Arina Kartushina: Big time sensuality

U intervjuu za Harper’s BAZAAR model ruskog porekla sa diplomom iz psihologije i rasporedom koji uključuje boravke u Parizu i Dubaiju, otkriva planove za ovu godinu – uskoro možemo da očekujemo njen kurs i knjigu o emocionalnoj inteligenciji.

Jakna: Balmain, Nakit: Fortunoff

Zvezda poslednje februarske digitalne naslovnice magazina Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija je manekenka i model ruskog porekla, Arina Kartushina. Ova devojka retke lepote ne privlači samo spoljašnjošću – nakon 15 minuta razgovora sa njom, pročitaće vas kao knjigu i predložiti neku psihološku vežbu. Naime, ona samo što je diplomirala psihologiju, kojoj planira još više da se posveti u ovoj godini. Sem toga, redovno vežba pilates, putuje, nema idole, ali ima pregršt interesantnih hobija. Vreme je da je upoznate.

Draga Arina, dobrodošli u Harper’s Bazaar Srbija. Rekli su nam da mnogo putujete. Otkrijte nam nešto o svom poslednjem odmoru.

Odlučili smo da ga provedemo u Moskvi, jer nema boljeg mesta da doživite magičnu atmosferu porodičnog odmora nego kod kuće. Bilo je to za vreme novogodišnjih praznika i to je moja prva Nova godina u prestonici. I evo mog saveta: slavite novogodišnje praznike uvek na mestima sa snegom, na kraju krajeva, to stvara novogodišnje raspoloženje.

Opišite nam slikanje za Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija. 

Mislim da svaka devojka sanja da bude na naslovnoj strani časopisa (naročito na naslovnoj strani tako uglednog časopisa!) Oduševljena sam što mi se taj san ostvario. To je ogromno iskustvo i neverovatan osećaj. Fotograf na snimanju je bila Margarita Keosidi, sa kojom sam sarađivala mnogo puta ranije. Fotograf i model treba da čine dobar tandem, samo tako ćete dobiti odlične slike. Inače, Margarita nije bila samo fotograf na ovom snimanju, već i šminker i stilista. Sve ovo je delo njene kreativne vizije.

Šta vas kao modela najviše inspiriše?

Imam više izvora inspiracije: muziku Yanna Tiersena, slikarstvo, putovanja, psihologiju, moju porodicu, prijatelje i, naravno, lična dostignuća. Sve to me puni energijom.

Jakna: Balmain, Nakit: Fortunoff

Izdvojte neke najupečatljivije projekte za 2023?

Trenutno je to snimanje za Harper’s BAZAAR. Naravno da imam mnogo planova, jer je godina tek počela. Planiram da radim nešto u oblasti psihologije – neću sada da otkrivam o čemu se radi, ali se nadam da će uspeti. Nadam se da će mi i modeling doneti mnogo zanimljivih projekata.

Zanima vas psihologija. Kako vam ona pomaže u karijeri?

Da, upravo ove godine stičem diplomu iz ove oblasti. Mislim da je psihologija primenljiva u bilo kojoj sferi života i na svakom čoveku. Zahvaljujući psihologiji bolje razumemo sebe, učimo kako da razgovaramo sa drugim ljudima, da sagledavamo svet iz različitih uglova i pronalazimo prava, zapravo najbolja, rešenja za svoje probleme. Sve to mi pomaže i u modelingu, a nadam se da ću u bliskoj budućnosti moći da podelim svoja znanja sa drugima kroz neki kurs na primer.

Često provodite vreme u najboljim odmaralištima na svetu. Podelite svoje utiske: koja tri mesta bi neko ko voli sofisticirane stvari trebalo da poseti?

Rođena sam u Irkutsku, to je grad koji se nalazi na oko sat vremena vožnje od Bajkalskog jezera. Najdubljeg, najčistijeg i najlepšeg jezera na svetu. Obožavam Pariz. U Pariz treba odlaziti barem jednom godišnje, to je najromantičniji grad na svetu, prestonica mode, sa neverovatnom energijom, kuhinjom, ljudima. Luvr, Mulen Ruž, Jelisejska polja, Versajska palata, Latinska četvrt … Predugačak je spisak sa svim mestima koja treba obići u Parizu, svakako, bolje je da svako napravi svoju listu želja i sve vidi svojim očima. A opet, iako nema nikakve sličnosti sa Parizom, volim i Dubai. Za mene Dubai predstavlja grad budućnosti i najbrže rastuće mesto na svetu. Ponekad vam se čini da ovaj grad ne može da vas iznenadi, a on to radii z godine u godinu. Tu su Muzej budućnosti, AIA Universe, Sublimotion i mnoge druge stvari koje vredi videti.

