Darian Dali: Modni eskapizam

Haljina: Miss Circle @_misscircle_

Darian Dali je uspešan model, modna dizajnerka, agentica za prodaju luksuznih nekretnina a uskoro je očekuje i promocija svoje prve pesme (singla) koju potpisuje i kao tekstopisac. U iskrenom razgovoru za Harper’s Bazaar.rs potrudila se da sruši mitove i predrasude o modelima, istakne u prvi plan sve lepote i mane tog posla, kao i da nam približi zašto smatra da modeling nije na mestu na kom je ranije bio, i kakve ga sve promene tokom vremena prate.

Darian, čeka te mnogo interesantnih projekata. Na cover-u si Harper’s BAZAAR-a, tvoj prvi singl će uskoro izaći, takođe, uskoro lansiraš svoj modni brend. Kako organizuješ svoje vreme između svih tih interesantnih projekata?

Zadovoljstvo mi je da trošim većinu svog vremena radeći na stvarima koje su mi značajne. Ne postoji bolji osećaj na svetu od toga da gledaš kako se tvoje ideje i snovi ostvaruju. Postoji poznata izreka – ili gradiš svoje snove ili te neko drugi zaposli da izgradiš njegove, ja još uvek nisam u poziciji da zaposlim tim ljudi da mi pomognu da ostvarim svoj san, ali svi moramo da počnemo odnekud.

Šta te je inspirisalo da postaneš modna dizajnerka?

Del Toro kolekcija je inspirisana i posvećena mojoj najboljoj prijateljici, Mercedes del Toro. Iako više nije sa nama, uspomena na nju će zauvek ostati u srcima nas koji smo je voleli. Bila je izuzetna osoba, imala je značajnu ulogu u mom životu, naučila me je kako da živim život punim plućima i uživam u svakom momentu. Iako je njen život bio kratak, ona je uživala i živela svaki momenat u potpunosti.

Haljina: Miss Circle @_misscircle_

Vau, Darian. Tako je lepo i inspirativno saznati o brendu koji ima takvo značenje. Kakav tip žena treba da nosi Del Toro kolekciju?

Del Toro kolekcija je brend napravljen za samouverenu ženu koja se ne plaši da se izdvaja u masi. Del Toro je više od modne linije, to je životni stil. Zasijaj i obuci se svaki dan kao da je posebna prilika, zato što svaki dan i jeste posebna prilika, i najvažnije, dok sijate u Del Toro komadima, nemojte zaboraviti da najsjajnije svetlo dolazi iznutra.

Kakav je osećaj od modela postati modna dizajnerka?

Sjajan je osećaj posmatrati modnu industriju iz drugog ugla. Kad sam bila model, modeling me je uvek podsećao na lutku iz izloga, koja prima smernice od dizajnera, stilista i fotografa, nadajući se da će pogoditi njihov zamišljeni mood board. Ako ti kažu da budeš ozbiljna, prestaneš da se smeješ, ako ti kažu da se nasmeješ, ponovo nabaciš osmeh. Vratiću se ponovo na onu izreku, nekad modeling izgleda kao zaposlenje da ostvariš ideje i snove drugih ljudi. Zato tranzicija iz modela u modnog dizajnera oredstavlja ostvarenje snova za modela, zato što konačno uspostavlja svoj glas. Ne biraju te. Sada si ti ta koja bira ko odgovara stilu tvog breda. Odabir materijala, kreiranje dezena i dizajniranje kolekcije, počevši od nule, zabavan je i kreativan proces, ali je i mnogo više od toga…

Haljina: Miss Circle @_misscircle_

Kako se modelig menjao tokom vremena?

Modeling je uvek bio prepun duplih standarda i grešaka, ponekad nezdrava ideja perfekcije. Međutim, šta je značilo biti model u periodu između 80-ih i 2000-ih, nije isto što je i danas. Mi smo svet društvenih meža, svet influensera. Nećeš daleko stići samo zato što si lep. Ustvari, lepe lutke i super mršave Barbike čak ni nisu trendu danas. One su bile trend tokom 90-ih. Današnji svet želi različitost, ceni jedinstven izgled, ali i da osoba ima zanimljive lične osobine. Na ceni su jake žene koje mogu da progovore i inspirišu druge.

