Harper's Bazaar Srbija

Anna Chernitskaya: My Evening Ritual

Za magazin Harper’s BAZAAR Srbija, vlasnica kompanije i tvorac brenda The Ritual Tea, otkriva kako su izgledali njeni počeci u Americi i kako je uopšte počela da se bavi preduzetništvom, ali nam daje i korisne savete za ispijanje čaja.


Vlasnica kompanije i tvorac brenda The Ritual Tea, Anna Chernitskaya, 2017. godine dolazi iz Istočne Evrope u Njujork, gde danas živi i radi. Za magazin Harper’s BAZAAR ispričala je kako je počela da se bavi biznisom, sa kakvim se sve kulturnim razlikama susrela u Americi, ali nam daje i praktične savete o tome kako treba da izgleda jedno ritualno ispijanje čaja i u čemu nam to sve može pomoći.

Vlasnica ste kompanije The Rital Tea. Recite nam nešto više o svom brendu.

Jedna od stvari koja je uticala na to napravim svoj brend bio je povremeni fasting. To mi je promenilo život – pomoglo da rešim razne zdravstvene probleme i da se danas osećam odlično. Kada fastujete, ne možete da jedete, tako da su biljni čajevi od velike pomoći. Poželela sam da napravim jednu zajednicu i izgradim kompaniju koja će pomoći ljudima da sve to rade na jedan lak način.

Kako ste postali preduzetnica?

Kada sam se preselila u Sjedinjene Američke Države, brzo sam se ugojila i bilo mi je strašno teško da smršam. Uz to, imala sam hronični tonzilitis, pa sam morala da operišem krajnike, jer sam konstantno bila bolesna. Za sve to vreme mnogo sam se bavila ishranom i učila o hrani, a posebno me je zainteresovao fasting. Zahvaljujući tome ne samo što sam izgubila kilograme, nego sam povratila energiju, osećala sam se bolje nego ikad u životu. Plus, grlo me više uopšte nije bolelo, a onda sam shvatila da je sve vreme pijem jedan te isti čaj od heljde koji sam tražila od druga da mi donese iz inostranstva, jer ga niko ne prodaje u Americi. U to vreme sam studirala poslovnu školu na Harvardu i sve se lepo poklopilo sa idejom da odmah uđem u biznis.


Cipele: TOM FORD

Opišite nam taj svoj poslovni put – šta vam je bilo najteže?

Sve može da stane u jednu rečenicu: najteže je početi i ne odustati kada je teško.

Kao preduzetnica, kako vidite položaj žena danas u biznisu – moraju li one da se trude više od svojih muških kolega? 

Verujem da da, ali zbog toga što mi pored posla brinemo i o mnogim drugim stvarima – deci i porodici, brižnije smo, nežnije, a opet, mnogo vremena provodimo brinući o svom telu – vežbanju, ulepšavanju. Lično, okružena sam ženama preduzetnicama, pa mi je možda lakše u poslu nego nekim drugim ženama. 

Kako reagujete kada vam neko kaže da ne pije čaj čak ni onda kada je bolestan?

Ljudi sa takvim stavom mnogo gube jer biljni čajevi mogu rešiti razne zdravstvene probleme i generalno imati benefite po ceo organizam.

Gde su najlepši čajevi na svetu?

Verujem da su u Kini – odličnog su kvaliteta i beskrajno su raznovrsni. Volim i biljne mešavine iz Sibira – tako su dobre!

Haljina: TOM FORD, Cipele: TOM FORD 

Kako izgleda vaš ritual ispijanja čaja kod kuće?

Popijem toliko čaja tokom dana da je to ludo! Uvek popijem šolju čaja Ujutru, kada se probudim, pa jednu pre treninga i meditacije – to je moj svakodnevni ritual koji me čini srećnom. Pijem ga i tokom dana u ogromnim količinama, ali uveče obavezno – da opustim telo i spremim se za spavanje. Trenutno radim na jednoj mešavini čajeva koja će biti dobra za lakši san. 

Odakle najviše volite da pijete čaj (kakve šoljice volite, da li moraju da budu posebne…)?

Skupljam šolje iz Diznilenda, i to sa Zvončicom, a obožavam da pijem čaj iz svoje Tiffany & Co šolje. Verujem u to da svi detalji kojima ste okruženi u životu treba da budu lepi. 

Otkrijte nam neki trik u ispijanja čaja – kad je najbolje da se pije, iz kakvih šolja, koliko dugo? 

