Harper's Bazaar Srbija

Amara Vayder: Umetnost i moda

Haljina i headpiece LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture Available at Albright Fashion Library @albrightfashionlibraryla
Ogrlica i narukvica ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar
Prstenje VEERT @itsveert, TWELVE @twelvelondon

Amara Vayder je mlada, ali za svoje godine veoma uspešna manekenka i komercijalna glumica koja je svojom pojavom u industriji “napravila boom” i ostavila zapažen utisak. Samo neke od velikih kuća sa kojima je imala priliku da sarađuje su CoverGirl, Nike, Sephora, Apple, Instagram i Disney. Imali smo prilike da je vidimo u muzičkim spotovima, filmskim projektima, a tek započinje velike tranziciju u svojoj profesionalnoj karijeri. Sa budućom zvezdom, u intervijuu koji je pred vama, razgovarali smo o njenih uzbudljivim dostignućima, upečatljivom izgledu uključujući njenu prepoznatljivu crvenu kosu, dosadašnjem iskustvu, gorućim temama i o još mnogo toga.

Amara, privukli ste pažnju mnogih vrhunskih imena u industriji modelinga. Cene vašu svestranost i mogućnost da poput kameleona promenite vaš izgled. Vaše fotografije se pojavljuju na mestima širom sveta i vaš izgled je veoma jedinstven. Ljudima je ponekad teško da shvate koje ste nacionalnosti. Vaše fiziučke karatkteristike se ne uklapaju niti u jednu “kategoriju”. Koje je vaše etničko poreklo?

Prema mojim DNK testovima, moja majka je pretežno Jevrejka sa nešto Britanske, Irske i Francuske krvi. Sa očeve strane ja sam 47% Nigerijka, i 3% Indijanka i Azijatkinja. Za mene jednostavno rasa ne bi trebalo da bude problem. Ne volim što je još uvek relevantno da se o tome čak i razgovara, ali nažalost tako je. To je izvor mnogih podela. Želim da kao društvo dođemo do tačke u kojoj neće biti relevantno kako izgledate ili kog ste porekla. Svi smo jedno i svi smo povezani kao ljudska rasa. Kada to suštinski shvatimo podele će prestati da postoje i postaćemo kohezivni. Razdvanje po bojama nije toliko lepo kao njihova paleta. Trebalo bi da se više poredimo sa dugom, predstavljajući sve boje i predstavljajući svetlost. 

Da li ste tokom odrastanja iskusili izazove u vezi sa svoijim izgledom ili ranim identitetom?

Krož život sam se susretala sa mnogim izazovima. Tokom odrastanja nismo imali puno. Zahvalna što sam se bavila intenzivnim porodičnim problemima i što sam iskoristila ta iskustva kako bih nahranila svoju kreativnost.  Jasno se sećam jedne situacije koja je se desila, bila sam sa mamom i ljudi su zbog toga što smo drugačije izgledali pomislili da nas je otela.

Haljina i rukavice LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture
Minđuše ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar
Prsten ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar
Cipele JEROME C. ROUSSEAU @jeromecrousseau

Da li ste ozbiljni?

Istina je. Odvela me je služba za socijalnu zaštitu i moja mama je zapravo bila uhapšena. Sudija je lično morao da se izvini mojoj majci za sve što je prošla. Bila je to noćna mora i bilo je jako zbunjujuće proći kroz to iz vizure nevinog mladog deteta.

Wow, ne možemo ni da zamislimo…Hajde da pomenimo kurs razgovora i “pucamo” prvim pitanjem. Za šta biste rekli da je vasa najbolja karakteristika?