Čestitke za tvoj novi singl ,,One more sip“, koji izlazi u junu. Kakvu ulogu ima muzika u tvom životu?

Hvala! Muzika je uvek bila značajan deo mog života. Trenutno pišem drugu pesmu koja će izaći uskoro. Tako da, pratite me. 

Haljina Miss Circle @_misscircle_

Darian, sa 22 godine imaš već ostvarenu karijeru modela, vlasnica si modnog brenda, snimaš album. Ali, mnogi ljudi ne znaju da si i agent za nekeretnine na Beverly Hills-u. Kako napreduješ kao agent za nekretnine? Koji su tvoji ciljevi i da li si se susrela sa nekim poteškoćama? Kako se ova industrija razlikuje od industrije zabave?

Postoji stereotip da modeli nisu pametni, zato ova tranzicija može biti teška za mladu ženu, posebno za nekoga ko prelazi iz industrije zabave u ozbiljnu industriju prodaje nekretnina. Srećom, ovo je posao sa ljudima, tako da kao neko ko je predhodno radio u šou biznisu, šanse su da već imate izgrađenu mrežu potencijalnih klijenata koji žele da investiraju u nekretnine (jer ko ne želi da investira u nekretnine ovih dana?! ) Dodatno, stvaranje novi kontakata i proširenje mreže klijenata će verovatno biti prirodan i zabavan proces.

Sa druge strane, tržište prodaje nekretnina nije samo vezano za prisustvo na događajima i umrežavanje sa ljudima, to je ozbiljan posao, i kao agent, moraš da barataš milionskim (nekad čak i multimilionskim) transakcijama, zato ne samo da moraš da budeš pun znanja već i da ljudi steknu poverenje u tebe, takođe moraš da znaš kako da menadžerišeš sopstveni biznis, jer kao agent za nekretnine ti si sopstveni šef i radiš po sopstvenom rasporedu (što je za mene savršeno zbog ovog hektičnog doba godine). Moja firma (Keller Williams Beverly Hills) nudi mnoštvo kurseva i programa mentorstva kojima trenutno prisustvujem i iako sam karijeru agenta za nekretnine započela nedavno, već sam prodala nekretnine u vrednosti od preko 20 miliona, što priznaćete nije loš start. U bliskoj budućnosti, vidim sebe kako takođe investiram u nekretnine.

Haljina : Miss Circle @_misscircle_   
Minđuše: Maison Privée @Maisonpriveepr

Darian, bilo je lepo razgovarati sa tobom. Prava si definicija lepote i pameti. Kakav bi savet dala devojčicama koje žele da postanu modeli? One možda čitaju ovaj članak sada, gledaju tvoju prelepu sliku na cover-u Harper’s BAZAAR magazina i pitaju se da li trebaju da se upuste u karijeru modela.

Ako je to nešto što njihovo srce želi, trebalo bi da pokušaju. Jedino ograničenje je um. Ako ne znaš kako da počneš, počni sa kreiranjem sadržaja za društvene mreže, beauty i make-up tutorijala. I koliko god jednostavno može da zvuči, budite samouverene i verujte u sebe! 

English here:

Darian, you got so many exciting projects on the way. You are on cover of Harper’s Bazaar, your first single is about to get released and you are also launching your clothing brand. How do you manage your time between all these exciting projects? 

I am so glad to be spending most of my time working on the things that are meaningful to me, there’s no better feeling in the world than to see your ideas and dream projects come to life. There’s a well known saying, you either build your own dreams, or  someone will hire you to build theirs, and while I’m not at that place in my life yet to hire a team of professionals to help me make all my dreams come true, we all have to start somewhere. 

Haljina : Miss Circle @_misscircle_   
Minđuše: Maison Privée @Maisonpriveepr

 What inspired you to become a fashion designer? 

Del Toro Collection was inspired by and is dedicated to my best friend, Mercedes Del Toro. Although she is no longer with us, the loving memory of her will forever stay in the hearts of those who loved her. She was such an extraordinary person, she played an important role in my life, she taught me how to live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment of it. And although her life was short, she enjoyed  and lived every moment of it to the fullest. 

Wow. Darian. This is so beautiful and inspiring to see a brand that has so much meaning behind it. What type of women do you see wearing Del Toro Collection? 