Moje magično vreme je jutro! Volim da spremim čaj, meditiram, vodim dnevnik i planiram dan pred sobom. Ovaj ritual je napravio značajnu razliku u mom životu, u tome kako se osećam mentalno. Kada praktikujete određene rituale svakog dana, vaš um i telo su izbalansiraniji, osećate se manje anksiozno, sigurnije i bezbednije.

Uživati li i u modi?

Ponekad i previše.

Imate omiljenog dizajnera?

Ja sam definitivno Chanel devojka! Volim i brendove Alaia, Saint Laurent, Dior i Loro Piana.

Šta morate da kupite kada vidite u izlogu?

Chanel jaknu svake sezone. One su moja opsesija. I obično se ne nalaze tako lako. 

Ogrlica i narukvice: STING HD Minđuše: STING HD, Haljina: MICHAEL COSTELLO, Cipele: VERSACE

Kako vidite sebe za deset godina – profesionalno i privatno?

Sebe vidim kao vlasnicu velike wellness kompanije koja pomaže milionima ljudi da se osećaju dobro i da se klone lekova, nego da prigrle jednostavne, zdrave navike, tretmane, rituale. Privatno – kao dobru suprugu i mamu troje prelepe dece. 

Zašto ste odabrali baš Njujork za život? Ili je, možda, Njujork odabrao vas? 

Mislim da smo izabrali jedno drugo! Nikada nisam želela da živim ovde, ali me je ovde dovela sudbina. U početku mi se nikako nije dopalo, ali sada ga obožavam, tu njegovu energije i sve lepote. U Njujorku možete pronaći sve što želite. Jedino što mi se ne dopada je vreme, rado bih volela da tokom godine boravim u različitim gradovima. 

Kao neko ko dolazi iz istočne Evrope, šta vam je bilo najteže da prihvatite u američkoj kulturi ili, možda vam, baš zato što dolazite sa Istoka u najzapadniju zemlju, ništa nije bilo teško?

Bilo mi je baš teško! Odrastala sam u veoma strogoj porodici – sa ocem koji je bio u mornarici, plus je vrlo religiozan. Vreme sam provodila čitajući, igrajući šah i klasični balet, bila sam totalno izgubljena kad sam stigla u sredinu kao što je Njujork. Zahvaljujući profesorima na Harvardu i mojoj profesorki engleskog, uspela sam da progovorim engleski tečno, a s vremenom je i prilagođavanje bilo lakše. 


Moto kojim se vodite kroz život?

Vaš najveći strah nosi vaš najveći rast i – uradite najviše što možete, sa onim što imate, tamo gde ste.

Stvari u kojima najviše uživate kada ne radite?

Volim da vežbam i šetam gradom ili vozim bicikl, da čitam, igram šah, ali i da odlazim na spa tretmane i masaže. Uživam u modi i lepoj odeći, pa volim i da šopingujem, kao i da putujem – odlazak na prelepa mesta u meni budi osećaj kao da sam u nekom filmu. Odrastajući u gradu odakle sam, nisam mogla ni da zamišljam život kakav danas vodim, iskreno. Zahvalna sam na svakom trenutku u svom životu i trudim se da u svakom uživam, a kad naiđe neki loš period samo pomislim da se iza njega sigurno krije neka lekcija. 

Omiljena knjiga?

Antifragile od Nassima Nicholasa Taleba.

English Below: 


Anna Chernitskaya, owner of the company and creator of The Ritual Tea brand, came to New York from Eastern Europe in 2017, where she lives and works today. For Harper’s BAZAAR Serbia, she reveals how she got into the business, what kind of cultural differences she encountered in America, but also, she gives us practical advice on what a ritual drinking of tea should look like and how it can change our whole life. 

You are the owner of The Rital Tea. Tell us a little more about your brand.

I created a brand,because I’m a big fan of intermittent fasting!It changed my life and helped me to solve health issues plus I feel great now. When you fast – you can’t eat so herbal teas are very helpful. I want to make a community and build a company that will help people to do it in easy way .

How did you become an entrepreneur?

When I moved to United States i gained a lot of weight quickly and it was extremely hard to lose it.Plus I had a chronic tonsillitis and I had to cut my glands out because I was constantly sick.I was learning a lot of studies about food nutrition and how fasting affects on humans bodies and I was trying different approaches. I dropped so much weight and felt much better plus my throat never bothered me again since I started this journey! Then i realized I was drinking the same buckwheat tea that I was asking my friends to bring from other country and nobody is selling it here in USA. I was studying in Harvard Business school and I opened a business during that time.