Dobro pitanje. Moje oči. Morala sam zaista da uložim napor da bih ponovo uspostavila ljubav prema njima. Osećam da u mojim očima zaista možete videti moju dušu. Nije normalno, ali moja duša se od srca smeje. Kada gledam u druge ljude svojim tamnim očima, svima izgledaju poitpuno različito. Crte mojih očiju se često menjaju. Moje oko poekad može biti nalik oku ribe. Ponekad uopšte ne možete da vidite moje zenice. Drugi put možete da uočite sporadične nijanse sive, moje zenice su nalik suncokretu. Fascinantno je koliko za mene toliko i za moje klijente. To me uvek nasmeje. Ako pogledate neke od mojih radova, primetićete to. Poput mermera, komuniciraju sa svetlom na različite načine, u različitim scenarijima. Kad sam bila mlađa bila sam jako nesigurna kada su moje oči u pitanju, čak sam pribegavala nošenju sočiva. Ljudi su se zapravo ponekad plašili mojih očiju. Sada mogu slobodno da se smejem tome, ali u prošlosti se dešavalo da sam čak dobijala i žalbe od pojedinaca dok sam radila u robnoj kući, u srednjoj školi. Davali bi omalovažavajuće komentare na temu mojih tamnih očiju i blede kože. Bilo je strašno.Tokom tih godina sam razvila kompleks, koji me je držao čak i na fakultetu. Od tada sam naučila da prihvatim ono što me razlikuje od drugih. Sada volim svoje oči.

To je suludo. Ne mogu da zamislim da ste doživeli tu vrstu ismevanja.

Ne znaš ni pola priče. (Odgovara nam dok se šarmantno osmehuje)

Mislili smo da ćeš reći kako je crvena kovrdžava kosa tvoj pečat. Sviđa mi se tvoj alternativni odgovor jer nije onakav kakav smo očekivali.

Ja sada volim svoju kosu. U Pitanju je još jedna naknadno uspostavljena zahvalnost. Nažalost, farbala sam kosu u crnu i tamno smeđu kako se ne bih previse isticala kao dete. Deca mogu biti okrutna…sada to prihvatam i volim svoje lokne. Naučila sam da se brinem o njima i dozvolim im da zablistaju. Sve to je oslobađajuće. Prava je radost kada naučite da cenite i još važnije da budete ponosni na osobine koje vam je priroda podarila. Budite ono što jeste. To je osnažujuće. Ponovo sam naučila da volim sebe.

Kako biste opisali sebe?

Sebe vidim kao osobu koja želi da promeni stvari. Kroj svoj život i iskustva želela bih da stvorim više mogućnosti i lične slobode za druge. Sebe vidim kao ratnicu. Želim da pomognem drugim ratnicima ili ljudima koji teže da to postanu, da otkriju jedinstvenu individualnu moć. Svi pokušavamo da shvatimo šta znači živeti ovo ludo ljudsko iskustvo. Ponekad se osećam kao da sam u stanju beskonačne svesti. Osećam se kao da nisam ni u svojoj koži. Pokušavam da se svesno vratim u svju kožu i prihvatim izazov…da se osećam “više ljudski” što bolje mogu (govori nam to i smeje se). Želim da pomognem ljudima i da širim ljubav..

Haljina LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture
Minđuše ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar

Prelepo rečeno. Da li ste spremni za još jedno “brzo pitanje”?

 Naravno, slušam!

Do sada ste sarađivali sa impresivnim brendovima, predstavljeni ste u više od 100 reklama, iza vas je 60 kampanja…Sa kojim brendom još uvek niste sarađivali, a verujete da bi bilo idealno partnerstvo?

Chanel. Volim njihovu kreativnu viziju, smer i brendiranje. Bilo bi neverovatno sara]ivati sa njima. Uvek deluju sveže i aktuelno, divim se tome. Bila bi prava privilegija sarađivati sa njima.

Hajde da pričamo i o prelasku sa “full time” angažmana u modelingu na glumu. Nedavno ste bili predmet razmatranja za mnoge uloge. Kao glumici u usponu koje osobine su vam najviše pomogle da se izdvojite?

Ja sam na neki način perfekcionista. Uvek tražim načine na koje mogu da se poboljšam ili da nadmašim sebe. Uvek želim da ojačam svoje talente. Veoma sam ponosna na činjenicu da mogu da transformišem svoju energiju. Mogu da iskoristim različitu energiju na “jedan klik”. Mogu da inkapsuliram energiju drugih kako bih se prilagodila ulozi. To mi pomaže da osetim ono što lik oseća. Suze mi teku kada osećam da bi lik zaplakao. Osećam da je to velika prednost koju gajim kao glumica. U tom trenutku više nisam svoja. Kanališem nekoga ili nešto drugo.

