijom na Perry institutu koji ima za cilj podizanje svesti o zageđenju mora oko Bahama.

Da li imate neku poruku za naše čitaoce?

Glasajte za mene na sajtu Miss Universe. I to se ubraja u takmičenje. Jako bih volela da imam vašu podršku. Takođe bih volela i da mi pružite podršku na društvenim mrežama. Pored toga Nemamo planet B, tako da se potrudite da očuvate svoju životnu sredinu.Haljina: Diane Von Furstenberg

Ogrlica: David Yurman

Minđuše: BHLDN

English here:

Angel J. Cartwright: World on the palm of the hand

Miss Universe Bahamas, investment banker and true representer of her country, Angel, in interview with Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia tells us how the Miss journey looks like and what she wished for in 2023

Hello Angel, and welcome to Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia. Can you tell us something about your most memorable fashion shoot?

The shoot that made me feel most confident and empowered was this one for Harper’s BAZAAR, with fashion photographer Robyn Damianos who is highly respected in her craft. Robyn and her team in The Bahamas made me feel comfortable and beautiful from start to finish. To be on the pages of such an esteemed magazine that has empowered and inspired women around the world for decades is an honor, and a dream come true. Through Robyn’s lens and creativity I discovered my inner supermodel! Every detail from start to finish was flawless, from the custom made gowns by Bahamian designers Javotte and Apryl to the accessories, styling and makeup.

You are crowned Miss Bahamas Universe 2022, what was the feeling receiving the title? What this means to you?

I had applied declined more than once because I did not feel completely ready. And this had happened about three times. So when I finally went through with it, I realized that I was not where I physically wanted to be. My weight became a concern. I also knew that 50% of the scores would be more about the judge’s private interview where they get to hear you pitch your platform and ask you questions. So I felt I had an upper hand there- Being a former teen queen and understanding the way various systems work. My evening gown was stunning. So I worked by butt off modeling because I loved it so much. However, I was still not sure I could win. But once my name was called, I was ecstatic. I hit the gym running the very week and met my weight goal. Anyone who knows about pageantry understands that the opportunity to represent her country at the Miss Universe is a once in a lifetime experience. So for me, it meant that I was not going to squander but embrace it, honour it and become the best ambassador I can possibly be for the Miss Bahamas Universe Organization and my country. That is how I received it. An honourable role to be taken with great respect and honour

Sako: Balmain

Minđuše: Louis Vuitton

Considering the fact that you are the most beautiful women what is your beauty secret?

Thank you for the compliment. My approach to beauty has always been a mental one and emotional one. My questions about that subject of beauty starts with What is in your head that you can intellectually contribute to the world? and what is your heart that you can give to humanity? For me I translate that word “beauty” into a verb. My National Director always says our life is one of service. Not entitlement. I believe that is true. I am a private banker and have been employed in the second pillar of our nation’s economy for a few years. I enjoy that, as well as seeking investment portfolios and opportunities that can generate more to my country’s economy. I love children and I love to share my passion. For the last few years, it has been about climate change and simplifying a message to all about the devastating effect of it. So again for me it is the doing that is my beauty secret. Also, sparkling water and spring water, workout and lots of well needed rest…lol

You are also masters in business administration. Do you work with your degree besides modeling?

As I mentioned, I am a private banker by profession. So I have had the privilege to travel to China for business experience right after college and I have also had the benefit of shadowing a few CEOs to get a better understanding of the various corporate culture settings in different communities at home and around the world. As for modeling, when I get an opportunity to do it. I do it and love it. It’s a stark contrast from my corporate life. It is where I get to enjoy that desired acting or stage life that was always somewhere in the back of my mine

What is your dream travel destination?

You know, I have been looking Liechtenstein for a while. A German speaking country mainly between Austria and Switzerland. The capital is Vaduz, a cultural and financial center. It is unknown to me. So for the sake of curiosity, I would like that to be my next exploration endeavor.

What is the hardest part at Miss Universe contest?

Well, I have not arrived yet, but I think from what I have studied over the years. It is really the fact that there are over 80 delegates from around the world competing and you are there for 2-3 weeks. So you cannot have a bad, if so, get a new one. Because you always have to be in competition mode. The organization itself is a well oil machine, the competition is a telecast as well apart from the live audience. So you have to perform for both. And the private judges interview I am told is the most intense. Because the panelist would have gotten a better idea of who seems to be Miss Universe ready.

Considering your perfect body, do you have any special diet or special working out method?

No carbs, work out 6-7 days a week and have a personal trainer and an eating regiment. Empire Fitness was the sponsor for the Miss Bahamas universe pageant so I followed a regimed design specifically for me via app. This has worked tremendously.

What did you wish for in 2023?

Besides being crowned the 71st Miss Universe as well as a first time placement that far for The Bahamas. I would simply like to live and work abroad in inconjuction with the Ministry of Tourism in my field of Private Banking and Investment. Continue to work and build on my community initiatives with the Perry Institute of Marine Science and spreading the word about coral restoration treatment in The waters in TheBahamas.

Do you have any message for our readers?

Please go to the Miss Universe website and vote for me. It is part of the competition. So I would like to have your support. And please, see my social media platforms at Angel Cartwright and learn what I am doing as far as pushing my platform: There is No Planet B. Let’s joining the movement towards promoting conservation and preventing climate change


Team Credits:

Photography: Robyn Damianos  @robyndamianosphotography 

Production: Ariane Marques  @plenalife 

Model: Miss Bahamas, Angel J. Cartwright  @angeljcartwright  

Stylist: LaVonne Alexis  @lavonnealexis 

Makeup: Gail Clarke. @gaildoesmakeup 

Hair: Leechea Thurston

Assistant: Gary G. 

Retoucher: Anna Sarycheva @ismagilova.retouch 

Behind The Scenes Video: CREVIII MEDIA   @wecreviii  

