U očaravajućem editorijalu koji slavi suštinu prirodne elegancije, model Alexandra Zanela utelovljuje prefinjenu lepotu kao nikada do sada. Oslobođena svakog viška, fotografija prikazuje njene upečatljive crte lica i graciozno držanje, omogućavajući njenoj autentičnoj suštini da zasija.
Fokus se bez napora pomera između Alexandrine sjajne kože i prelepih komada nakita koji je krase. Svaki dragulj, remek-delo samo po sebi, pojačava njenu prirodnu privlačnost, stvarajući harmoničnu ravnotežu između jednostavnosti i sofisticiranosti. Suštinski kontrast između njene ogoljene lepote i složenih detalja nakita poziva posmatrače da cene umetnost minimalizma, gde je manje zapravo više.
Dok svetlost igra oko nje, Alexandra Zanela se pojavljuje kao simbol moderne ženstvenosti—bez napora, očaravajuća i neosporno prefinjena. Ovaj editorijal ne samo da ističe lepotu ljudske forme, već i slavi transformativnu moć nakita, ostavljajući snažnu poruku da je elegancija vanvremenska.
English here:

In a captivating editorial that celebrates the essence of natural elegance, model Alexandra Zanela embodies refined beauty like never before. Stripped of excess, the shoot showcases her striking features and graceful poise, allowing her authentic self to shine through.
The focus shifts seamlessly between Alexandra’s radiant skin and exquisite jewelry pieces that adorn her. Each jewel, a masterpiece in its own right, enhances her natural allure, creating a harmonious balance between simplicity and sophistication. The juxtaposition of her unadorned beauty with the intricate details of the jewelry invites viewers to appreciate the art of minimalism, where less truly is more.
As the light dances around her, Alexandra Zanela emerges as a symbol of modern femininity—effortless, captivating, and undeniably refined. This editorial not only highlights the beauty of the human form but also celebrates the transformative power of jewelry, making a bold statement that elegance is timeless.

Team credits:
Model: Alexandra Zanela @alexandra.j.zanela
Photographer: Iulia David @iulia_david_photography
Make-up and Hair: Fabio Sarra @fabiosarramakeup
Retoucher: Anna Bel Dyden @retouch_annabel
PR: @say__media