Sa kojim filskim i tv projektima biste voleli da budete povezani?

 Privlače mi pažnju filmovi koji su suprotni od onoga što je popularno. Toliko toga što se sada plasira izgleda kao ponavljanje jedne iste stvari. Oduvek sam bila kreativac. Želim da radim projekte koji su revolucionarni i drugačiji. Bitno je da ne pokušavate da uradute nešto samo zbog profita, već da biste ispričali priču koja još nije ispričana. Ako postoji lep kreativni pravac, zanima me. Filmovi koji stvaraju osećaj magije uvek me impresioniraju. Kao gledalac i kao glumac želim da posetim nove svetove. Preispitajte stvarnost i zašto su stvari takve kakve jesu. Izazovite razmišljanje publike, probijte norme i otvorite neuronske puteve. Neki filmovi to lepo rade i ja želim da budem deo tog sveta.

Još jedno “brzo pitanje“. Šta je skriveni talenat za koje većina ljudi, pa čak i najbliži prijatelji, ne znaju da ga posedujete?

Igram POLO (reče dok se osmehuje) i prilično sam dobra u tome.

To je neočekivano. U tom slučaju zvuči kao da bi Ralph Lauren bio idealan partner za saradnju.

Apsolutno. Ja obožavam njihov rad. Bila bi mi čast da sarađujem sa njima. Znam sigurno da bismo zajedno stvorili magiju.

Haljina i rukavice LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture
Minđuše ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar

Da li osećate da imate dobar sistem ljudi oko sebe i podršku okruženja u ovom trenutku vaše karijere?

Osećam. Izabrala sam produkcijski tim na kome sam zahvalna i na koji sam ponosna. Zapravo, ja sam producirala svoj prvi visokoudžetni kratki film tokom pandemije. Imala sam to zadovoljstvo da sarađujem sa talentovanim rediteljem po imenu Nikita Belomestnykh. Volim da okupljam kreativne ljude kako bismo stvarali lepe stvari. To je za mene životni cilj: da donesem lepotu ovom svetu. Ovaj svet je onakav kakvim ga mi činimo. Verujem da što više lepote pokažete svetu više svetlosti ćete proizvesti. Samo jedna osoba je dovoljna da pokrene nešto veliko, a onda će drugi početi da slede tu veliku stvar. Ako radite nešto što u nekom drugom budi strast ili svrhu je samo po sebi prelep blagoslov.

Potpuno smo uživali u vremenu koje smo proveli sa vama tokom ovog razgovora. Vi ste lepotica i iznutra i spolja. Poslednje pitanje za vas: Šta biste najviše želeli da svet zna o Amara-i Vayder?

Ceo svoj život doživljavam kao eksperiment. Želim da probijem kulturne granice, društvene norme i stigme. Moja mama je bila beba iz epruvete, dok moje rođene nije bilo planirano. Bila sam srećna nesreća, tako da sam zahvalna što sam uopšte ovde. Nisam ni počela da pišem priču o svom životnom putu. Ne smatram sebe uticajnom, na način na koji me vi vidite. Ja sam pre svega kreativni umetnik. Društveni mediji su platforma za mene da predstavim svoju umetnost i povežem se sa ljudima koji su povezani sa njom. Mislim da sam kao osoba kompleksna. Ja sam duboka duša, veze između ljudi vidim kao mrežu. Najvažnije je da sam ovde da se borim za promene. Želim da koristim svoju umetnost i vizuelne medije da otvorim umove ljudi. U duši sam štreber ali i strastveni ratnik koji želi da napusti ovaj svet bolji nego što ga je našao.

English here:

Amara Vayder is a young, yet already accomplished model and commercial actress who has been the subject of a lot of industry buzz over the past couple of years. Her clients include household names like CoverGirl, Nike, Sephora, Apple, Instagram and Disney, just to name a few. She’s been featured in music videos, film projects and is just beginning a major transition in her professional career path. I sat down with the up and coming star to talk about her exciting accomplishments, her striking looks; including her signature  red hair, her journey thus far, some rapid fire questions and much more.

