Maria Vicario: Odvažna moda

Venecuelanka nestvarne lepote odlučila je da sa nama podeli tajnu svoje lepote, ali i najlepše uspomene koje nosi iz svog bogatog manekenskog iskustva.

Marija, dobrodošli u Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija. Vi ste influenserka i model, šta vas najviše inspiriše?

Hvala vam, veliko mi je zadovoljstvo. Sebe više smatram modelom, nego influenserkom, osećam da je inspiracija svuda. Dolazi iz ljubavi koju imam prema svojoj profesiji i to je nešto što osećam još od detinjstva. Veoma sam zahvalna što imam priliku da radim ono što volim.

Koji je najteži, a koji je najzanimljiviji deo vašeg posla?

Teško je stajati u štiklama dug vremenski period, svaka žena vam može to potvrditi! Što se tiče interesantnog dela, mislim da je to upoznavanje različitih ljudi koji obožavaju umetnost, fotografiju, modu i tako dalje. Čitav proces je pun učenja novih stvari.

Recite nam nešto o editorijalu koji ste radili sa američkim fotografom Olly Ventom.

Fascinirana sam kako smo se Olly i ja povezali na snimanju. Ona je veoma talentovana, kreativna i profesionalna i obožavam kako radi i kako sam se osećala dok sam bila ispred njenog objektiva. Takođe je okružena veoma talentovanim timom koji je bio tu da sve učini glatkim i zabavnim.

Koji vaš manekenski projekat ćete zauvek pamtiti?

New York Fashion Week mi uvek podigne očekivanja, skoro sam imala prilike da radim mnoge revije, i jedva čekam da se u narednoj sezoni oprobam u Parizu i Milanu.

Dolazite iz sunčane Venecuele koja je veoma bogata prirodom, da li nam možete reći nešto o načinu na koji ste odrastali?

Bez sumnje, Venecuela je zemlja kojoj nema ravne. Najlepše uspomene donosim iz svog detinjstva i vezujem ih za more i planine. Takođe verujem da sve poteškoće koje je moja zemlja imala, su imale veliki uticaj na razvoj moje ličnosti, naterale su me da postanem borbenija i upornija žena.

Uvek ste veoma dobro obučeni, možete li nam reći koji ovogodišnji trend vam je omiljen?

Ove sezone smo imali prilike da vidimo ekspoloziju jarkih boja i veoma sam uživala kombinujući ih. Koža i lateks su mi takođe zanimljiv trend.

Da li postoji neki trend iz prošlosti koji biste voleli da vratite?

Obožavam naramenice i korsete koji ističu ženstvenu figure. Mislim da iako su trend iz prošlosti, da nikad zapravo neće izaći iz mode.

Da li biste podelili vaše beauty tajne?

Ovo će možda zvučati kao kliše ali pozitivne misli i dobro raspoloženje su ključ svega. Sve to se ocrtava na vašem telu i u vašim odnosima. Čvrsto verujem da osmeh može da postigne sve. Nedavno sam se fokusirala na negu duh ai uma i primećujem da sam lepša i srećnija.

Kakva devojka mora biti u današnje vreme?

Mora biti svoja. Ona koja prihvati i voli sebe i ne plaši se da pokaže svetu od čega je satkana.

O čemu sanjate?

Sanjam o tome da budem neko ko napreduje svakog dana, ko raste i razvija se. Takođe sanjam o porodici i želim da otvorim svoj spa i salon, to će biti ostvarenje snova.

English here:

Maria Vicario: Bold fashion

Girl from Venezuela who decided to share with us secret of her beauty, and of course, the most memorable experiences from her modeling career.

Maria, welcome to Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia. You are a top influencer and model, what inspires you the most?

Thank you, it is a pleasure for me to be part of this edition. Although I consider myself more of a model than an influencer, I feel that inspiration is everywhere. It comes from the love I feel for this profession, it is something I have felt since I was a child and it is quite gratifying to have the opportunity to do what I like.

What is the most difficult and interesting part of your job?

It is difficult to be in high heels for long hours, any woman can attest to that! As for interesting, I feel that it is related to meeting people who are passionate about art, photography, fashion, styling, etc. It is a continuous and beautiful learning.

Tell us about your shoot with popular American photographer Olly Vento.

It’s amazing how Olly and I feel so connected working together, she is creative and extremely professional and I love how she makes me feel while I’m under her lens. As well as being surrounded by a very talented team, it makes everything easy and fun. 

What was your most memorable project as a model?

New York Fashion Week always exceeds my expectations, lately I’ve been enjoying the catwalks a lot and I hope soon to be able to do it in Paris and Milan too.

You are from Venezuela, a country of constant sun and incredible nature, tell us how you developed as a person?

Without a doubt, Venezuela is a country without equal, the most beautiful memories of my childhood take place on its beaches and mountains. I also believe that all the difficulties that the country has gone through to the point of emigrating from it has influenced my personality, it has made me a more capable and resilient woman.

You are an incredibly stylish girl, tell us which trends of this year you like the most?

This year we saw an explosion of solid and vibrant colors that I really enjoyed using and combining in different ways. Wearing leather and latex is something that has also given my outfits a sexy and daring touch.

What fashion trends from the past would you like to bring back?

I love how imposing the shoulder pads look and how well the corsets accentuate the feminine silhouette. I think even though they were more popular in the past, they will never completely go away!

Do you share your beauty secrets?

I know it may sound a bit trite but trying to be positive and in a good mood is everything, it is reflected in you and in your relationships; I am a faithful believer that a smile is capable of achieving great things. Lately I have focused on nurturing my mind and spirit more and without a doubt I feel more beautiful and happy.

 How do you think a girl should be that reflects the spirit of the times?

She has to be herself, a girl who accepts and loves herself and isn’t afraid to tell the world who she is and what she’s made of.

What do you dream about?

I dream of being a woman who improves every day, growing and evolving is something that I always have tried to do. I also dream of building a beautiful family and right now I am preparing to open my salon and spa, opening it will be a dream come true.

Team credits:

Photo: Olly Vento @olllyvento

Style: Christina Barron @christinamiamistylist

Model: Maria Vicario @maria_vicario

Hair and Make-up: Juliana Burdiogova @mymakeupmiami

Fashion partner: Confessional Showroom Miami @convfessional_showroom_miami

PR: Maria Borovenska @mariborvenskaya