Del Toro collection is a brand made for confident women that are not afraid to stand out of the crowd. Del Toro is more than a clothing line, it is a lifestyle. Shine bright and dress up for every day as if it is a special occasion, because every day is a special occasion, and most importantly, while shining bright in Del Toro Collection pieces, don’t forget that the brightest light is the one that comes from within. 

How does it feel to be a model turned into a fashion designer?

It feels amazing to see the fashion industry from the other angle. When I used to be a full time model, modeling often reminded me of being this silent display doll, taking directions from the designers, stylists and photographers, hoping that I would  fit their mood board style. If they tell you to be serious, you stop smiling, if they tell you to smile, you turn the smile back on:)  Coming back to that saying that I brought up earlier, at times  modeling can feel similar to getting hired to make other people’s ideas and dreams come to reality.

That is why the transition from a model into a fashion designer is like a dream come true for the models, because now you finally get a word. You are not being picked. Now you are the one that gets to pick who fits the style of your brand. Getting the fabrics, creating the patterns and designing your own collection from scratch is a fun and creative process, but there’s so much more to it….

Total look: Del Toro Collection @Deltoro_collection

How did the modeling industry change over the time?

The modeling industry has always been filled with double standards and the wrongful, sometimes unhealthy idea of perfection. However,  what it used to mean to be a model in the 80s-2000s is not the same as what it means today. We live in the world of social media , the world of influencers. You won’t get far just by being pretty. As a matter of fact, pretty dolls and super thin Barbies are not even in trend today. They used to be in trend in the 90s. The today’s world wants diversity, it values unique looks with the personality behind it. Today’s world values strong women that can speak up and inspire others. 

Congratulations on your new single  “One more sip” that came out in June. What role does music play in your life ? 

Thank you. Music has always been a big part of my life. I am currently writing another song that will be lout soon. So stay tuned.

Total look: Del Toro Collection @Deltoro_collection

Darian, at the age of 22 you have already accomplished a successful modeling carrier, you  own a clothing brand, recording an album. And, not many people know that you are also a Real Estate agent here in Beverly hills. How is Real Estate going for you so far? What are your goals and have you faced with any obstacles ?  How is the industry different from the entertainment industry? 

There is a stereotype that models aren’t smart, that is why this transition can be hard for any young woman , especially for the ones that are making their transition  from working in the entertainment business into the serious business of selling Real Estate. Luckily, this is a people’s business, so as someone who has  previously worked in the entertainment industry, the chances are that you have already built a network of potential clients looking to invest in real estate (because who doesn’t want to invest in real estate these days??:) in addition , making new connections and networking will most likely be a natural and fun process for you. 

On the other side, Real Estate is not all about attending events and networking with people, it is a serious business, and as a realtor, you have to handle million (sometimes multimillion !!) dollar transactions, so obviously not only do you have to be knowledgeable and trust worthy, you also  have to know how to manage and operate your own business, because as a real estate agent you are your own boss and work under your own schedule ( which is perfect for me at this busy time of the year) My firm ( Keller Williams Beverly Hills) offers a variety of courses and mentorship programs that I am currently enrolled in, and although my Real Estate journey has started recently, I have already sold over 20 million worth of Real Estate transactions, not a bad start. In the near future I see myself investing in Real Estate as well. 

Darian, it was so nice chatting with you. You are a true definition of a beauty and brains. What advice would you give to a young girl who wants to become a model? She might be reading this article right now, looking at your beautiful photo on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine and wondering whether she should pursue modeling.

If your heart desires something, go for it. The only limitations are in your own mind.If you don’t know where to start, start by creating content, make up and beauty  tutorials. And as simplistic as it may sound, be confident and belief in yourself.

Total look: Del Toro Collection @Deltoro_collection

STARRING: Daria Dali @dariadali
PHOTOGRAPHY: Jason Rivera @jayrivphoto
PR Agency: SGG Public Relations @sggpublicrelations 
MAKEUP: Patrick Santa Ana @patricksantaana
HAIR: Crystal Goins @crystal.gene_beauty
STYLIST: Estelle Aporongao @estella.png
GAFFER: Rickie Arnez  @rickiearnez
RETOUCHER: Jason Rivera @jayrivphoto
PA: Mia xavez @demasiadita