Haljina LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture Available at Albright Fashion Library @albrightfashionlibraryla
Cipele JEROME C.ROUSSEAU @jeromecrousseau

Amara, you have captured the attention of a lot of the modeling industry’s top names. You’ve been praised for your versatility and chameleon-like ability to change your look. Your image has been popping up in places all over the globe. Your appearance is very unique. It’s hard for people to sometimes get a grasp on what ethnicity you are. Your features don’t really fit into any type cast “box.” What is your ethnic background?

According to my DNA tests my mother is mostly Jewish with some British, Irish, and french. On my dad’s side i’m 47% Nigerian 3% Native American and Asian. For me, I just feel like race shouldn’t be an issue. I hate that it’s still relevant for us to even talk about, but I know that it is. It’s the source of so much division. I want us, as a whole, to get to the point where it’s not about how you look or what you’re mixed with. We’re all one! We’re all connected as the human race. If we truly get to that point, the divisions will cease to exist. It’ll be cohesive. Separation of colors is not as beautiful as a collection of them. It should be more comparable to a rainbow, representing both color and light.

Did you experience challenges regarding your appearance and or racial identity growing up?

My life certainly has had it’s share of challenges. Growing up, we didn’t have much. I was able to, thankfully, navigate some intense family issues and use those experiences to feed my creative expressions. I clearly remember examples that happened with my mom, where because of how different we looked, people would assume she had abducted me.

Are you serious?

It’s true. I was taken by Child Protective Services and my mom was actually arrested! A judge had to apologize to my mother personally for everything she went through. It was a nightmare and so confusing to go through that as an innocent little child.

Wow! I can’t even begin to imagine…Alright. Let’s sneak in our first rapid fire question: What would you say is your best feature?

That’s a good one. My eyes. I had to work really hard to re-establish a love for them. In my eyes, I feel like you actually can see my soul. It’s not normal. (She laughs heartily). I mean, I look at other people with really dark eyes and they all seem very different. The features of my eyes change quite often. Sometimes it can be similar to the eye of a fish. 


Yeah, you’re sometimes not able to see my pupils at all. Other times you can see sporadic shades of grey in my iris. It almost looks like a sunflower. It’s fascinating for me and my clients. I always get a laugh out of it! If you look at a sampling of a collection of my work, you’ll notice it. Like marbles, they seem to interact with light in different ways, in different scenarios. When I was younger, I was so insecure about my eyes. I resorted to wearing contacts, because I was so self conscious. People were, at times, actually scared of my eyes. I can laugh about it now, but I even received some complaints from individuals when I worked at a major department store in high school. They would make disparaging comments about my dark eyes and pale skin. It was horrible. I developed such a complex about that, during those years and even into college. I’ve since learned to embrace my differences. Now, I love my eyes. 

Haljina LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture
Nakit za kosu CHAINED BY SEDONA @chainedbysedona
Čizme JEROME C.ROUSSEAU @jeromecrousseau
Prsten VEERT @itsveert

That’s crazy! I never would have imagined you having to experience that type of ridicule. 

You don’t know the half of it. (She smiles and laughs charmingly).

I thought you would have said your signature red, curly hair; I love that alternate answer, because it’s not quite as expected.

I love my hair now too. It’s another re-established appreciation. Sadly, I used to dye my hair black and dark brown as well, in order to not stand out so much as a child. Kids can be cruel… I embrace it now. I love my curls! I learned how to take care of them and allow them to shine. It’s freeing! It’s such a joy to learn to appreciate and even more importantly celebrate what features you have naturally. Be yourself. It’s empowering. I’ve learned to love myself again.

How would you describe yourself?

I see myself as a person who wants to change things. Through my life and experiences, I’d like to create more opportunities and personal freedoms for others. I see myself as a warrior. I want to help other warriors or people who aspire to be more warrior-like discover there uniquely individual power. We’re all trying to figure out what it means to live this crazy human experience. Sometimes I feel like I’m in a state of an infinite consciousness. I can feel like I’m not even in my own skin. I try to consciously get back into my skin and take on the challenge to feel “human” as best as I can. (She laughs). I wanna help people. I just want to be a vessel of love.

Beautifully said. Are you ready for another rapid fire question?

Sure. Let’s go!

You’ve worked with some impressive brands up to this point, being featured in more than 100 commercials, over 60 campaigns, etc. What client have you not worked with yet, that you believe would an ideal partnership. 