Kao uspešna mlada žena danas, kakav biste poslovni savet dali sebi od ranije?

Da znate da sam razmišljala o ovom pitanju. Ne bih sebi davala nikakve savete jer sve greške koje sam u međuvremenu napravila i iskustvo koje sam stekla, učeći na tim greškama, doveli su me do mesta na kojem se sada nalazim. Ispostavilo se da ništa nije bilo uzalud.

Kao neko čiji je poslovni raspored ispunjen do sitnica, otkrijte nam u kojim momentima pronalazite vreme za sebe. Kako se negujete, ulepšavate, brinete o sebi?

San je najvažniji za lepotu – trudim se da odem u krevet pre ponoći i spavam sedam – osam sati minimum. Na drugom mestu je ishrana, verujem da svi znaju koliko je to važno. Jedem 5 puta dnevno u malim porcijama, ne uspevajući uvek u tome da održim svoj režim. A jedem i slatkiše. Na trećem mestu je sport. Ove godine sam odlučila da završim sa iscrpljujućim treninzima u teretani i krenem na pilates. Mnogo sam entuzijastična u vezi sa tim! Pilates je najpametnija stvar koju sam mogla da uradim za sebe kad je vežbanje u pitanju – radite na celom telu, a osećate se okrepljeno i odmorno. I na četvrtom mestu je nega u kojoj uživam. Redovno idem na tretmane koji uključuju brigu o licu, kosi i telu.

Postoji li mesto na kojem se osećate moćno?

Pretpostavljam da nemam takvo mesto. Energiju i snagu dobijam od drugih ljudi, a ponekad, kako bih se osežala ispunjeno ili moćno ili svoje, samo treba da provedem neko vreme sama sa sobom.  

Blejzer: Balmain, Čarape: Gucci 

Kakve poklone volite i postoji li nešto o čemu sanjate?

Volim da primam poklone, ali i da poklanjam. Nisam siugurna šta mi se više dopada od ta dva.  Volim iznenađenja, voli vreme koje čovek provede u razmišljanju šta bi drugoj osobi moglo da se dopadne…  

Kakvim temama bi se bavila vaša knjiga, iz psihologije recimo?

Sigurno međuljudskim odnosima  – kako da se bolje razumemo i izgradimo harmonične veze. Ovo je vrlo važna tema. Sigurno da bih se u celom jednom poglavlju dotakla emocionalne inteligencije, na kojoj se temelji naša komunikacija sa drugima.

Postoji li osoba koja vas inspiriše?

Izbegavam da pravim sebi idole. Svi treba da težimo sopstvenim dostignućima i da se oslanjamo na sopstvenu snagu. Fokusirana sam isključivo na sebe u tom smislu, a porodica i prijatelji mi daju dobar podsticaj da rastem i podržavaju me u svemu, na čemu im veliko hvala.

Kojim zanimljivim projektima planirate da iznenadite fanove ove godine?

Ne želim još da otkrivam sve karte, ali se nadam da ću uspeti da zaokupim njihovo interesovanje i iznenadim ih. Stay tuned!

English here:

Jacket: Balmain, Jewelry: Fortunoff

The star of the last February digital cover of Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia magazine is model of Russian origin, Arina Kartushina. This girl of rare beauty attracts not only with her appearance – after 15 minutes of talking with her, she will read you like a book and suggest some psychological exercise. She just graduated in psychology, which she plans to dedicate herself to even more this year. In addition, he regularly practices pilates, travels, has no idols, but has a handful of interesting hobbies. It’s time to meet her.

Welcome to Harper’s Bazaar Serbia. Arina, you travel a lot, tell us how you spent your holidays?

We decided to spend New Year’s vacations in Moscow, since there is no better place to experience this magical atmosphere of a family holiday than at home. By the way, it was my first New Year in the capital. And here is my advice: celebrate New Year holidays always in places with snow, after all it sets the New Year’s mood!)

Tell us about your incredible shoot for Harper’s Bazaar. How did you get the idea to shoot there?