Dress: TOM FORD, Shoes: TOM FORD 

Describe your business journey to us – what was the most difficult climb for you on that road?

The most difficult is to start and not to give up when it gets hard!

How do you react when someone says they don’t drink tea even when they’re sick?

I feel like they are missing out because herbal teas can solve a lot of health issues and it has so many benefits for health.

Where are the most beautiful teas in the world?

I believe China is number one. Great quality and insane variety! But also i love Siberian herbal blends – it’s just so good!

What does your tea drinking ritual look like at home?

I drink so much tea during the day it’s crazy! When I wake up I always drink a cup in the morning before my workout and meditation – it’s my every day ritual that makes me happy. I drink a lot of tea during the day as well and preferably one cup in the evening to relax the body and get ready to sleep. I’m working on sleeping blends now.

Where do you most like to drink tea from (what kind of cups do you like, do they have to be special…)?

I love to collect cups from Disneyland with tinker bell and I always drink tea from my Tiffany’s cups. I believe that everything that surrounds you should be esthetically beautiful.

Bracelets/Necklace: STING HD, Earrings: STING HD, Dress: MICHAEL COSTELLO, Shoes: VERSACE

Can you tell us some secret of drinking tea, some detail of that ritual (at what time is it best to drink it or from which cups), tell us some trick that will introduce us to that magical world of tea drinking?

My magical time-is morning. I love to make a cup of tea, meditate and journal and plan my day. This daily ritual made a big difference in the way i feel mentally, as well it calms a nervous system down not just because of the meditation. When you have the same rituals every days your mind and body feeling less anxious and you feel more safe and secure.

Recommend us some tea for relaxation.

The Ritual buckwheat tea!It has no caffeine and lowers a blood sugar.

Do you enjoy fashion?

I love it too much sometimes.

And do you have a favorite designer?

I’m definitely a Chanel girl. Also i love Alaia, Saint Laurent, Dior and Loro Piana.

Watches: CARTIER, Bracelets & Necklace: STING HD, Earrings: STING HD, Dress: RICK OWENS, Shoes: PRADA

What do you have to buy when you see it in the shop window?

I always have to buy the best Chanel jacket every season! Its my obsession. Usually,it’s quite a journey to find it.

As female entrepreneur, how do you see the position of women today – in the business world – do they have to work harder than men in order to achieve certain goals and succeed in business?

I believe that women has to work harder then man in general because we have so much to do like taking care of ourselves,kids,family and etc .in a business world in my felid there are a lot of woman entrepreneurs so it’s a bit easier. Sometimes I’m thinking how much easier it would be a man and not to think about all this crazy stuff that is necessary for the woman!It takes so much time. 

How do you see yourself in ten years – professionally and privately?

I see myself as an owner of a big wellness company that helps millions of people feel good and stay away from medications by just simple healthy habits, treatments and supplements. And I see myself in private life as a good wife and mom of a three beautiful kids.

Why did you choose New York as a place to live (or, perhaps, did New York choose you)?

I think we chose each other!I never wanted to live here, but randomly my destiny brought me here. In the beginning i didn’t like it, but now I adore the beauty of this city and the energy! You can find anything you want here! Only one thing i don’t like-is the weather so I would be happy to split my time in between few cities. 


As someone who comes from Eastern Europe, what was the most difficult thing for you to accept in American culture or, maybe, just because you come from Eastern Europe – nothing was difficult for you?

I had a very hard time! I grew up in a very strict family and my father was in navy before plus he was religious.I was reading a lot of books and I was a chess champion and professional classic ball dancer in school,can you Imagine coming from that background here? Harvard Business school plus my English speaking tutor helped me a lot to speak professionally but I worked really hard!

The motto you use to guide yourself through life?

Your largest fear carries your greatest growth and – do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

Things you enjoy most when you’re not working?

I love working out and I love to walk around the city or ride a bike, reading books, playing chess and i love to take care of myself like spa treatments and massages. And of course i love fashion and I love to wear beautiful clothes and going to beautiful places makes me feel like in the movie! Growing up in the city where I’m from i didn’t even dream the life I’m living now to be honest ! So I’m grateful for everything I have and I enjoy every moment of my life even if it’s bad because I know it gives me a lesson and makes me learn. 

Favorite book?

I love Antifragile by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.

Team Credits: 

Model: Anna Chernitskaya @anna.chernitskaya888

Photographer: Daria Gladkova @gladkova_photography

Stilista: Arlyn Barsea @arlynstyling_

Makeup: Alina Bondarevska @alina_bondarevska

