Nežna buntovnica

Princeze nikada nisu prestajale da postoje. Royalty je stanje uma. A nežna ženstvenost nikada nije ni izlazila iz mode. Puno čipke i satena i lagane prozračne tkanine uz dašak zlata, koncept je savremene Pepeljuge koja, bez izvinjavanja, nosi crveni ruž. Kočija i staklene cipele – po izboru.

Biografija Daphne:

Daphne Marleen Laan odrasla je u Holandiji, dok su joj koreni holandski i indonežanski. Studirala je Pravo i Fizikalnu terapiju, ali studije nije privela kraju jer nije bila dovoljno zainteresovana za ove karijere. S toga, počela je da putuje. Tada je modeling ušao u njen život. Znala je da je otkrila svoju pravu strast.

English here:

Princesses have never ceased to exist. Royalty is a state of mind. And gentle femininity has never gone out of fashion. Lace, satin and light fabric with a touch of gold. Cinderella unapologetically wears red lipstick. Carriage and glass slippers optional.

Daphne’s bio:

Model Daphne Marleen Laan grew up in the Netherlands, though she is of both Dutch and Indonesian heritage. At university, she studied law and physical therapy. While both fields proved fascinating, she found herself lacking the passion for either to complete her studies. Instead, she began to explore the world through travel. It was during these travels that modeling came into her life. She knew she had found her passion.

Romantični klasik / Ageless classic

Zlatni saten / Golden satin

Nevino bela čipka u spoju sa buntovnom crvenom / Innocent white lace combined with rebellious red lips

Team :

Rick Lash @thericklash

Model: Daphne Marleen @daphne_marleen_

Make-up Artists & Hair Styling: Segal Yehudai & Nancy Maloney @nancymaloneymakeup

Stylist: Matt Rossi @matttrossi

Styling Assistant: Laur Weeks @laur.weeks

Wardrobe and Additional Styling: M. Lorincz @mlorincz_

Booties by Maison Margiela Spring Summer 2020