I think every girl dreams of being on the cover of a magazine (especially on the cover of such a high-profile magazine!) And I am thrilled that this dream has come true for me. It is a tremendous experience and an incredible feeling. My photographer for this shoot was Margarita Keosidi, and we have worked with her many times before. Photographer and model should always be in tandem, thenyou get great pictures. By the way, Margarita was not only the photographer for this shoot, but also the makeup artist and stylist. My entire image is her creativity.

You are a popular model what inspires you the most?

I have multiple sources of inspiration: music by Yann Tiersen, painting, travel, psychology, my family, friendsand, of course, my personal achievements. All this generates a lot of energy for me.

Tell us about the most memorable projects of 2023?

I guess my most memorable event of 2023 at the moment is shooting for Harper’s Bazaar. But there are so many plans ahead, because the year has just begun. I plan to do a psychology project and I don’t want to give away all the secrets yet, but I hope it will work out. Also, I intend to continue to develop in modeling and I think there will be other interesting proposals and projects this year.

You are interested in psychology, how it helps in your career?

In fact, I am interested in psychology, this year I am just getting my degree in this specialty. I think that it is relevant in any sphere and for any person. Thanks to psychology we learn to understand more about ourselves, build a dialogue with other people, learn to look at the world from different sides and find the right, and most importantly the best solutions to our problems. All these skills help me in modeling. I hope that in the near future, I will be able to share and teach others this knowledge in my course.

You often spend time in the best resorts in the world. Share your impressions: what 3 places on Earth should be a must-see for the most sophisticated travelers?

I was born in Irkutsk, it’s a city about an hour drive from Lake Baikal. It is the deepest and cleanest lake. And it’s the most beautiful place! To See Paris and Die!, or better to see Paris and come back here at least once a year! Paris is the most romantic city in the world, the fashion capital, with the incredible cuisine. The Louvre, the Moulin Rouge, the Champs Elysees, the Palace of Versailles, the Latin Quarter … In general, the list is long! It is better to see everything with your own eyes. For my part, Dubai is the city of the future. The fastest-growing place in the world. It sometimes seems that the Arabs won’t be able to surprise anyone, but no, they do it from year to year! The Museum of the Future, AYA Universe, Sublimotion and many other things that are worth visiting in Dubai.

Let’s talk about you as a self-made business lady. What would you recommend to yourself a few years ago to achieve career heights?

I’ve been considering this issue. I don’t think I would give myself any advice from the past. All the mistakes that were made and the experience gained from those mistakes have led me to where I am now. It turns out that everything is not in vain.

What helps you stay feminine and attractive in such a busy schedule. Share your beauty secrets?

First – full night’s sleep. I try to go to bed before midnight and sleep for 7-8 hours. Second, nutrition. I think everybody knows how important this component is. I try to eat 5 times a day in small portions, of course, I do not always manage to keep my regime. I also like sweets. Then sports. This year I decided to move away from exhausting workouts in the gym and try Pilates. I have wild enthusiasm about that! It’s a really “smart” workout that involves working out your entire body while still making you feel invigorated and rested. And of course self-care! I love facials, hair and body treatments!

Do you have a place of power?

I suppose I don’t have such a place. I can get my energy and strength from other people, and sometimes I just need to spend time on my own to replenish myself. It all depends on the situation and how I feel.

What gift would be the most desirable for you, what do you dream about?

I am very fond of gifts, both giving and receiving. I am not even sure what I like more. I very much like surprises, it’salways enjoyable. I like it when a person spends his time, fantasizing, thinking about what someone might like as a present. That’s probably the most important thing for me.

Jcket: Balmain, Tights: Gucci 

If you wrote a psychology book, what would it be about?

I would write a book about interpersonal relations, how to understand each other better and build harmonious connections. I think this is the most pressing topic at the moment. I would definitely touch on “emotional intelligence,” which is what our communication with others depends on.

Which person inspires you the most?

I avoid making idols for myself. We all have our own achievements and strengths, I try to focus on myself. My family and friends give me a good impetus to grow, and support me in everything, for which I greatly thank them.

What interesting projects do you plan to surprise fans with this year?

I don’t want to reveal my cards yet, but I hope that I can capture the interest and surprise my audience. My readers, stay tuned!

Team credits:

Model: Arina Kartushina @aaarrinaa

Photographer & make up: @keosidi_photo

PR: Mariia Borovenska @mariborovenskaya

Producer: Olga Kotova @pr.olga.moscowdubai