Chanel. I love their creative vision, direction and branding. It would be amazing to partner with them. They always feel fresh and current. I admire that. It would be a real privilege to partner with them in some way.

Haljina LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture Available at Albright Fashion Library @albrightfashionlibrayla
Ogrlica ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar

Next let’s talk about this transition from full time model to actress. You’ve been on a lot of people’s radar recently, as one to watch. As an emerging actress, what traits do you find have helped you the most to stand out?

I’m a perfectionist, in a way. I’m always looking for ways that I can improve or outdo myself. I always want to make my talents stronger. I am very proud of the fact that I can morph energies. I can harness different energy on command. I can encapsulate the energy of others, in order to become them for a role. That helps me to be able to feel what the character feels. Cry tears that a character would cry. I feel like that is a great advantage that I’ve cultivated as an actress. I’m no longer myself in that moment. I’m channeling someone or something else.

What kind of film / TV projects would you like to be associated with

Films that go against the grain always catch my attention. So much of what I see now feels like it’s a rehashing of the same thing. I’ve always been a creative. I want to do projects that feel groundbreaking and different. Not trying to do something merely for profit, but for the sake of telling a story that hasn’t been told yet. If there’s a beautiful creative direction there, I’ll be interested. Films that create a sense of wonder always impress me. As a viewer and an actor I want to transport to new worlds. Question reality and why things are the way they are. Challenge the thinking of the audience, bust through the norms and open the neural pathways. Some films do that beautifully and I want to be a part of that world.

Another rapid fire question! What is a hidden talent that most people and even some close friends may not know you have? 

I play Polo!” She says with a bright smile. “I’m quite good.

That is unexpected. In that case, it sounds like Ralph Lauren might be an ideal collaborating partner as well. 

Absolutely! I’m a fan of their work as well. I’d be honored to work with them. I know we could surely create some magic together.

Creatively, do you feel like you have a good support system around you, at this point in your career?

I do! I’ve curated a production team that I’m so grateful for and proud of. I actually produced my first high budget short film during the pandemic. It will be released very soon. I had the pleasure of working with a talented director named Nikita Belomestnykh. I love bringing creatives together to create beautiful things. That’s a life goal for me; to bring beauty into this world. This world is what we make it to be. I believe that the more beauty you show the world, the more light you’ll produce. It takes one person to begin something great and then others will start to follow that great thing. Starting something that could ignite the passion or purpose in someone else is a beautiful blessing in itself.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with you. You are a beauty inside and out. Final question for you: What would you want the world to know most about Amara Vayder?

I see my whole life as an experiment up to this point. I want to breakthrough cultural boundaries, societal norms and stigmas. My mom was a test tube baby. My birth wasn’t planned. I was a happy accident, so I feel grateful to even be here. I always feel that the sheer fact that I’m alive. I haven’t even begun to write the story of my life’s journey. I’m not an influencer, in the sense of what you’d think of today. I’m a creative artist first and foremost. Social media is a platform for me to showcase my art and connect with people who relate to it. I am beautifully complex as a person. I’m a deep soul. I see our connections, as people, like a web. Most importantly, I’m here to fight for change. I want to be an ambassador and trailblazer of consequence. I want to use my art and visual media to open people’s minds. I’m a nerd at heart, but also a passionate warrior who wants to leave this world better than I found it.

Haljina, top i suknja LEVER COUTURE @lever_couture Available at Albright Fashion Library @albrightfashionlibrayla
Prsten i minđuše ALEXIS BITTAR @alexisbittar
Prsten VEERT @itsveert


Model: Amara Vayder @amaravayder
Photographer: Michele Laurita @michelelaurita
Creative Direction & Styling: Jenny Williams @jennywilliams_creative
Hair Stylist: Terezka Fras @terezkafras @nonamemanagement
Make Up: Lina Mourey @linamourey
Set Design: Isaac Aaron @itsisaacaaron
Set Dresser: Charlotte CaHill @char_3d_artist
Stylist Assitant: Alona Zankovska @zankovska
Digital Tech: Eric Curtis @ericcurtisphoto
Gaffer: Eric Larson @shortshortlong
Assistant: Jake Shideler @jake_wh0








